Can An Over-Aged Employee be Kicked out of Service If he Succeeds in Getting his First Salary? No, Never

A case wherein an employee was employed without obtaining  relaxation of upper age and discrepancy pointed out at the time of retirement by pension office, was remind under consideration of Establishment Division. Now Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat vide finding dated 03/03/2005 has desired to issue instructions to subordinate offices for compliance of decision taken in the matter by the Establishment Division O.M ibid are therefore reproduced for information and guidance for all concerned.

“ It may, however, be stated that the rules, the position whether a candidate is within the prescribed age limit or otherwise, is required to be chocked at the time of his initial appointment and not a later stage or at the time of his retirement. The audit authorities at the time of clearance of the first pay bill of the person concerned must ensure that he is not overage. The raising of such an objection the audit authorities at a later stage or at the time of after the retirement of the person concerned is not within the justification of the said authorities.”

This is the reproduced copy of the Letter No. 71AT/Ren/3308 dated 20th March 2005 of the Office of The Military Accountant General,Kashmir Road,Rawalpindi Cantt.


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 Over-aged Employee



Keeping in view the above facts


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