Finance Division Regulation Wing Islamabad has issued Notification regarding Grant of Premature Increment on Promotion within the same scale vide No. F.11 (30) R-2/2010-1180 dated 5th November 2012. Vide Finance Division Regulation Wing OM No. F.2 (8)R-I(1)/80 dated 17-11-1991 it was inter-alia, decided to allow next stage equal to one increment on fixation of pay in the case where a Govt servant already drawing pay in a pay scale by virtue of selection grade or otherwise holding a lower post in the pay scale is promoted to a higher post falling in the same scale.
The above said benefit was withdrawn abinitio by the Auditor General Pakistan on 26-08-1996.
Now it has been decided that to allow one premature increment in the pay scale of higher post in fixation of Pay on promotion within the same scales.
I would like to say that this platform is very useful and informative regarding the undrdtanding of govt dipersed and complex rules, regulation and notifications. Thanks for providing such platform.
I was working as Subject Specialist Economics (BS-17) in semi-govt organisation of Federal since 2012 and than appointed through FPSC as Assistant Director (BS-17) through proper channel in Fderal govt attached department in January 2019. My Pay has been protected in the same scale but the nature of job changed from Teaching to Administrative cadre. I need your guidance regarding Pre-mature increment in my case. Is Pre-mature increment is admissible in this case if yes than i need Notification or OM of Finance Division if any???
Aamir Khan
Thanks for appreciating my efforts. Premature Increment is granted on appointment from lower to higher scale as per my knowledge and documents that i shared at my website.
I was appointed in BPS 12 in 1987. Eleviated to BPS 15 through selection grade. After that promoted in the same scale i.e. BPS 15.
I am clear on Federal Employees side but what is the rules of Next stage and Pre Mature increment under KPK Pay revision rules ?
Not confirm about the KPK Rules. I ll try and check the same
Dear sir I have been promoted from BS-11 to BS-15 on 22-08-2019 increment of December 2019 is admissible or not.
If you use the option, then you can get annual increment. (Give option certificate to concerned account office. 1st get annual increment in BPS-11 on 01-12-2019 and then fix ur pay in BPS-15 on 2nd December with premature increment)
Dear madam i was working in pakistan post as clerk bps 09 and than i was appointed ct teacher bps15 in 2016 i avail one pre mature on appointment again i was appointed as sst bps 16 on 2017 so i deserve for one premature or not as the account says that premature is admissible for one time in three year if yes please send me notification
They said right
Dead madam if there is any notification about premature that premature is admissible to lower scale to high scale after three years on appointment
I could not understand your question.
Dear Sir/Madm.
I am serving in Ministry of Defence. I was initially appointed as LDC in 2004. In 2008 my department advertised vacancies in UDC. I applied through proper channel for the same and appointed as UDC in 2008. kindly help and guide me that i am admissible to draw premature increment or not as i have not such benefit and my salary fixed as initial appointment in UDC without the benefit of premature increment. kindly refer the relevant letter numbers and images in this regard. Thanks…
I’m Mansoor Ali serving in Policr Dept. I has initally appointed in BPS-5 as Constable in 2000. In 2009 in my parent Dept Advertised the Post of JC and I too apply in the same and qulify the test and interview and appointed as JC in BPS-7 on 12.06.2009.
Can im etlited of premature inrement with annual on 01.12.2009.
Second Can I will be senior form others who apppinted as a fresh….
it is pertinent to mention here that during recruitment the merit list has not been prepared beacuse the vacancies of not of merit, but allocation of seats to the Distirct….
Dear madam I’m CT teacher I was awarded selection grade bps 15 in 1998
In 2007 govt of kpk awarded all teachers with one step upgration . CT teachers upgraded from bps 14 to question is that I’m eligible to get one advance increment or not?
