Grant of Premature Increment on Appointment from Lower to Higher Grades

Today I am giving you the reference of Finance Division Regulation Wing, Islamabad Notification No. F.4 (5)-R/4/98 dated 23rd May 2001 to clarify the concept of Premature Increment on appointment from lower grade to higher grade.

According to Auditor General Office letter No. 220/Reg-I/Pay/1-94/C-KW-III dated 10-05-2001 on the subject matter, the issue of premature increment on appointment from post to another has been re-examined in the regulation wing and the opinion arrived is given below:-

The admissibility of premature increment is regulated by Finance Division’s O.M No. F-1 (2)-NG-IMP/71 dated 16-02-1977 which clarifies the concept of pay fixation and premature increment introduced in the Scheme of National Pay and Allowances vide clause (I) of part-I of Finance Division O.M No. 1 (2)- NG-IMP/71 dated 08-03-1972.

According to the clarification issued vide O.M dated 16-02-1977, the word “Promotion” occurring in the first line of the said clause has been used in the context of pay fixation and not in the context of the recruitment rules. Accordingly, it means an appointment from one post to another involving assumption of duties or responsibilities of greater importance for the purpose of FR-22 and FR-30.

Similarly the word “Promotion/Appointment” used in Finance Division’s U.O No. 893-R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981 may also be interpreted in the context of pay fixation and not in the context of recruitment rules. Therefore Finance Division did not err in using the word “Appointment” in combination with the word “Promotion” in the aforesaid U.O letter.

In the light of foregoing position the benefit of premature increment is admissible to all those Govt servants whose promotion/appointment involves assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, than those attached to their previous posts.

See also  Notification of Special Allowance @50% to the Employees of Civil Secretariat Punjab




Premature Increment 2

It is clear from the above discussion that 1x premature increment will be granted to the employee who is re-appointed from lower grade to higher grade involving the responsibilities of greater importance as the word re-appointment is the same as promotion in the context of pay fixation.




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156 thoughts on “Grant of Premature Increment on Appointment from Lower to Higher Grades

  1. Asslam o Allaikum Please Share this Letter jis me Premature Increament Ke Clearfication he .

    Finance Division’s U.O No.
    893-R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981

  2. AoA, please clarify whether a contract employee is admissible of premature increment and pay protection who joins federal government from Punjab govt, from lower to higher scale,

  3. AOA koi aisa banda Jo same department men through proper channel after jun re appoint howa or department ki taraf sy option daya gaya ho plz I need help WhatsApp no 03023866911

  4. Aslam Alaikum Sir , I m working in 18 grade as lecturer for 3 years ,Now i m going to join 17 grade post Sindh Govt,would I get increments ?or not kindly answer

  5. Muhammad Nawaz Tahir · Edit

    Dear madam i am working in federal govt Islamabad and promoted in BPS 16 on dated 30-05-2010 my basic pay was fixed Rs.7470/- and i am further Up Graded/Promoted BPS -16 To BPS-17 on Dated 1-01-2011 my basic pay was fixed on initial stage of Rs. 9850/- without premature increment weather in the situation i am entitled premature increment or not

    For premature increment please contact with me as there is so much amendment in rule of premature increment ie condition of three year has been relaxed since 1988 cell no 03449402149 I have sent you presently notification for this

  7. Dear Madam
    Kis Mahinay tak next scale mein promotion of ho jaey to increment lagti hai aor kis mahinay ka baad next scale mein promotion to increment nahi lagti?

  8. Dear Madam!
    Assalam O Alaikum,
    I was appointed as UDC (BPS-7) on 08-05-1995 and was re-appointed as Asstt (BPS-11) in 22-8-1997. I was drawing Basic Pay Rs 1804 as UDC in BPS on 1-12-96 but my Basic Pay was fixed at Rs 1725 as Asstt in BPS-11 on 22-8-1997. More over I was not given Annual Increment on 1-12-97. Kindly update me (with refrence), if pre-mature increment is admissible to me.

