Salient Points for the Seniority List of Employees

Today I am going to explain the main points in connection with the seniority list. While preparing the seniority there are many points that must be kept in mind so that the accuracy may be maintained in the seniority list. There may be some other points in complicated cases but I am mentioning below some salient points in connection with the seniority.

Seniority for the employees who are appointed vide the same letter/notification

If many employees are appointed vide the same letter or notification then there are some times clearly written that the seniority of the newly appointed employees will be according to the serial number. The employee at the serial No. 1 will the senior of all and at the last number will be junior of all provided the employee joins the duty at due date.

If any employee joins later, then he will be junior to those who join their duty earlier.

If employees join on the same date then there is no difference of their seniority but the condition is that there should be clearly written that the seniority will be according to the serial number.

Seniority for the employees who join on the same date

If there is no above mentioned condition of serial number then if two employees join on the same date then the person who is older will be senior to the person who is younger.

Seniority for the employees who are promoted

The promoted employees will be kept at the bottom of the seniority of the employees of who are already in the same scale. If one person is appointed directly and the other is promoted on the same date, then the promotee will be senior.

See also  Upgradation of the Posts of JPOs from BPS-05 to BPS-07 & APOs from BPS-07 to BPS-09-Ministry of Communication

If one employee is appointed 1st in a certain pay scale and the promotion of other employee occurs after that date then the 1st appointee will be senior to the promotee.

The seniority of all the promoted employees is according to their earlier seniority list in the previous scale. It means their seniority list will be according to the promotion list as the promotion list is prepared according to the seniority.

There will be no difference in seniority if any promotee employee joins later than the other promotee employee. There seniority will always be according to their promotion list.

Seniority of the employees who are re-appointed

The seniority of the re-appointed employee will be according to his/her new appointment. His previous seniority will not be considered. The conditions for his/her seniority will be the same as mentioned for the “seniority for the employees who are appointed vide the same letter/notification” and “seniority for the employees who join on the same date.”

Seniority of the employees who are regularized

The employees who are regularized are kept at the bottom from their date of regularization, of seniority of the employees that are earlier in the same pay scale.

There may be some times other terms and conditions in connection with seniority list.


Seniority List


In the case of persons appointed otherwise, with reference to the dates of their continuous appointment in the grade; provided that if the date of continuous appointment in the case of two or more persons appointed to the grade is the same, the older if not junior to the younger in the next below grade, shall rank senior to the younger person.

See also  Updates of Up-Gradation Clerical, Lab and Teaching Posts in SED Punjab 2025

For full details Download from below link the Chapter Seven of Seniority List Rulings.


Download Chapter Seven of Seniority List




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94 thoughts on “Salient Points for the Seniority List of Employees

  1. Dear sir, kindly share your thoughts on my case of seniority:

    FPSC recruited two assistant directors ( I was one of them). As per FPSC issued result, I was on top serial. The offer/appointment letters issued to both us indicated that seniority would be determined on the basis of merit assigned by FPSC. However, I joined the service after a year due to court matters. The other candidate joined a year earlier.

    In this case, seniority would be as per the FPSC merit or the date of actual joining?

  2. if the seniority list of junior clerks being prepared on district level, whether inter district transferred clerks are eligible to continue their seniority or they will be at the bottom on the seniority list.

  3. Aoa
    Sor mn district jhang mn as a ese (science math)appoint hua hn .or 2019 mn tranfer krwaya h multan as ese .2019 mn hi multan mn regular hua hn mari permotion est mn kaisy hogi plz guide me

  4. AOA, I have a question regarding seniority
    10 employees were appointed on contract basis in 2011 and 12 employees were appointed on contract basis in 2013. All 22 employees were regularized in 2019 on the same date. either seniority will be according to the contract list or Date of Birth ? please indicate reference if possible
    thank you

  5. I am working as PST In Punjab School Education Department.I am transferred from one Tehsil to another Tehsil.I was told that you will lose your seniority after leaving Tehsil and will be junior from all psts of concerned tehsil.kindly guide me in this regard.