With reference to ministry of finance (Regulation Wing OM NO,F11(30)E-2/2010-1180
I was moveover in BPS-12 on 1-12-2000 at basic pay RS:3780 Per month (last stage of BPS-12)
after that i was promoted in the same scale that is BPS-12 TO BPS-12 on 31-05-2001 and my pay remain same and fixed at RS:3780 per month.No premature increments was given as per above referred OM Dated:05-11-2012.
Kindly clarify the same.
How Is it possible for me to grant the increment as per existing rules and regulations ?
A Government Servant who is promoted to a higher post carrying pay scale to which he has already reached by way of move-over will also be entitled to the benefit of a premature increment. i.e. next stage plus one premature increment (increase of 2 increments in his pay)
Authority: Fin Div. O.M. No. F.8 (1) R-2/88 dated: 03-04-1991
You are, therefore, advised to take up the matter with Audit/Account office concerned accordingly.
Azhar Hussain sb Good
but punjab govt isnot allowing.increment in promotion with in same scale any relevant notifications?
but punjab govt isnot allowing. any relevant notifications?
dear daughter shumaila kamal. two weeks earlier i submitted my issue but i find no response.
Dear Madam AoA, please let me guide that premature increment is admissible to the employees who are appointed through proper channel from lower to higher post in the same pay scale or otherwise? if yes please quote reference. Regards
Dear Madam AoA, please let me guide that is premature increment admissible to the employees who are appointed through proper channel from lower to higher post in the same pay scale or otherwise? Regards
Dear Madam, AOA. after 2 years ago, I appeared on this forum when my case for premature increment and other on pay fixation on same scale promotion. Wqafaqi Mohtasib was sought clarification from the AGPR, Lahore who was declared my claim as right and W/M accept my claim. But, later the Department appeal that this is a administrative matter and is not under jurisdiction of the W/M.So the decision was dropped. When I appealed to the FST, Lahore in reply to my appeal my department is insisting that one increment on Selection Grade was given to me on 17.3.1996, hence, on same scale promotion benefit of pay fixation (Next stage) can not be granted. Please let me know, is there any rule of pay fixation benefit on same scale promotion exists which will differentiate the Selection Grade and same scale promotion.
Dear Shumaila Kamal,
I was working in Federal Government in (BS-05), today i am appointed another deptt. of Federal Government in (BS-09). my basic salary in Bs-05 was 13630/- (2016). my new salary in (BS-09) is fix by new FG.deptt. at 14130/- (2016). please guide me that, can i eligible for premature increment and pay can be fix after allowing one premature increment at 14730/- instead of 14130/- any rule / order .
I asked for the OM No F.2 (8)R-1(1)/80 Dated17-11-1991 but yet not recived
Dear Afaq Ahmed, please read Chap 10 of ESTA CODE.
dear sir, My question is that can any employee get premature increment and annual increment both or only one from both.
If an employee is promoted in the month of August and he got premature increment. will he be eligible for annual increment or not
Jawahir Ali, He can get both.
In continuation of my above comment it is stated that O.M. dated 5.11.2012 is not being entertained by my department and Wafaqi Moktasib as well.
Dear Madam, I read all the documents related to same scale promotion and thereon grant of next stage and than premature increment.My case is in Wafaqi Mohtasib, Lahore as my department says that pay fixation benefit during fixation of pay on grant of selection grade from B-15 to B-16 in 1996 was given to me hence in same scale promotion can not be given. I have been submitted some precedents of the employees in same case to whom AGPR, Lahore and Karachi have allowed two increments in same scale promotion. But, even than my case is hanging in Wafaqi Mohtasib office Lahore. Have you any clear cut orders which will help me in my case. Mohtasib office has sought clarification from AGPR, Lahore in this regards. Hearing of case is 20.8.2014
Dear Ahmad, it is clear cut proof of the same that prior to this Notification only one increment (next above) was granted to the employees and no premature increment was granted on promotion within the same scale. After issuance of this Notification now all departments are granting the same premature increment. Just get the copies of fixations of these kind of fixation and show the court or the department. Thanks
A.O.A Madam I was appointed as a Stenographer in BPS-12 in the 1985 for which I was allowed Selection Grade BPS-15 in the year 1993 their after I have been allowed Moveover from BPS-15 to BPS-16 in the year 1997 thereafter 2001 my scale reversed to BPS-15 being a senior scale of Stenographer thereafter the Finance Department Government of Sindh Notification No.FD(SR-IV)2-65/2012 dated 21.03.2013 where in the Stenographer working in Senior scale BPS-15 have upgraded to BPS-16 but my department is not allowing me BPS-16 on the that the Stenographers working in Selection Grade BPS-15 though the Finance Department has clarified that the Stenographer Selection Grade BPS-15 are entitle for BPS-16 in view of above Notification my request is that such clarification Notification in respect of those Stenographers working in Selection Grade BPS-15 shall be entitle for BPS-16 such clarification Notification may kindly bbe sent to me so that my problem may be resolve.