    1. If you have applied through proper channel or in the same department then your pay should be protected and you have also the right of option to get annual increment in previous scale and then pay fixation on 2nd December.

  9. Assalamu Alaikum Mam
    Mam meri date of joining in BPS-1, 30 May 2009 thi.Phir Mam meri re-appointment hoi thi BPS-1 Say BPS-7 main meri re-appointment ki date 20 January 2011 hai. Meri basic pay BPS-7 3530 par fix hoi thi .Jo k initial pay thi .But Mam Mujay 1 premature Increment nai diya gaya . Mam my question is can I eligible for premature Increment or not

  10. Muhammad Usman Ikram · Edit

    Dear Madam

    i appointed in Lahore High Court Lahore on 21-09-2011 as Junior Clerk in BPS-11.
    Than through proper channel i selected as Inspector Inland Revenue, BPS-16 on 28-12-2017 and joined duties in Faisalabad. When i left charge from LHC my basic salary was Rs.18,730/- and my service is count as 06-years while in FBR my initial basic salary started as Rs.18,910/-. Whether i am eligible of pre-mature increment?

  11. Dear Madam
    I joined as Federal Deptt Bs-13 as DEO in 2013 thorugh proper channal.Before this appointment i was Junnior clerk Bs-07 in District Government.
    My Last Basic pay Rs.6720 and then new appointment as BS-13 initial Basic is Rs.7500
    but pre mature was not given to me.

  12. its a good help to the various employees who have quiries in the premarure increment from lower to the higher post , but if according to Govt deparmet policy due to unavailablity of post one employee is kept blow the existed grade i.e from stenographer BPS 12 to Assistant BpS 11 then what benefis can be given to him . please guide in this regard

  13. Dear Maa’m! I have found a great help from your this blogging informative website. i have a little query; option of fixation of pay on 1st dec (In Cases of Upgradation, Promotion & Appointment to Higher Scale Between 1st June to 30th November etc) if an employee got appointment to higher scale in October suppose in bps 17, according to rule he is not eligible for annual increment on 1st dec in higher scale. but if he writes an option of fixation with reference to pre-promotional/previous scale suppose 16. My question is that on 1st December pay would be fixed in bps 16 or 17 and if pay is fixed in bps, would the annual increment be also admissible?

    or option exercise kerne ka max time kitna hota hay?

  14. Dear Shumaila,
    I am working in Energy department GOS in BS-16 on regular basis on 4th July-2017 and now appointed as Inspector FBR in BS-16.I will be join FBR through proper channel. Kindly can you please give me disadvantages/advantages of joining FBR after 1st June-2018.
    Is it better for me to join FBR before 1st June-2018 in terms of salary???

  15. Kindly upload the Finance Division’s U.O. No.893/R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981
    for grant of premature increment on appointment from lower to higher grades.

    1. If possible, kindly upload the Finance Division’s U.O. No.893/R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981
      for grant of premature increment on appointment from lower to higher grades.

          1. Finance Division’s U.O.No.893/R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981 {Scheme of National Scales of Pay, Allowances and other fringe benefits for non-gazetted Civil employees (Other than teaching personnel)}


            Finance Division’s letter dated 23-05-2001 (Grant of Premature increment on appointment from lower to higher grades)

            Both Notifications may kindly be uploaded please.

        1. Finance Division’s U.O.No.893/R-3/81 dated 24-10-1981 {Scheme of National Scales of Pay, Allowances and other fringe benefits for non-gazetted Civil employees (Other than teaching personnel)} is available in my record.

  16. Dear Mam Shumaila kamal,
    how my pay will be fixed ?
    Im federal govt employee in BPS-16. My date of joining is 21-12-2009 n currently at pay stage current basic pay is 29550, gross pay is about 55k n net pay about 50k. Im going to join federal govt job in BPS-17 Through proper channel very soon IA….will i get annual increment n premature much will be my new pay ?