  6. A.O.A. I am a female SST. I was appointed in BPS-16 at District Faisalabad in 2008 and regularized in 2009. I got myself transferred to District Rawalpindi in 2019 on wedlock basis. Now a seniority list has been issued in District Rawalpindi and my name is kept at the bottom of that list. I’m told that I have lost my seniority due to inter district transfer and seniority will be calculated from the day of joining in Rawalpindi which is 2019 and not from the day of initial recruitment which is 2009. When i discussed this issue with some experienced people of education department, they revealed this rule does not apply on Gazetted people of BPS-16. I tried my level best to find this rule everywhere but got no clue so far. Its not mentioned in the Civil Servant Act, 1974 nor in the rules thereunder. Its not even mentioned in the Transfer Policy, 2013. Above all, I was never conveyed at any stage that my seniority will be blown up if I avail inter district transfer facility on wedlock basis. It is not even mentioned in my transfer order. Can you please guide where this rule is mentioned?

  7. AoA I want know that in fed govt, inter se seniority is maintained according to DSC or date of joining ? If date of joining matters, kindly send it’s authority

  8. فیض الرحمن · Edit

    اسلام علیکم
    جناب والا مجھے سنیارٹی لسٹ میں جونئر کیا گیا بوج ریگولر ڈیٹ سے سنیارٹی بنائی گئی ہے اس سے پہلے جو سنیارٹی لسٹ تھی اس میں میں جونئر تھا برائے مہربانی کو راستہ بتائں

  9. Dear sir,
    I want to ask some questions, 1st question is about seniority list that we are appointed five jr. Clerk in federal government organization, but I am selected in open merit and rest of others selected their province quota and I was on a top in merit but there is some confusion to me that I was joined my duty later, so one person joined his duty earlier, so kindly tell me who is senior?
    2nd question is that whenever I was appointed as clerk I have submitted my educational documents so that I was as degree holder and other is not, now there is some confusion to me that one employees who completed his degree in 2018 and I was completed in 2015 so now who will be promoted first for the higher post because the eligibility criteria for promotion is just graduation, kindly explain the whole situation, the one point added more the employee who completed his graduation in 2018 he didn’t get noc from the head of department because he completed his graduation from alama Iqbal open University his graduation will consider or not it will matter in promotion or not

  10. Plese Guid me
    I joined my department late’ because of late relieving from my last deptt. But i came through proper channel and did not have gap in service
    Will this late joining effect my PPSC seniority order in department.

    Secondly my appointment is made on division bases but my seniority and promotion is on punjab basis. So if appointment is made through PPSC on division basis. How seniority will made on punjab basis.
    For example seniority of inspectors in Excise deptt.

    1. Dear Your issue and mine is same…………. i joined late due to non- relieving from parent department………and joined late…………….. out of 15 Assistant i was kept at the bottom………… have you got something good on the basis of which we may revise our senority list…………………. whatsup 03469220442

  11. aoa
    dear mam, plz guide if a group of candidates appointed on the same date but some of them are already working in some other department and apply through proper channel for the post, whether they will have any preference in seniority or not.

  12. Our dept appointed 10 employees on 10-4-2015 (joined duty on 11-4-2015) and 12 employees on 11-4-2015 (joined duty on 13-4-2015) on contract basis, date of interview was same for all these 22 employees. Then regularize all 22 employees on 20-9-2017. Now seniority list considers the date of 2015 when we appoint on contract basis or 2017 when we are regularized.
    Send me some rules which clarify my query.

  13. I am employed in a government organization. There are twelve Regions of the Organization. The seniority list of employees of these Regions is compiled on a regional basis. If an employee transfers from one region to another, his / her seniority is taken to the bottom of the second regional’s list of seniority. Is this consistent with the rules?