Dear Manthar Mahar, I have not seen any Notification for the Selection Grade Stenoes for Sindh, As soon as i get the saem i ll share here. However it is your right for the upgradation.
i was appointed as udc BS-07 in 2005 on contract then i have been upgraded from Grade BS-7 to BS-09 on 1st July 2007 and my service was regularized on 1st July 2008 kindly guide me. Mam, and as per rules of pre-mature increment, employees would get increment if they regularized 1st July 2008 before June-2008.
kindly informed me can I get the same or not??
anwar kamal
Dear ANwar Kamal if they regularized they are eligible for increment.
a.a. mem main grade 16 say 16 permote hoa tha. ap ki site per main nay same grade main pay fixation ka tariqa para tha lakin us main koi auth waghra nahi thi keh yeh kis kay orders hain. please mujhay us letter ki copy send kar dean. allah ap ko ajer dey.
Dear Muhammad Azam, it is simple on promotion u get next above as well as premature increment. In case of same scale promotion, next above is next increment and in the same way 1 premature increment will also be applicable. Before this Notification only next above was granted to the employee who was promoted in the same scale. Thanks
A.O.A Madam main Dec-2008 main as ASSA BPS-5 apoint hua that, abhi mere 5 year purey hone wale hy jab k maine DPE or Promotion training bhi karli hy & abhi main seniority list main 1st no pe hun, kya aap bata sakti hy k mera promotion kitne year main hoga? wapda rule main promotion kitne time hota hy? 5 year ya 7 year?
Dear Zohaib, I am not confirm about the same. You can contact your office for the details.
Salam Madam.
Mere promotion 24-05-1988 LDC (BPS-07) to UDC (BPS-07) same scale mai hue ha. Ye jo office memorandum 5-11-2012 ko hua hai, is k teht mujhai pre-mature increment milai ge?
Dear Allah Ditta, You can try for the same along with the copy of this notification.
madm salam, plz btien premature increament notification punjab govt kub issue kry gi thanks aur kia main is ky ly illigible houn ya nahin main stenographer bps 12 sy 14 main hoa houn
Dear Aqeel abhi koi final nahin hua keh kab notification issue ho ga. Agar Premature Increment ka notification jaari ho jata hay to Insha Allah aap ko bhi yeh increment milay gi.
salam ms shumaila i applied for premature increment in the light of finance division notification islamabad through sindh government but could not get as they said the notification is not applicable to the employees of sindh government . what should i do right now as my post was upgrded from BS16 to BS17 in March 2011
Dear Arslan Sindh Govt will issue its own notification. This is only for the Federal Govt Employees.
Dear what is latest about 20% pay increase for federal Govt employees about whom I.H.C. decided to b given all servants equally?
Dear Zafar according to the details submitted by friends it is now in Supreme Court.
aoa ma 26 Dec 2009 sa as LDC govt servent hn. 2005 ma LDC kay scale ko upgrade kyea gyea jo 5 sa 7 ho gyea ha. kia ma is increment k lyea eligible hn.
