Notification Copy of PH.D/D.Sc & M.Phil Allowance Punjab Govt Employees

Punjab Govt has already issued a Notification No. FD.SR-I-9-36/2007 dated 21st June 2012 regarding enhanced rates of PH.D/D.Sc & M.Phil Allowance. PH.D/D.Sc rates have been increased from Rs.5, 000/- PM to Rs.10, 000/- PM vide this notification. This would also make entitlement of Special Allowance @ Rs.5, 000/- per month to M.Phil Degree holders on acquiring/possessing M.Phil Degree by APUG/EX-PCS/EX-PSS officers as per the letter No. FD.SR-I/10-6/85 dated 14-09-1991, as the Special Allowance rate is 50 % of the PH.D/D.Sc Allowance.

It has furher decided to discontinue to the Science & Technology Allowance Rs. 10,000/- per month, however, those drawing this allowance will be entitled to grant of PH.D/D.Sc Allowance @ Rs.10, 000/- PM wef 01-07-2012.

The main reason of publishing this notification was that many visitors of Galaxy World (  asked me to send me the copy of the same notification as they were unable to search this notification and for their convenience I have published the same notification.


Ph.D Allowance Punjab





See also  Revised Notification of Winter Holidays 2019 Punjab School Education Department

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71 thoughts on “Notification Copy of PH.D/D.Sc & M.Phil Allowance Punjab Govt Employees

  1. Salam and thanks for the info. I have a question; as a teacher of maths can someone draw allowance after having M.Phil degree in Education or EPM (Educational Planning & Management)?

  2. Sister pl tel me that i did in 1992 from agriculture university faisalabad and Ph.D degree from Manchester university in 1996. Sister i need notifications showing that advance increments on M.Sc (Hons) and Qualification allowance on Ph.D are allowed at same time. As the advance increments are discontinued from 1.12.2001 and i m serving as federal servent. OR there any notifications u have from provinces pl

  3. i did MBA form England. HEC recognized it and give equivalence of 17 years of schooling in Pakistan. would you like to tell me please can i eligible for MPhil 5000 allowance


      1. I did mphil i am from Balochistan, Do I am illegible for 5000/- Allowance i am Government employ in Balochistan Agriculture Department? please give me detail about this

          1. sir i have notification but i am asking about the special science allowance which is increased to 7500, is M.Phil degree holders are eligible to get 50% of that Allowance as in the notification of Punjab?

            Please inform me if u can
            i will be very than full to you.

  4. AOA
    any one please tell me,I want to admission in Phd program but I have low GPA 2.43. from MS program.Please any one tell me any rule for admission in phd with low GPA.

  5. I did M.Phil in Organic Chemistry in 1989.I was selected as assistant professor in bps 18. I never received any M.Phil allowance.Am i eligible for M.Phil allowance?

  6. SALAM

    govt. m.phill allowance sirf APUG/EX-PCS/EX-PSS officers or teachers ko de rahi hy. ye baqi m.phill degree holders k sath na insafi hy. halak in k tadad aty main namak k baraber hy. Govt. ko ya allwance sub m.phill degree holders ko dena chay.

    please fwd this request to GOVT.


  7. AOA
    Is M.phil Allowance Apply for Contract Educators(SSE March2012)?
    Kindly reply if you(Miss.Shumaila Kamal)have any Authentic information.
    Thanks & Regard
    Wsm SSE(CS)

      1. no contractee donot with draw qualification allwnce. however after regularization he/she will be sactioned by edo with effect from date of regular service. its happen in my case. mujy b regular hony k bd sanction kya gya mphil qualification allw.
        sst sci

  8. salam
    sindh education department walon ka m.a or m.ed ka increment kab implement hoga?1995 me masters or 2000 me m.ed kia tha..abtak nhi nhi implement hua plz…gratuity or pension calculation ka way b btaen kindly or gpf ka bhi..thanks

  9. I am a Statistical Assistan in AJK Health Department. this post is upgaded in federal but we are still in same scale have any relevant Notification ?

  10. A>A. have u confirmed shumaila about the M>phil at school level having bps 16. plz conveya as soon as possible.I have comented befor for this news and still we r getting 1200 per month however at college level it has been 5000.plzz reply

  11. AoA,
    M.Phil Allownce par to band kardia gaya tha? jab 2001 ka pay scale aya tha.
    Kia dubara koe notification ha? jis k tehat 2008 ma M.Phil karna walo ko allownce Miljaye. Sindh Govt ma. Please write the details.

    1. aoa,
      I am senior teacher in BPS-17, under Punjab Govt Higher Secondary School having M.Phill degree. M.Phil allowance for higher secondary school teacher is 1200 or 5000.
      Please answer any one.


  12. Hello,mam a.o.a i’m sarfaraz ahmad and i have done m.phil and working in education department in grade 9 . Plz confirm that whether m.phil alowance can be given to pst teacher and at the same rate as prescribed in the notification. Plz infrom me

  13. I did (hons) in agriculture and its equal to mphil and if want to do phd i can get direct admission bcoz my degree is equal to mphil, i have notification of this equalance by university grant comision and punjab govt notification, now tell me kia mai m.phil allowance claim kr skta hon?

      1. I m doing job in govt. Agri. Research balochistan as entomologist bps 18. Before two years secretary agri have approved mphil allowance on equalace of msc (hons) as mphil, but when many employees with equalnce certificate applied for the mphil allowance then he notified that only those degrees written with m.phil are eligible for this allowance, now my question? If all the universities in world are giving admission in phd and v have equalance notification now what we can do

      2. Mam i have MSc Honour in Agriculture and doing job in health dept. Punjab in 17 scale and i need some notification showing MSc hons. is equivalent to M phil and a notification having M phil allownce to MSc hons. employee.


  14. sister shumaila kamal
    many thanks for updating ph d and m.phil allowance notification for which i am searching over anxiously and also i have mailed to your address.
    iam from sindh as a senior subject specialist and also phd scholar.the sindh deptt is demanding federal govt notification.
    kindly help me in this regard if u have same of m.phil notification copy of federal finance deptt.
    with ray of hope
    a phd scholar from sindh

  15. A>A, kea m.phil allownce school level pe 5000 per month mily ga? q k still we are getting 1200 per month at level bps 16.plz confirm. how ever at college level all are getting 5000 per month


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