  14. i was appointed on 1.7.2009 as JC on contract basis. in merit list i was at serial/Merit No.1 and Mr. B was at Merit No.2. our date of joining is same. on 14.10.2009 our services were regularized. Mr. B is older in age with reference to my date of birth. who will be senior when seniority list is prepared.

  15. Aslaam-o-Alikum

    Kindly provide or email me the notification regarding affect of seniority on request transfer from one circle to another circle or zone. I do not find any notification if you have any notification kindly email me.

  16. Respected Shumaila Kamal. I was appointed as Stenotypist in B-12 on 17.6.1992 in a Federal Government Department. Under 18th amendment department was transferred top provincial government of Balochistan in April, 2011. As you know the post of stenotypist was upgraded on 23.12.2011 and in province it was redesignated as Stenographer B-14. In this way my length of service is more than 26 years, but due to nonavailability of post APS in the Department, I have never been promoted even having length of service more than 26 years in same post. Please gudie me what should I do regarding my promotion. I am much worried about promotion/


  18. The pdf file linked with this post is related to Indian Govt Employees. Please upload or provide link for all Provinces of Pakistan and/or Federal govt related file on same issue of seniority.

    I was facing an issue with my seniority and came across this post and found that pdf. This may mislead someone. Please update.

    Thanks and stay blessed!

  19. Aoa,
    Contact or regular person ki seniority bhi bottom per Jaye give …
    1. Appointment on contract basis 09/May/13
    2.transfer own request in remaining 5 month contract
    1.regular date 10/May/15
    2.own request person regular on 10/11/2013
    Who is senior person
    Please reply me please

  20. How will be fixed the seniority, if after appointment on contract and regularized on the same date. During the process of regularizing. In the correspondace letters one of the candidate shown recruited against merit quota and others on provincial (as per quota divide rule). After rrgularized and joined on the same date. Who will be the senior to them. One who appointed on merit, as per numbering on notification or seniority will be affixed age wise.
    Best regards.

  21. The Department Promotion committee has consideration for six candidates for the promotion against the three post of UDC at GSP office, Quetta. Firstly three seniors most LDC will be offered for promotion at GSP Office, Quetta. The seniors forgo not joined at GSP, Quetta, what the next three juniors can be offered at their home station Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore instead of GSP, Quetta. What is the status of the senior seniority.

  22. Malik Muhammad Sajjad · Edit

    The senior most steno typist were promoted as Assistant Private Secretary at GSP, Quetta. The seniors were not jointed at GSP, Quetta and next three junior steno typists were offer as Assistant Private Secretary at their home station, Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar. What is status of the seniority.

  23. Muhammad Javed Iqbal · Edit

    Dear Madum Aslam o Alaikum, meri appointment as junior clerk 2004 main District Government k under Executive District Officer, Community Development Bahawalnagar main hoi, 31-12-2016 ko District Government khatam hony per mera office EDO (CD) abolished ho gaya aor hamen S&GAD k notification k tehat Deputy Commissioner office main marge kr dia gaya to sawal ye hy k meri seniority list main bottom per ay gi ya date of appointment sy count hogi, aik bat aor qable gore hy k meri appointment b District Coordination Officer ny ki hy jis department main mujhy marge kia gaya hy aor jis notification k tehat sanction seat k against appoint kia gaya wo b usi department ny jari kia jis main marge hoy plz help me meri 14 year ki service zaya ho rahi hy q k Government ka nizam chang hony main mera kia qasoor hy

  24. Hi,
    I was re-appointed on court orders, and in medical checkup i was bit late due to disease for more than 20 days. Against which i had lost my seniority and juniors to me made joining before me.
    Now could it be possible that i was considered according to re-appointment orders in seniority list.
    If it consider my date of arrival then i will be bottom of seniority… Please help and guide me for thanks..