Dear S. M. Hassan Raza Naqvi you are not eligible for the same increment as you were not working as LDC when they were upgraded.
dear sister. i want to know about that i was appointed in 2006 as a pst in scale 7 after that in 2009 promoted to scale 9 and 2013 now i promoted to 12 which is now initiale for psts can i ilegible for this premature increments i am waiting for ur kind response thanks
Dear Riaz according to the notification, promotion within the same scale is compulsory for the same increment as you were not promoted within the same scale therefore you are eligible only the next above and premature increment. IN case of promotion within the same scale 2 increments are granted. 1x next above and 1 x premature.
I want to see Govt Notification regarding grant of premature increment on retirement.
Dear Khan Malik I am also in search of the same notification. If you get the same plz email me too. Thanks
Dear Mam Shumaila,
I don’t understand about the philosophy of pre-mature increment, kindly guide me.
Mam, I have been upgraded from Grade 12-15 in October-2010, and as per rules of pre-mature increment, employees would get increment if they promoted before June-2013.
kindly informed me can I get the same or not??
Dear Irfan u can get Premature Increment but not Annual Increment unless the higher authorities (FD) give sanction for the same increment.
Is there any time bar/limit on submitting the option for refixation/deferment of pay as on 1st December of relevant year on account of promotion or up gradation to higher scale
I am upgraded from BPS 17 to 18 in PESCO/ WAPDA as Addl: Dy Manager Commercial from Revenue Officer. i want to clarify myself weather I am eligible for the said increment as i have heard that the said increment is on upgradtion of posts, as my post of revenue officer is still exisit and i got upgraded from RO to Addl: DCM.
Dear Saad Khilji if ur post is upgraded then u are eligible for this increment.
dear sir
I have been promoted to the post of Head Master BPS-17 from H.S.T.BPS-16 time scale bps-19.the time scale benefits at the time of joining to the post of H.M.BPS-17 has been recovered. The pay that only has been protected as per pay protection rules of finance department govt. of Sindh, where as I am taking 43800 pay where in 40000.oo is pay and 3800 are pp. to maximum scale. Any how I have not been allowed premature increment because I was having the same pay before promotion. May I know whether I am entitled for it as I have been promoted to the gazette post from non gazette.
Dear Muhammad Nukhsh, plz send me ur full detail of pays alongwith dates to mine email ID.
A.O.A. Madam I want to understand the status of SELECTION GRADE. Secondly informing you that recently the stenographers of District Judiciary Sindh holding BPS-12 have been up-graded to BPS-15 vide notification dated 11-4-2013, question is that what is benefit through such notification for the stenographers who were already in Selection Grade BPS-15 and what would be their status stand now. Moreover there is another notification of Sindh finance deptt. by which stenos-12 have been upgraded to 14 and stenos of 15 have been upgraded to BPS16 under notification dated 21-3-2013, the question is that whether the stenos of District Judiciary holding Selection grade 15 are entitled their up-gradation in BPS-16 .
AOA. Janab ShumailaKamal, Assalam Alaicum.
My above mentioned question regarding premature increment at peack was similar to m.tariq to whom you discussed many times about his questions.
My similar problem is still unsolved.
Question NO.1, is that without NOTIFICATION accounts office is not granting increment yet? would you please search it for me.
Question No.2. Whether after your suggestions to M.TARIQ, he has been granted his increment from AGPR or not yet.?
Pls answer my question at your earliest and oblige.
thanks Tariq Siddiqui.
Question:- AOA my question is similar to m.tariq mentioned above that ifsomeone is at the max of scale at the time of promotion in the same scale,will he get pre mature increment even then.??
I have reached on max pay scale and I already receiving 4 (increment) personal pay in my salary.
After I got promotion in the same scale.
Now question is that may I be allowed pre mature increment even then.?? Bt AGPR SUB OFFICE (CASE UNDER PROCESS WITH THEM) are not allowing to allow the same.