  17. Salaam,
    Dear Madam Shumail Kamal, Kindly guide me in the following case.
    I served in TEVTA (an autonomous body of Punjab Govt.) from 25.10.2011 to 30.05.2016. Initially i was appointed as instructor in grade PS-17 as a contract employee. But i became a regular employee of TEVTA w.e.f 11.03.2016. My final basic pay in Tevta at that time was 26,470 Rs.
    After regularization, I applied for the post of Lecturer in university of Gujrat (BPS-18) through proper channel. After joining university, i put my case for pay protection as my starting basic pay of BPS-18 was 25,890 according to 2015 pay scales, which was less than my TEVTA’s basic pay.
    But university treasurer office refused to give me pay protection and raised the objection that your pay scale in TEVTA was PS. We only protect the pay of those employees who served in BPS.
    My Question from you is that:
    1- May i eligible for the pay protection and premature increment?
    2- If yes, can you provide me some kind of notification or rules regarding it?
    Thanking you in anticipation.

  18. Muhammad Mubeen Khan · Edit

    Respected Madam Shumaila Kamal, I need your kind guidance regarding my case which is as follows:
    I worked as instructor (Electrical) in TEVTA under PS-17.
    TEVTA is an autonomous body of Govt of Punjab and they have their own pay scales thats why they use the term PS instead of BPS. My stay at TEVTA lasted from 25.10.2011 to 30.05.2016.
    Initially i was appointed as contract employee. But i became a regular employee of TEVTA w.e.f 11.03.2016.
    After that i applied for the post of Lecturer (Electrical) in University of Gujrat under BPS-18. I applied for the said post through proper channel.
    After getting selected at university of gujrat in higher scale i got reliving orders from TEVTA on 30.05.2016 and joined university of Gujrat on the very next date.
    My basic pay in TEVTA at the time of reliving was 26470 which was higher than the initial pay of BPS-18 which was 25890 according to 2015 pay scales. So i applied for pay protection amd pay fixation.
    But my case is still pending because of a confusion. The confusion is that the university treasurer said that we protect the pay of only those govt employees who served in BPS pay scales. As your pay scale in TEVTA was PS so we cant protect your pay unless you came to us with some kind of notification or rules for the pay protection of the different pay scales.
    My question from you is that,
    1- May i eligible for pay protection and premature increment or not?
    2- If yes, then can you provide me with some kind of notification or rules that i can put up to my university treasurer.or
    3- The notification uploaded in this post is relevant to my case?
    Your kind reply will be a great virtue for me.
    Thanking you in anticipation.

  19. Respected Mam ShumailaKamal
    Refer to your blog which in my perception is the most relevant one to my case, I want your worthy comments about its applicability about.

    Details of my case is as under:
    Previous Organization: PCSIR MosT Islamabad, BPS-17, Permanent
    Current Organization: University of Poonch Rawalakot, AJK, BPS-18, Permanent
    Mode of Appointment: Through proper channel (NOC was issued and accepted)
    Date of Joining:06-10-2015

    1. Am I eligible for the above mentioned premature increment?
    2. what is the reference of the last additional two pages attached with this notification?
    3. Am I also eligible for the fixation of the pay on presumptive pay basis?

    Thanking you in anticipation.

  20. Aslam o alikum,
    I have a query as I have recently been selected JC (BS-11) in Lahore High Court. Earlier I was an employ of ASF and drawing my pay in BS-09 (B.Pay 15350/- as per PS-2016). I joined my new assignment on 22 June, 2017. Due to less than 180 days in new scale I am not entitled from annual increment wheres at the same time I have not been given increment in my previous scale. I want to know that am I eligible for premature increment or not?