  25. Dear Madam,
    AOA, My question is related to the Seniority of contractual employees who have been regularized.
    As to whether their seniority will be counted from the date of their initial appointment on contracted basis OR their date of Regularization.
    It may also kindly be clarified as to whether these contractual employees being regularized will be senior from the regular side employees.
    date of appointment on contract basis 2013/
    date of their regularization July 2016.
    date of appointment of regular side employee 2014.
    Now the question has been raised as to whether the regular side employee appointed in 2014 is senior or the contract employees who were regularized in july 2016 carrying 3 years years of contractual period.

  26. AoA madam mujhe aap se sirf ye pooshna hai ore help bhi chahye about sindh govt rule
    Hamare Secretary sb ne seniority list date of Birth k hissab se banai hai joining Date se nahi ab hume kia karna chahye objection k liye agar aap ko rules k baare mai pata hai to kindly help

  27. Dear Madam,
    I am serving in Balochistan Judiciary as Stenographer BPS-16 since 2012. The question is that at the time of my appointment the post of Readers were in 14 grade and Accountant was in 15 grade. During the year 2015 Readers were upgraded in BPS-15 and Accountant was promoted as Assistant Accounts Offficer BPS-16. Later on February 2017 the Readers were again upgraded in BPS-16. Now who will be senior. Any Notification regarding this. Please share it with me. Thanks.

  28. Madam AOA,

    I was appointed in July 2003 as LDC on contract basis at Federal Department, in 2007 there are persons recruited were made on contract basis. In July 2008, all are regularized by the government. In 2011, I was promoted as UDC by the Administration and on that time nobody raised any issue on seniority in 2011, but those appointed person in 2007 and regularized with me, submitted representation in 2017 after the lapse of 7-years, they claimed that seniority will be made with age because all regularized on same date. Kindly guide me in this regard. Thanks

  29. dear mam
    we are appointed on the date serial no in the appointment order is 13 and another person serial no is 2.the appointment order is made on merit.i take my charge on 26-5-12 and he take charge on 29-5-12.who is senior.
    please explain .thanks

  30. M. Aale Imran Rizvi Syed · Edit

    kindly guide me, that seniority of a junior clerks of headquarter can be combined with Divisional / District / Tehsil office clerks. It is pointed out that in my office there are two level seniority list of junior clerks I.e Headquarter and Divisional level. Now my office is going to combine the seniority of junior clerks.

  31. madam if a person clears the departmental exam for promotion and his service is 5 years , and the another person pass the same exam after 1 year but his service is 8 years. Who will be senior and will be promoted . kindly guide

  32. dear madam
    we have appointed in the same order through nts in education deptt kpk bps 12. i have joined the service earlier i.e 26/5/2012, an another person joined the service on 28/5/2012.
    in appointment order his s no is 63 and i am at s no 73. who is senior . please explain.

  33. from where i get these rules for seniority which shows the above mentioned salient features. Please help me I badly need these rules .

  34. I was appointed in Federal Department in 1995 as LDC. in November, 2010 appointed in the same department as DEO as was posted at station B. Before this i was at station A. in Feb, 2011 i was on my request again posted at Station A. Whereas with my Batch on person also joined the same department in 1994 as N/Q and in June, 2010 was appointed as LDC and in Nov, 2010 appointed as DEO and also posted at station B. He also on own request transferred to Station-A in Jan-2011. Let me guide who is senior among us. whereas i am also senior in age too. we both joined the station B at same date. In LDC cadre he was jounior to me as he was appointed/promoted in June, 2010 where as i was appointed as LDC in 1995.

