Pension Documents

Pension documents are the documents that are submitted at the time of a retirement of a employee. There are many documents that are submitted at the time of retirement. There are involved gratuity, notification of retirement etc. These are mentioned below: These documents are necessary for submission the case of Pension to higher authorities.

List of Pension Papers

1-                  PAFA-356 (Pension Form)

2-                  PAFA-357

3-                  Last Pay Certificate duly signed by CMA  and sealed in original

4-                  Requisite Certificate annexure-A

5-                  Declaration in terms of article ARI-922-A CER

6-                  Passport size Photographs

7-                  National Identy Card

8-                  Specimen Signature

9-                  Identification Mark Sheet

10-              Option certificate for 35% of pension as Gratuity

11-              Option certificate for further commutation of 35% pension

12             Annexure U & Annexure T

13              No Demand Certificate.

14              Name of Bank

15              Regular Certificate

16             Office Order

17             Thumb Impression

18              History of Gazetted duly verified by CMA  Concerned

19              Service Book Vol-I

Instructions to Send Pension Papers

Office responsorial fir initiating the case should start filling in Part-II of working copy of the form section(2) to (6)one year before the expected date of retirement.

  1. Six months before the date of retirement, the would be pensioner should be asked to fill in and sing Part-I in a fresh copy of the form and submit it along with the required enclosures mentioned in the last paragraph of the application for pension.
  2. Part I of the working copy will then be filled in by coping from Part-I of the signed copy received will be filled in by copying from Part II of the working copy. Section (1) of Part II of both the forms should then be filled in.
  3. The signed copy should be forwarded to the sanctioning authority after filling in and singing section (7), while the working copy will be retained in the initiating office as an office copy. If any extra enclosures, such a list of family members, death certificate, invalid certificate etc, are required by the special nature of a case, these should be attached with the required by the special nature of a case; these should be attached with the form sent to the audit office.
  4. the sanctioning authority should fill in section (8) of the form and send it to the audit office along with a forwarding letter.
  5. The audit Officer after scrutinizing Part I and II arriving at his own finding about the correct length of qualifying service and amount of pension and gratuity admissible, should copy of the gist of his findings from his working papers into Part III. The form will then be filled as a record of the audit office.
  6. Before filling in the form please read Articles 349-A, 349-AA, 906, 907, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919 and 938 CSR.
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There will be a No Objection Certificate that is to submit. That is given below:

1. No overpayment of pay and allowances is recoverable.
2. No House Rent Allowance is outstanding.
3. No Library Book is lying with individual.
4. No Canteen Bill is outstanding.
5. No House Building advance is outstanding.
6. No conveyance advance is outstanding.
7. No advance out of welfare fund students fund is outstanding.
8. No sports article is outstanding.
9. No other article/store is lying with the individual.

The DECLARATION IN TERMS OF ARI-922-A CER will in the following form:

Where as the Controller of Military Accounts (Pension) Multan Cantt has consented Provisionally to advance to me the sum of Rs.  x   a month of anticipation of the completes on the enquiries necessary to enable to Government to fix the amount of my Pension. I hereby acknowledged that In accept Ion his advance I fully understand that my pension is subject revision of the completion of the necessary format enquiries and I promise to base on objection to such revision on the ground that the provisional pension now to be paid to me exceed to which I may be eventually formal entitled. I further promise to repay and amount to me in excess of the pension to which I may eventually formal entitled.

Where as Mr. XXX of XYZ  has consented provisionally to advance to me the sum of Rs. X  being the commuted value of part of the anticipatory pension in anticipation of the enquiries necessary enable the Government to fix the amount of my pension consequently the part of that pension that may be understand that the commuted value now paid in subject to have no abjection to such provision on the ground that the provisionally amount now to be paid to me as the commuted value of the part of anticipatory pension exceeds the amount to which I m-y be even tally found entitled. I further promise to repay either in cash or by deduction from subsequently payment of pension any amount advance to me In excess of the amount to which I may be eventually found entitled.

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The annexture B is as under:

N.B. this from should be returned to this Office in original duly signed by the pensioner.

Office of the Controller of Military Accounts and Pension Lahore conditions under which a portion of an anticipatory pension can be commuted by the pensioner.

a. Only half of the anticipatory pension may be commuted.

b. If the Medical authorities report on examination that the application has an average duration of life, the commutation will became absolute from the date of Medical examination i.e. the anticipatory pension receive only the balance of reduced pension after commutation.

c. It the Medical authority reports on examination that the applicant for the purpose of commutation Is to be assumed to be greater than his actual age. he will have the option of the with drawing his application for commutation by written notice dispatched to this office ( by register post) at any time within two weeks from the date on which he Is informed of the finding of the medical Board, If no such application Is received in writing within two Weeks It will be assumed that the application accept the revised capital sum offered as shown in Form-B which will be supplied to him at the time! medical examination is arrange for. The commutation will then automatically be come absolute from the date of which the medical authority signs the report. The application will be entitled from that only to receive of the balance of the anticipatory pension remaining after commutation.
On assessing his final pension it is found that the commuted portion of the application anticipatory pension exceeds the limit viz held on the final pension he will be allowed to commute only to that extent the capitalized sum pay able will be altered accordingly.
I agree the conditions specified above.

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