  21. Muhammad Sufian Rasool · Edit

    Aslam o alikum,
    I have a query as I have recently been selected JC (BS-11) in Lahore High Court. Earlier I was an employ of ASF and drawing my pay in BS-09 (B.Pay 15350/- as per PS-2016). I joined my new assignment on 22 June, 2017. Due to less than 180 days in new scale I am not entitled from annual increment wheres at the same time I have not been given increment in my previous scale. I want to know that am I eligible for premature increment or not?

  22. Dear Madam,
    aoa.i was appointed through proper from lower reguler to higher contract post in punjab govt.plz inform for pre mature increment.thanks

  23. Respected Madam,
    AOA, Eid ul Fiter mobarak, It Is requested that i was working as reguler punjab govt employ bps 14 rs.18600 later on i was appointed on contract bps pay was fixed at next above the previous pay Rs. 19720 on july 2016. i have not given pre mature increment and also not given decmber 2016 increment. kea pre mature incement mil sakty hy. thanks plz reply.

  24. madam,i have been working as EST BS.14 since 2009.Recruited again as SSE BS.16 in 2016.Running basic in 2016 was 18600. whereas initial stage of BS.16 is 15880.SO new refixed basic is 19720. May i deserve one PREMATURE INCREMENT?

  25. R/mam. I applied through proper channel for the post of junior clerk BPS11(10510-740-32000) in education department and appointed. Before this reappointment I was working as Assistant Store Keeper BPS07 in technical education department. My running basic pay was Rs.18910. I am eligible for premature increment or not.

  26. ma’m
    i m very confuse in some terminology regarding civil service rules could u plz help me
    i cant fine ur email address here
    time scale of pay: what is the concept behind it
    national scale of pay
    ma’m if u reply plz on my email address

  27. DR. HAQ DAD DURRANI · Edit


  28. AOA,dear madam, i have been selected through proper channel as junior auditor(BS-11) in auditor general of Pakistan. currently i am working as JET(BS-14) in Education department for 4 years.
    As the question raising in my mind i that, whether the AGP may provide the benefits of pay protection or annual increment for those 4 years? Please guide me……

  29. AoA, Madam, I was serving as Accountant (BS-08) in Provincial Deptt in 2000. Then I applied through proper channel, got NOC from Deptt: and applied for the post of Senior Auditor (BS-11) in Federal Deptt and later on selected. I joined Federal Deptt: Am I illegible for pre-mature increment.

  30. Dear I have been working as Field Assistant BPS 06 in Agriculturer Department since 20 June 2007
    Now i appointed as LDC BS 11 in Fishries Department on Ist Dec 2016
    Plz guid e me for premature increment and pay fixation process


  31. Respected Madam!
    I was serving in PAC Kamra since 2006 as a technician in BPS-12. Now I have been selected for Stenotypist BPS-14 through proper channel from 14-07-2016. My department said that you are not eligible for premature increment and even that annual increment because of following reasons:

    1. You are not promoted, but you are re-appointed therefore not eligible for premature increment
    2. Your date of re-appointment is 14-07-16 therefore you are not eligible for annual increment

    Please guide me.



  32. Salam Dear, I have been working as UDC BPS-9 in NAB since 2006 and in 2015 i applied in the same department as Assistant BPS-14 through proper channel..i was selected and given 1 x premature incerement..My question is was i eleigible for the premature increment??

    now AGPR told our cashier that premature increment was not admissible to me on my appointment as Assistant..i read queries up here and found that 1 x premature increment is allowed…if it is allowed to me plz send me any rules / notification or any material to provide to AGPR lahore.


  33. A-0-A Madim I was appointed as police constable BPS 5 in 2003.In same department through proper channel I was appointed as ASI BPS-9 by SPSC EXAM as (in-service) candidate .my pay fixed from (BPS-5 to.BPS -9) am I eligible for premature increment ?

  34. Dear Madam. My running basic pay on June 30, 3016 was 58906 n BPS 20. I was appointed as Professor (BPS 21) on July 12, 2016. My pay was fixed as Rs 76230. I want to know if a premature increment is admissible to me?

