Duties and Responsibilities of a Govt Servant

You Job is your livelihood. It pays your bills, it puts food on your table, and it pays the schools/colleges dues/fees of your kids. Here I am discussing about the duties & responsibilities of the Govt Employees. There are so many responsibilities and duties of the Govt Employees. If they fulfill their duties then in the same way they have also their rights the Govt should deliver to them. Let’s speak about this topic in detail.

Duties and Responsibilities of Govt Employees

If you are a Govt Employees and wherever you work keep in mind that you never show negligence in your duty. If you work in a public relation place then you try to solve the problems of the people on priority basis. Don’t try to linger on their matters without any solid reason.

Never try to get involve in corruption and bribery. These habits can bring for you some money but at the end you have been asked about it in the court of Allah.  The money you collect in this way never bring your heart peace although you can avail the facilities for you with this money. If you earn a little money in a honest way, this will be a cause of heart peace and the great advantage of it will be that your it will surely give you relief from your kids.

You must take the responsibilities seriously that the Govt has assigned you. Just keep in mind that the Govt pays you pay and various allowances only for the work, the Govt has assigned you. If you don’t fulfill your responsibilities whole heatedly, then it comes in the circle of dishonesty.

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You are to abide by the rules & regulations and code of conduct & policies of the department.


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