    Another person who was initially appointed ad DEO in Dec, 2010 at station A and he is still there. what and where will be his seniority. plz guide

  35. AOA, plz guide about the seniority of servants if two govt. servants appointed & jointed the service on the same date provided that:-
    1- the younger one obtained more marks and elder one obtain less marks,
    2- and the seniority in the orders/minutes of meeting is not fixed by the authority according obtained marks,
    then how will be the senior. plz provide any rule or letter clarify the matter

  36. There is no concept of joining for formulating the seniority list between the persons appointed through a same letter. Their inter se seniority will be on the basis of merit nothing else within the joining period. Please clearly view the Seniority Rules 1993. Section 2 sub sections (i) and (ii) for initial appointees.
    Joining is the base of merit for only among the persons appointed through initially, by transfer and by promotion Section 6 of the Seniority Rules, 1993.

  37. let me guide how is applicable of decision of PST Lahore of seniority of contract employees according to their date of joining not date of regularization.

  38. Respected mam,
    i appointed as assistant since March 2006 and regularized 14.10.2009 and the seniority maintained of my regular date and kept me at the bottom of the list, it is requested that about the decision of PST lhr is applicable and i submit the representation to my department that the seniority may be assigned my date of joining on contract appointment

    1. M. Tariq Khan Baloch · Edit

      I have the same issue. What has been done in your case?
      Kindly let me know so that I may be able to represent my case before the high ups.
      M. Tariq Khan Baloch
      Anti-Corruption Establishment
      Bahawalpur Region, Bahawalpur

      What about u?
      your department?
      place of posting?
      your contract number?

  39. sir i was appointed in PASSCO on 04-07-1992 as Assistant Purchase Inspector and remusterred API to Junior Clerk on 2013 on request, my seiority was where exist or contracted employees who joined 2012 and regularized afer my remusteration can they will be senior to me or where my siniority will be fixed

  40. Dear madam
    i was an army person in BPS X-2 ( i think equal to 8 scale) i have applied through proper channels for BPS-10 scale in military accounts department as KPO. then my previous service has been count and my pay also fix at higher stage og BPS-10 . Please tell me that what date of enrollment will be written on my document. and what will be date considered for promotion purpose.. my date of joining in earlier department ( army) was 30-06-2000 and this department is 16-05-2009. My previous service has been counted for pension purpose but not for promotion purpose. please clarify.

  41. 67 Junior Clerks (earlier recruited on contract basis from 2003-2009) were re-appointed on regular basis w.e.f. 14.10.2009 by P&D department Punjab declaring that contract period shall not be counted for any purpose (Pension, Gratuity, Leaves, etc.) Pay will start at initial and probation will start from date of regular appointment in term of section 5 of PCS and Rule 7 of PCS (A&CS) rules 1974………………………………………………………………………………………… I want to know, 1–the seniority of 67 J/Cs will be on the basis of age or their joining for contract appointment 2- initial appointment will be date of contract appointment or date of regular appointment 3– 1st entry into govt. service will be date of contract appointment or date of regular appointment. if any do answer — please email me (

  42. muhammad arif zia · Edit

    dear i m interested to seek some guidelines in setting seniority

    i was appointed as Assistant director on 09 january 2008 along with two other officers. these two were placed higher in seniority with the points that they have secured higher marks than me.
    but as per written test i secured higher than both of these. after interview marks their marks exceed my marks.

    my question is can i challege this seniority as in the interview my got favor?

    and second question is that

    were three were appointed on 09 january 2008, and a promoteee from our department got promoted on APril 2008. he has been placed senior with the point that as the appointment and promotion has been occured durring the same financial year so promotee will be seniour. i don’t think it is as per rules. i studied estacode but could not find answer.
    please tell me either he is senior to all of us or otherwise

    i am thankful of you regards

      1. AOA sister i want to know about the seniority list of the head masters bps 17 2013 and 14 please provide the list or the link then i will be very grate full to you i did searched so much but i could not find it please do this favour i will be very gratefull to you

  43. dear shumaila hope u r good
    1. plz tell me about the seniority w.r.t. age difference.old one is senior one, is it true if joining is on same day.
    2. plz share document…in which all info mentioned about promotions and seniority matters.
    3. heard from someone dat govt is going to restructure the salary scales in december it true?