  35. Assalam o Alaikum Madom.Iwas Appointed as PTC Teacher in 1993.In 2011 I was Selected as a Librarian In Higher Edu Deptt. By PCS Through Proper Channel.My Basic Pay In 2011 As PTC Was 9315 Which was Fixed In B-17 as Rs,9825 on 20-5-2011. The Difference is Less Than The Incriment Of B-17.As I am Entitled To Get One Premature Increment?Thanks

    1. Dear Madam, The Account Office Said That You Ara Appointed Not Promoted.Though I Appointed But Through Proper Channel , I Took NOC From Concerned Department.Please Guide Me In This Regard.Thanks

  36. Dear Madam AOA,

    Madam I join NAVY As LDC BPS-07 (Civilian) on 11-06-2012 and Drawn Basic Pay 5800 which is the initial pay of that scale . Through proper channel i applied for the Post of DEO BPS-12 (Civilian) and appointted as DEO on 12-12-2012 and my pay fixed on 7000 which is also initial pay of BPS-12 at that time.

    Madam I want to know that can i claim for grant of one premature increament on appointment from lower to higher grade. Please Guide me

  37. Dear Madam
    I applied through proper channel in PAK Civil Aviation Authority and was appointed as Assistant Director EG-1 from an Authority in Government of Balochistan where I was working as GM in BPS-18.
    Since my Basic pay was more in previous job I applied for pay protection and increments but case is pending as HR dept is confused about pay protection in case of reappointment from higher to lower post.
    Please guide.

    Owais Gul

  38. i am working in ASF as deputy assistant director(BPS-16) initially i was appointed as ASi in BPS-09 in 2007 later on 08th oct 2012 i got appointment of my current post through FPSC.
    at that time my basic pay was 8100 now it is 10000.
    so please guide me whether i m entitled of pre mature increment or otherwise..

  39. A.O.A,
    My name is Sami ullah, My request is that i was working as Sub Assistant (08) in a Federal Department after six years my department announced vacant positions. i applied for Data Entry Operator BPS(13) through proper channel, after examination and interview appointed as Data Entry Operator in BPS(13), in this case may I get one premature increment on this re-appointment.


    Sami Ullah

  40. One of my relative appoainted as educator in BS-9 in 2002 in 2009 gop gave them concession to re apply for the nearest station on same post, she did so through proper chanel and appoainted without resigning previous same post. now if compare between and educator of 2009 and her will she senior or not.
    secondly beofre her second joining she was regularized by notification in 2011 from 2009.
    kinndly guide

  41. i am a fed govt employee. i had been promoted from t/tech (bps-8) to es (bps-11) under internal quota after conducting written exam and interview w.e.f 16-05-2001. but i had not been allowed premature increment.

    please guide me if a premature increment is eligible or not.

  42. A.O.A. Medam i m fed govt emply i m up grated BPS-05 to BPS-8 on dated 06-01-2000. muje premature increment nahi mila kia me es increment ka illegible hun k nhi plz reply

        1. Dear just read the Notification of premature increment on upgradation by Finance Devision. There is mention the date of 28th January 2002. Employees upgraded wef 28-01-2002 will get premature increment under the rules. Thanks

  43. A.O.A. Dear Shumaila, I am working in WAPDA under Federal Government as Assistant (Ad.) I want to consult in some matters mentioned below:
    Detail: I joined my service as Jr. Assistant. (Ad) BPS-07 in 2001and on behalf of my qualification my post was upgraded in BPS-11 on graduation basis and i was PLACED in BPS 11 by upgradation w.e.f. 01-01-2004and my pay was fixed as under:
    Pay as on 31-12-2003 in BPS-07 (2220-120-5820) =Rs.2460/-
    pay as on 01-01-2004 after upgradation in BPS-11(2590-175-8890) =Rs.2590/- I was fixed on the initial of B-11 as at that time premature increment on upgradation was not allowed. But now after decision of Finance Division Regulation wing one premature increment is allowed . The ambugity is this that how fixation should be made. whether in the situation above i am entitled for premature increment or not ? If entitled than fixed my salary, please.