I need your answer for solving my problem with a copy of notification issued regarding the same issue. Thanks for your cooperation AT YOUR EARLIEST as my case is UNDERPROCESS now a days in AGPR SUB OFFICE KARACHI.
Kpk civil servant amendment act 2013,applicable on the services of elementry teacher working in the working folks grammar school,under the secretary worker welfare board kpk peshawar.(labour department govt. Of kpk)
I was promoted in the same scale bs-12, and granted me only one increment, now i can claim my premature increment with back benefit from June,2008 to April,2013
Dear Akhtar Ali you can surely can get the same. Just send Revised Pay Fixation to your Accounts Office with the copy of this notification.
I retired on 14-07-2002, at retired 1X usual increment for pension benefits were not given me . Whether i can claim now.
DEar Khizar, You can even claim it now. Thnaks
Is 20% Audit Allowance admissible to the officers of Pakistan Audit Department working on deputation in any Punjab Govt. Department.
I am serving in Accountant general office as senior auditor but i am on deputation in technical education board k.p.k Am i entitled 20% Audit allowance ?
dear shumail akmal, i was appointed on contract basis in bps-17 in federal govt. my service remained continue, with out any break on the same post and designation till September 1999., where my service were regularized after test and interview on the same post and designation. my pay was fixed at the initial of bps-17, with out pay protection. as a general rule, some thing given by the govt the employees can not be with drawn. Now at present, the punjab, sindh, kpk and baluchistan govt protect the increments earned by the contract employee in the shape of personal pay. What is your opinion, can we knock the door of the administration for justice by giving the above mentioned govt precedents.
could you please send me any notification of federal govt by regularizing contract employees with protecting their earned increments in the form of personal pay. thanks
Dear Ateeq, I have no copy of the same. Just apply to ur department with proofs.
Dear Madam please tell some thing about the stenographers of district judiciary already having BPS-16
May BPS 14 Say BPS 17 Ko promote Howa ho, 01/01/2013 ko BPS 17 may Arrival de, 31/12/2012 Ko meri BP 12270 thi Kia ab BPS 17 may mujay koi increment milay ga ya pehla increment 1/12/13 ko hasil hoga
Dear u ll get ur premature increment on 01-01-2013.
madam i m not understand that in this month january 2013 my basic pay will be 17200 or 16000?
Dear plz send me ur full pay detail.
Kia july 2012 main honewala 20 % adhoc relief December 2012 ke annual increment per mile ga ya naheen.
100 % lagay ga balkay december ki pay pass bhi ho gai hay 20 % kay saath
widow of deceasd servant can get house rent for 5 years
sir if u have any letter about widow of decessed servent can get house rent please send me. i am very thankful to you
i think i hv seen this lettr. but i ll try to search this letter.
please try your best to search the letter ;widdow of deceased official can get house rent; Mohammad Rafiq
I recived a letter containing subject;Assistance packedge of government employees who die in service letter no 7/40/2005-E2 dated 13-6-2006 Islamabad; from my freind i am sending you for publish .Thanks
Ok Dear i ll see it.
now widow of deseased federal govt employee can get house rent,house subsidy for 5 years
Before 25.08.2003 I was working as Junior Stenographer. After that through an advertisement in the same department I was selected as Senior Stenographer. During the fixation of my pay no premature increment was granted to me because my department say that you are selected as Senior Stenographer not promoted. Premature increment will be given to those who are promoted. So explain me regarding premature increment. Kia meri increment banti hay ya nahin.
Dear same department point is in ur favour. You apply for counting of previous service and pay protection. After all is done then you apply for premature increment. As premature increment is also granted on re-appointment.
pl clarify that is i am eligible for premature increment?
1997 4845 BPS-15
1998 4899 BPS-16 move over
01-02-1999 5292 BPS-16 selection (5096 next stage + one premature increwment
(according to notification subjected premature increment on promotion within the same scale will i eligible for premature increment?
Muhammad Ashraf
Just email me all this detail so i can explain it better.
