GP Fund Interest Rates 1963 to 2012

I am sharing here the history of GP Fund Interest Rates 1953 to Date History (History of GP Fund Mark-up Rates). These GP Fund Interest rates are very useful for Govt Employees. These can help in calculating the interest on GP Fund as well as these can be very useful for the purpose of calculating interest on Motor Car Advance, Motor Cycle Advance, etc. In a few years, Government also granted a Bonus on GP Fund Interest amount. Federal Government issued new GP Fund Interest Rates 2021-22 @ 12.40%. The year-wise interest rates on the GP Fund since 1963 to date are as under:

GP Fund (General Provident Fund) Interest Rates 1953 to Date


This GP Fund (General Provident Fund) Interest Rates from 1953 to Date have a variation in them. Sometimes the Government increases mark-up rates to 17.51 plus a bonus @ 1.3% thus totaling to @ 22.76. In the same way, the Government also reduced the rates to a minimum of 3%. In recent history in 2022-21, Federal Government reduced the rates to 7.90 which was lower since a long.


Table of GP Fund Mark-up Rates Since 1963


Year Rate of Interest
1963-64 4.00
1964-65 5.00
1965-66 5.25
1966-67 6.00
1967-68 6.00
1968-69 6.25
1969-70 6.25
1970-71 6.25
1971-72 6.50
1972-73 7.25
1973-74 8.25
1974-75 10.25
1975-76 10.50
1976-77 10.75
1977-78 11.75
1978-79 12.00
1979-80 12.50
1980-81 13.00
1981-82 13.00
1982-83 13.20
1983-84 14.00
1984-85 14.60
1985-86 14.72
1986-87 14.66
1987-88 14.00
1988-89 14.84
1989-90 15.93
1990-91 15.93
1991-92 15.93
1992-93 15.93
1993-94 15.54
1994-95 15.44
1995-96 15.49
1996-97 16.76
1997-98 17.51
1998-99 17.35
1999-00 16.11
2000-01 15.00
2001-02 15.00
2002-03 14.50
2003-04 13.50
2004-05 12.00
2005-06 10.50
2006-07 11.00
2007-08 12.50
2008-09 15.00
2009-10 14.00
2010-11 14.20
2011-12 13.70
2012-13  12.00
2013-14  13.50
 2014-15  11.75
2015-16 11.10
2016-17 11.30
2017-18 11.70
2018-19 14.35
2019-20 12.00
2020-21 7.90
2021-22 12.40
2022-23 Awaited
See also  Notification of Clarification 20 Years Pension Qualifying Service (20 Years for Voluntary Retirements)

Note these rates are also applicable to GP Fund Balances however for calculation of interest on GP Fund accounts a bonus @ 30 % of interest will be added for the years from 1986-1987 to 1999-2000.

 NOTE:   In the above chart, a bonus @ 30% of interest for the years from 1986-87 to   1999-2000 has been added in the interest rates as shown by the calculations below:


Bonus Rates on GP Fund


Interest rate + bonus @ 30% of interest = Interest rate * 1.30 = Net Interest rate
Year Interest Rate Year Interest Rate
1986-87 14.66 * 1.30 = 19.06 1993-94 15.54 * 1.30 = 20.20
1987-88 14.00 * 1.30 = 18.20 1994-95 15.44 * 1.30 = 20.07
1988-89 14.84 * 1.30 = 19.29 1995-96 15.49 * 1.30 = 20.13
1989-90 15.93 * 1.30 = 20.71 1996-97 16.76 * 1.30 = 21.79
1990-91 15.93 * 1.30 = 20.71 1997-98 17.51 * 1.30 = 22.76
1991-92 15.93 * 1.30 = 20.71 1998-99 17.35 * 1.30 = 22.55
1992-93 15.93 * 1.30 = 20.71 1999-2K 16.11 * 1.30 = 20.94