    1. Dear Aslam, the difference of the two pays is 2590-2460 = 130/- and the annual increment of BPS-11 was Rs. 175/- that is why u r eligible to get the premature increment at that time. Ur pay will be fixed Rs. 2765/-

    2. A.O.A Madam, my friend was placed in SPS-5 as Jr. Assistant Admin. cum placed Assistant in PAEC on 30-8-2005 and fixed on initial basic pay of SPS-5. Where as he was promoted in the same scale i.e. SPS-5 AS Assistant Admin. on 02-5-2013 and his seniority was also counted w.e.f. 02-5-2013 . At the time of regular promotion on 02-5-2013 he was granted one increment as next stage above but now whether he is eligible for one premature increment on the basis of promotion in the same scale w.e.f. 02-05-2013 or otherwise, please. Co-operation,in this regard, will be highly requested.

      1. Dear Aslam, According to the Finance Division Notification issued in Nov 2012, if an employee promotes within the same scale he will get premature increment too. Next above in the same scale was already in vague. So he will get two increments: 1 next above and the other premature increment.

    3. A.O.A. Dear Madam, whether 20 percent special allowance which is underprocess at Islamabad High Court will also be granted to PAEC employees where already SPS Scales (Special Pay Scales) have been given. Thanx a lot in anticipation for ur kind reply. Wasalam

    4. A.O.A. my friend who was in Health department, Govt. of Punjab and join PAEC through proper channel . His detail is as under:

      Date of Joining in Health department as dispenser BPS-09 = 16-2-1995 and his annual increment was Rs. 165/-
      He applied in PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commision)
      as Tech-I SPS-04 in scale (Rs.5010-310-14310) in 2006 and selected. His
      date of joining in PAEC =06-06-2006 and was fixed at a salray = 5010 (initial pay).
      SPS-04 is equal to BPS-09 as per equivalant chart.
      In december he was not granted annual increment on the plea that his service in paec is less then six months. neither paec nor health department (His previous department ) has given him increment. whether he is entitled for annual increment or not.
      2. whether he is entitled for any other increments like presumptive basis or otherwise. please. Ur cooperation in this regard is highly requested. Thanking u in anticipation., please.

      1. Dear Aslam Niazi, he is not entitled to get the Annual Increment as his service in SPS-04 is less than 6 months.
        However if he applied through proper channel he can get the premature increment on reappointment under the rules if the difference of the two pays is equal or less than the annual increment of the SPS-04.

        1. A.o.A. He applied through proper channel but counting of previous service is still under process. whether during this situation premature increment on reappointment can be granted by PAEC or would wait for decision of his counting of previous service. Difference of his pay was only Rs.95/- and his increment of new scale (SPS-04) was Rs.310/- , please.

    5. A.O.A. If an employee is working as Assistant Admin. in PAEC But during his service he improves his qualification and gets higher qualification i.e. M.Phil/M.S. in Project Management through proper channel after approval of competent Authority. Whether there is some provision exists for such employees who are higher qualified but still working on lower shades or otherwise. If any rule exist please communicate me so that i can apply for higher post without competing on open merit. my length of service is 10 years but inspite of higher education i am working as staff level. please.

    6. A.O.A. Dear madam, plz confirm me that whether there is any rule for grant of M.S./M PHIL allowance to the employees like Phd allowance? If yes plz enclose some reference. thanx a lot.

      1. A.o.A. madam! As punjab Govt grants its employees M.S./Mphil allowance 50 percent of Phd allowance per month along with pay whether there is any rule of Federal Govt for grant of same allowance to the employees who have acquired MS degree , please.

        1. A.O.A. if an employee is working under federal govt. and his qualification is M.S./Mphil then whether he is entitled for M Phil allowance or not. please reply.