AOA,plz explain the term “promotion with in the same scale”.Are the promoted of time scale benificiary of premature incremen? As I was promoted as lecturer BS-17 to lecturer BS-18 through time scale promotion under Federal Directorate of Education,Islamabad,therefore, my basic pay has been decreased Rs.200/-after promotion through time scale in BS-17.Am I eligible for premature increment,whereas AGPR is not granting premature increment,waiting for your expert opinion,plz
Promotion within the same scale means when an employee promotes in the same scale. His/her basic pay scale remains the same but designation changes.
eg. TGT (SG) is in BPS-17 and when he promotes he becomes AHM and his scale remains the same ie 17. promise to inform about grant of pre mature incremnt after discussion with ur frnd in case one is at max of scale in the year of promotion.
i already replied u. see the replies. premature incremnent is granted to all employees wether they reach the peak. on pp premature increment always granted. for further details go to ur accounts office and meet some other person instead of the person u earlier met. it is best u take some person whome some one in accounts office knows
Mr Tariq Sb Did you get premature increment within the the same scale at max. Pl tell me about your progress in this regards. thanks
I was serving in 15 BPS and was promoted to 15 scale 28 May 2001 at that time I was in peak. after long struggle i could not get premature increment or pp
AOA>weather pre mature increment is allowed onthe upgradation ofpost from bs-17 tobs-18???
The case for premature increment on Upgradation is under process in the court. Soon expected in favour of employees.
I am appropriated your work so nice for civil employee
please email me about increment on up gradation any decision done or not?
please i request you reply in email
AOA my qestion is that if one is at the max of scale at the time of promotion in the same scale,will he get pre mature increment even then.??
Why not. he/she will get premature increment as there is no limit of PP (Personal Pay) after the maximum stages
but DAO is not allowing on the pretext that p.p is alowed only for regular increment but not for pre mature increment.
I ll discuss with mine frnd about it tell u with full detail
me kpk me higher education dptment me as lecturer 5 oct 2006 ko 6 months contrat pe bherte howa ta. 4 contact renewl, ak den k gape k sat ta hota raha. april 2008 se 30.6.2009 tak ka contrat (15 months) ka contrat dea gya. 1 jan 2009 se kpk assembly act k zarea parmanat howa. estblshmet dptment ni pechla permanat ordercancal karwa ker 24 sep 2009 se parmnant ka coregndum order jare kea. 2008,aor 2009 ka increamets muje mele henaksar og kehti hen k ie ghalt hen aor ak na ak den yakmosht katote ho ka koi hal bataen plz
Contract walay employee ko increment milti hay. Lekan agar wo permanenet ho jai to us ki nai pay shuroo ho jati hay. Haan agar Govt Contract period ko regular kar day to pichli pay fix ho jati hai yaani fixation ho jati hay.
Seniority list according to mine knowledge is according to the date of joining and then the date of birth. If two employees have the same date of joining then the employee whose date of birth is greater will be senior.
mjhe premature increment smjh nh ayee can anyone tell me about it ?
pre mature increment us ko is case main milay gi jo same scale main promote ho jai. Maslan kuch departments main designation to change ho jati hay promotion per lekan scale same rehta hay. us sorat main yeh premature increment milti hay
helo my name is Farukh Memon, im 16 grde permanant employee of zakat and ushr dept, i have previous 5 years of experience in agriculture dept on contract basis, can i get increments of exp in agrculture job added into my new job
If ur previous service of Contract is counted then u can get but if not counted then u cannot get premature increment’s vry appreciating step by the Govt.Now it’s time to w8 ………….. For receiving salRy with this addition
m arsalan medical tech B-17 if any wana know athenticaly then please mention about this notification whether it is implemented imidiately with the date of circulation or implemented with back date please clarify it as it is v.important not only for me but many of other personals like me.
It will be valid for all cases in the past since the 1st notification issued in 1992. Please Read the notification carefully.