Option for Re-Fixation of Pay on Grant of Selection Grade

Military Account General, Kashmir Road Rawalpindi Cantt issued a Letter No. 38/AT/PC/4699-XXIV/P-139 dated 11th April 2007 in connection with Option for Re-Fixation of Pay on Grant of Selection Grade. In this letter it is clearly written that the benefit of re-fixation of pay on award of selection grade in respect of teachers before 07-07-2001 is in order and may not be re-considered/revised.

It is added that many teachers (TGTs) were granted selection grade before 07-07-2001 and some of them were granted Selection Grade between 2nd June to 30th November. These teachers used option to fix their pay in selection grade after getting annual increment. Their pay was fixed according to their option certificate, but later on their fixations were cancelled. Thus their pay was again re-fixed according to their actual date of Selection Grade. Thus these teachers beard a loss of Annual Increment.

Keeping in view their grievances, the said letter had been issued by the MAG. If still any teacher has not used the option certificate according to the said letter, he/she can use the option again and can re-fix his pay.




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11 thoughts on “Option for Re-Fixation of Pay on Grant of Selection Grade

  1. Dear madam
    I was appiont as a quarantine in fedrel health estab. Namely che in 7bps at 22-8-2011post up gade in 9
    My saliry in july 13160
    Pleas help whow it will refix?

  2. I have been granted selection grade from bps-12 to bps-14 on 01.09.1999
    My basic pay was Rs.2350/-

    I have also been granted two advance education increments on 01.10.1999

    My pay was fixed in BPS-14 as Rs.2548/-

    After two educational increments my pay was fixed as Rs.2870

    In my view my pay had to be fixed as Rs.3031/- including annual increment.

    But my pay was Rs.2870/- as on 1.12.1999

    Kindly suggest me how can I opt for re-fixation of my pay after allowing annual increment.

  3. me sarfraz hussain directly selected as Assistant Professor on regular basis and cannot get the contract service of 6 and half years my basic pay was Rs 18000 in contract service in bps 17 but in joining job as Assistant Professor BPS 18 at start time Rs 12910 how i can take this gape through pay fix

  4. I have been recently upgraded from BPS-9 to 14 . Either I can avail the premature increment for fixation of my pay in selection grade then please send me the notification & authority letter. I shall be thankful to you.


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