  44. A.O.A. Dear Shumaila, I am working in WAPDA under Federal Government as Assistant (Ad.) I want to consult in some matters mentioned below:
    Detail: I joined my service as Jr. Assistant. (Ad) BPS-07 w.e.f. 13-01-2004 and on behalf of my qualification my post was upgraded in BPS-11 on graduation basis and i was PLACED in BPS 11 by upgradation w.e.f. 28-08-2005 and my pay was fixed as under:
    Pay as on 27-8-2005 in BPS-07 (2555-140-6755) =Rs.2695/-
    pay as on 28-8-2005 after upgradation in BPS-11(2980-200-8980) =Rs.2980/- I was fixed on the initial of B-11 as at that time premature increment on upgradation was not allowed. But now after decision of Finance Division Regulation wing one premature increment is allowed . The ambugity is this that how fixation should be made. whether in the situation above i am entitled for premature increment or not ? If entitled than fixed my salary, please. QNo.2. whether now option can be used for fixation by defferment as my post was upgraded in August, please.

    1. Dear Anees ur pay will be as under:
      Pay on 27-8-2005 in BPS-07 =Rs.2695/-
      pay on 28-8-2005 after upgradation in BPS-11=Rs.2980/
      As the difference of the two pays is 2980-2695= 285/- as the Annual Increment of BPS-11 is 200/- that is why u r not entitled to get the premature increment. The difference must be equal or less than the annual increment of the higher scale.
      2nd: There is no option eligible on up-gradation.

  45. assalam u alaikum! I had been SESE(BPS-14) since 1 feb 2011 to 2nd april 2012 and I applied for SSE and started it from 3rd April 2012. How will I be benefited by this???…
    i am getting no benefit for this and it was heard that previous service would not be considered..

  46. Asalamu Alayekum
    Dear Shumaila in regard of above notification i had discussed with the officials of District Accounts Office of my native place and they told me that this notification has been declined by an amendment. So do you have any amendment or above stated information is the last information regarding the pay fixation on appointment from lower to higher grade ?
    Your quick response in this regard will be highly appreciable because i need to take certain decision on it !!!

    1. Dear Talal Hassan if they say that this decision has been amended then why they not show you the copy of the same amended notification. I ll try my self you find the same and I think there is no amendment in this notification.

      1. They ask for some days to find out that amendment.
        And during internet surfing in this regard i had found that premature increment after next stage on appointment is allowed in offices of the Federal Government. If the appointment is in an office of the Provincial or District Government of Province then fixation would be made at next stage and premature increment would not be allowed…. Comments plz ???

          1. No Dear … I was asking that Premature Policy for Re-appointment from lower scale to higher scale is different for Federal Government Officials vs. Provincial Government Officials ??

  47. dear shumaila the same case is with me. i was appointed since 28.11.2001 in bps 11. after that i was reappointed on 10.08.2004 in bps 13. the premature increament granted to me while annual increament was not allowed to me. now i can get the annual increament of 2008 or otherwise? please reply

  48. Dear Madam, Aoa. Hm 2002 ma contract pr teacher appoint howay thy 2009 ma punjab govt ny hamen regular kiya lekn hamari previous service count nahi ki gai hamen initial pay pr dobara fix kr diya giya is sy hamari pay b kam ho gai hm ny court ma b case kiya hy lekan abi tk hamara ye masla solve nahi howa hy ap plz hamen guide kren k hmen kiya krna chahye thanx

  49. Dear miss; AOA,
    in 2011 i have been selected through proper channel by PPSC as Assistant Professor BS 18 On regular basis, at that time i was working in tevta as instructor in BS-17. having runing basic pay 18000/- on may 30,2011. but on 31st my i have join as assistant professor and my intial basic start RS 12910/-

    my previous job on contract basis and pay is issued from TEVTA account which was runing basic 18000 startig in BS 18 is 12910= difference 5090
    AG Office, official said to me that you should take approval from the education department how i proceed the case and what type of documents required me to proceed the case

    1. Dear Sarfraz Hussain, according to my opinion, NOC for the new post you got from ur previous department, LPC, Charge Relinquish Report (Relieving Report) Gazetted History, Joining Report in New Department, Appoitment letter in New Department.