    1. Dear Wasim Arif, I have already mentioned in this article if there is mention in the orders that the seniority is based on the merit list then the seniority will be according to the merit list and if there is no such condition then the seniority is based on age. The older is senior than the younger.
      Let’s see the month of December if there is any implementation.

      1. asalamo alaikum sister meri appointment as s.s.t (science ) 01/09/93 mien public service commition k zarey district khushab hoi thi. 20/02/2002 mien , mien transfer krwa kr sargodhaa giya tha .2007 mien district ki tabdeeli ki waja sy mujhy c.m pakage k teht mujhy 17 scale k leye consider nahen kia gia. reason ye batai gai k district ki tabdeeli ki waja sy meri seniority loose ho gai ha, jabky dono district k jari krda noc,s , DPI k jari krda order,DCO, E.D.O k jari krda adjustment order mien term and condition mien kahen bhi meri seniority k loose hony ka zikr nahen,kai dafa office approach kia liken wo written mien reply nahen krty k meri seniority keon loose ki gai, plz guid me for this, what can I do , plz sister guid and and help to overcome this matter, mery sath k appointed teacher is waqat 18 scale mien kaam kr rahy hien or mien abhi tk 16 mien dhaky kha raha hoon . khuda apka bhala kry ga

        1. Dear M Sharif Anjum as for I know if the person is transferred on his own will from one district to another district he seniority will be put at the bottom of the existing employees of the other district.

  44. aoa

    Dear mam i want to ask question about seniority regarding the employees whom services were regularized w.e.f. 14.10.2009.

    1. The Persons who were appointed on contract basis as Assistant BS-11 up graded in 2007 BS-14. and the persons who were already regular as Senior Clerk and promoted as Assistant in 2006 to 13.10.2009.

    Tell me plz with reference or order if any issue or court decision who are senior.
    Thanks in Advance

      1. Dear sis, my appointment was along with others listed in one list. My serial no. was 05. It means I am junior to only 4 employees. My No. in merit was also 5th.
        You mentioned due date, what do you mean by due date. Is it the period of time which given to an employ for joining.

        1. Dear Fayyaz some times there is written in the appointment letter that these employees join their duties upto some date. It is due date. The Employee who joins first is senior and the one who joins later is junior.

          1. Madam, what about the seniority of an employee who joins late due to non-relieving by his parent department……….
            A batch of 15 Assistants was selected in a department………….. i had applied through proper channel and joined late due to late relieving by the parent department……….so was kept at S.NO.16 of the assistant (lower in list)…………….. all 15 are junior to me wrt to age and service length…………could i claim my seniority…… please guide me.

  45. For e.g Organization inducted 10 people and it has prepared merit list of these 10 inductees so Can organization prepare seniority list on the basis of marks/merit obtained in test and interview irrespective of these 10 inductees irrespective of date of joining.

  46. Sir,
    I was appointed as Assistant accounts on 2/2/1988 on graduation basis and worked with honestly and with full dedication due to this I was awarded on 28/5/2009 with honorarea and cash prise after passing of 22 years I was promoted as Sr. Assistant in sps 14 although honorable supreme court decission all Asstt were upgraded in bps014 equvalent to sps06 no service carrier benifit in this regard received. I had improve my higher qualification MBA Finance from recognised orginization but no service benifit received me although the person seving in SPS05 from 4 years were also up graded/ promoted in sps-6

  47. The cabinet sub-committee has regularized contractual employees.

    Does any one know, has there been any ruling / decision that how will be the inter se seniority of the same determined? I am asking about grade 17 and above.







      1. Mr X was appointee in 2008 and Mr Y was appointed in 2009 both in bps-17. They both were promoted to bps-18 on same date in 2018 and according to quantification list of promotion, the junior person Mr Y superseded Mr X according to order of merit. Now according to seniority list who is senior as on year 2020 ???


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