Notification of Revision of Daily Allowance

The Daily Allowance for the Federal Govt Employees has been revised wef   01-08-2012 vide Finance Division Regulation Wing O.M No.F.8 (1) R-10/2011-318 dated 17th August 2012.  It is also noticeable that the rates of Accommodation Charges will be admissible at the rate of 2 times of the daily allowance at that places where no hotel accommodation receipt is not produced.



Existing Rates

Revised Rates

Ordinary Rates SpecialRates Ordinary Rates SpecialRates
BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs.200 Rs.400 Rs.310 Rs.500
BPS-05 to BPS- 11 Rs.310 Rs.440 Rs.390 Rs.550
BPS-12 to BPS-BPS-16 Rs.500 Rs.600 Rs.700 Rs.900
BPS-17 to BPS-18 Rs.500 Rs.640 Rs.1250 Rs.1600
BPS-19 to BPS-20 Rs.625 Rs.825 Rs.1550 Rs.2050
BPS-21 Rs.700 Rs.1000 Rs.1750 Rs.2500
BPS-22 Rs.700 Rs.1000 Rs.1750 Rs.3000

Special Stations for TA/DA

Special Stations for the purpose are:Islamabad,Hyderabad,Karachi, Sukhur, Lahore,Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur, Sargodha, Sialkot, Rawalpindi,Faisalabad,Peshawar, Quetta, Northern Areas, Muzafarabad, and Mir Pur AJ&K

It is to mention here that the special stations are changed from time to time.


See also  Salary Increase Chart Budget 2021-22 Sindh Employees

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18 thoughts on “Notification of Revision of Daily Allowance

  1. Please upload perk and privileges allowed to Federal Government employees in BS-22.

    Please also upload perks and privileges allowed to Meritorious Professors in Universities

  2. Muhammad Safdar Gondal · Edit

    Please upload authority for gradation of Govt servants and authorization of weight for the purpose of transfer from one station to another station for Federal Govt employees.

  3. Daily Allownce mey aik clarification or required hey wo ye k? jab department ki taraf sey training course per jatey hey tu hotel charges nahi miltey is k barey mey bhi Min of Finance ko koi detail issue karni chey? taa k indls ko hotel ka bill mil sakey? CMA waley bill considar nahi kartey? agar kisi k pass iss baery mey koi deatil ho tu mujhey mail kardey? ya Min of finance sey koi rabat kia jaey? Thanks?

    1. AllahMuhammad92786 · Edit

      Dear TA already increased. You can see the notification in the Head REVISION OF SPECIAL PAY AND ALLOWANCES of Main heading Pay and Allowances in the Employees Corner of this site.


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