  50. sister Shumaila: , i m very happy to see ur this website.It is very useful and valuable thing, especially for employees. who works in public my point of view, if these notifications are of zip file or folder. then every person can download it easily. once again, i congratulate u. thanks

    1. Dear Khalique DAD Thanks for appreciating mine efforts for the Employees. Dear I ll try to use Zip formate. However just right click on any notification and then use “SAVE IMAGE AS”. It is also very easy.

  51. Dear Madam! I hope and pray for your good health. Madam I am working in paid out Defence as a N/Qasid BPS-2 in last 10 years but now a days I appointed as a Assistant BPS-14. SO my question as that I am entitled for premature increment, if any documents audience available & sent me, please waiting for your kind response

  52. Dear Shumaila,

    I was working in BPS-16 December 2008 to June 2009 with a running basic of Rs. 7940/- at that time and afterwards I got appointed in BPS-17 with a pay of Rs. 9850/- in July 2009.

    Keeping in view of above, my question is this “may I be granted 1xpremature or advance increment” in this scenario as Rs. 9850/- is the initial stage of BPS-17?

      1. I am trying to say that when I got appointed in Grade 17 from Grade 16, according to the notification my pay should had to be fixed in Grade 17 by giving one premature / advance increment i.e. Rs. 9850/- + 740 = Rs. 10590/- but my office given me the initial pay of Grade 17.

        Reason for it when I inquired from my account officer he is of the view that because of huge difference of pay of Grade 16 to 17 i.e. Rs. 7940/- and Rs. 9850/- for Grade 17 that is why in Grade 17 your pay is Rs. 9850/- because only one or two premature increments can be given and in this case 5+ increments are required to achieve Rs. 9850/- from Rs. 7940/- of Grade 16.

  53. Ptc mi mera scale 12 ta. Ct post mi scale 9 par appoint kia gia pir BA par graded pay scale 14 dia gia. Mera appointment as ptc 6.3.1990 awr as ct 19.6.2011 hai. Kia mi option par 1.12.2011 ki annual increment ka haqdar banonga, rahnumai farmai. Agar ap ki pas koi notification kpk finance depart ki ho tu muje send ke jai. Thnx
    Muhammad Rauf ct swat.

  54. Mery appoint 06/03/1990 ko as a PTC teacher howy thy. Ub 19/06/2011 ko C.T post join kr lia hy. Mujai premature inreament mil chuka hy lekin 01/12/2011 ka annual inreament mujai nahi dia gya hy lehaza is me mery rehnumaye farmaye. Thnx

      1. I am working in Pakistan post since November 20 2007 i was appointed in BPS 02 and promoted to BPS 09 in September 26 2011 my pay was fixed in 2nd December 2011 instead of immediate effect (September 2011) after promotion and a premature increment was granted to me after fixing the pay in new scale
        my pay was fixed at initial stage of new scale my pay in older scale was 5410/- and was fixed at the initial stage of BPS 09 i.e. 6200+premature of BPS 09 6200+380=6580 all this calculation was made by disbursing office (GPO)
        Recently The disbursing office sent my pay particulars along with service book to Director of Accounts for pay verification The Director of Accounts PPO Lahore returned the service book with remarks that the grant of premature is not admissible

        So now please guide me to get the best solution and advantage by available rulings
        if you have any ruling in favor of me and guide me that how my disbursing office can take up my case with Director of Accounts Lahore

        1. Dear M Usman, you are not eligible for the premature increment as the difference of the two pays is greater than the annual increment of the higher scale. It is better you fix the pay on September so that u may get 6200/- wef September instead of December. Thanks


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