GP Fund Mark-Up Rates Since 1953-54


The mark-up rates table of GP Fund since 1953-54 to 1962-63 is as under:


Year Rate of Interest
1953-54 3.00
1954-55 3.00
1955-56 3.00
1956-57 3.00
1957-58 3.00
1958-59 3.00
1959-60 4.00
1960-61 4.00
1961-62 4.00
1962-63 4.00

GP Fund Interest Rates 1953 to Date History

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36 thoughts on “GP Fund Interest Rates 1963 to 2012

  1. Assalam-o-Alaikum can I see the Circular of 30% Over & Above Bonus on G. P. Fund please.
    Is this circular has circulated during these specific period i.e. 1986-1987 to 1999-2000. As I have check the circulars of Interest Rates which are same as in Chart.
    Please help.

  2. Hello Shumaila Kamal you have just mentioned about how to calculate GP Fund. but my question is that after calculating GPF how to calculate Sud dar Sud on deducted GP Fund.

  3. A.A, Sisiter Mera age 38-years hai me Apne account se 80% Advance Nikalwana Chahta hon me Nikal Sakta hon? Aur Advance amount wapas Instalent me jama hoga ya non-refundable hoga. thanks

  4. I need GP Fund Advance policy notification of Govt. of Sindh, in which the amount of GP Fund Advance is tabluted as per age / service of the employee.

  5. Assalam-o-Alikum
    I am requesting you to please give me a chart of GP Fund Allowance Deduction list from scale 1 to 16 w.e.f.1990 to onward.

    I am awaiting for good response.


  6. Dear Shumaila,

    I am working in Cantonment Board Zhob. I do all the accounts works in my office. We give advance GP Fund to the employees without interest. and we also give the all G.P fund amount to the employees without providing interest amount. please verify me that we must receive interest on GP fund advance and must provide interest on the time of retirement to the employees.

    Tahir Buzdar.

    1. sir
      in azad kashmir govt. employee on gpf fund annual interest are not given ,only to gives benefits 1 % those emplyoee who got advanced,they say ,as we not take interest so not gives interest on gpf 99 % employees,secondly gpf fund deductions are every emplyoee personal saving ,and every emplyoee have rights ,to get interest if he desired,but unforunately a mafia involve and violate govt. emplyoees basic rights, plz high light it

  7. You have only given the interest rate applicable to GP fund. you have ignored the Bonus applicable over a number of years as next year on that bonous you also get interest.

  8. I found the age calculation formula and really happy. The reply of age is being received in one colum, but I want the reply in separate columns, i.e. Year, Month & Days separately be shown in separate column. May I hope for solution

  9. While working as Stenographer BS-12, was granted BS-15 as Selection Grade. Lateron, I was allowed BS-16 as Move Over. I reached at the maximum of Move Over BS-16, therefore as per Move Over Policy, (Successive/Consecutive Move Over to the non gazetted BS-1 to BS-15 ) the competent authority allowed me BS-17 as Mover. The District Accounts Officer is not fixing the pay on serbvice book, with the plea that as the BS-17 is a gazetted scale/grade, therefore cannot be allowed as Mover Over to a Non Gazetted post/Stenographer. Due to the reason I am sufferring fiunancially.

    It is therefore requested that I may kindly be helped in this regard.

    1. A non-Gazetted can get BPS-17 as move over. But his scale will still remain non-gazetted. You can fix ur pay in BPS-17. If they not doing so they r wrong. You can consult some one other in Accounts Office rather than u meet earlier.

  10. Thanks for the useful information
    I want to know the Formula for calculation of GPF amount after an end of an year.
    For example I have an amount of previous balance of Rs. 6875 and my deduction for the year 1998-1999 is 6120. What will be the profit for that year.

    1. Dear You can see the formula of GP Fund Interest amount after the year. Just type the word ” GP Fund Interest Amount Formula” in the search engine at the top right corner of the site and you will see ur required formula.


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