Punjab Govt has issued Notification No. FD.PC.14-38/78 (Pt.V) dated 12th February 2013 regarding the up-gradation of Punjab Govt Private Secretary, Personal Assistants, Senior Scale Stenographers & Stenographers.
According to the notification Private Secretary, Personal Assistants, Senior Scale Stenographers & Stenographers working under the Punjab Govt have been upgraded wef 23-12-2011.
Name of Post | Existing Basic pay Scale | Up-Graded Pay Scale | Conditions |
Private Secretary | 16 | 17 | On Up-Gradation of the Post of Private Secretary, the special pay attached with the post will continue to be admissible on the existing rates. The same will be merged/discontinued on promotion/shifting from the post of Private Secrtary. |
Personal Assistant | 15 | 16 | On Up-Gradation of the Post of Personal Assistant, the special pay attached with the post will continue to be admissible on the existing rates to make difference amongst the cadres of Senior Scale Stenographers and Personal Assistant. |
Senior Scale Stenographer | 15 | 16 | |
Stenographer | 12 | 14 |
The incumbents of the upgraded posts will also stand up-graded and their pay will be fixed at the stage next above their Basic Pay in their lower pay scales wef 23-12-2011.
There would be no change in Pay Scales of the incumbents holding Selection Grades in the capacity of Stenographers, Senior Scale Stenographers/Personal Assistant and Private Secretary.
Salam Madam aik aur bat b bata dijiya ga k APS sy PS promotion k liya Federal mien Length of Service kitni hoti ha koi 5 kehta ha koi 3 aur koi 7 sach kiya ha ya b ap plz bata dijiya ga.
Assalam o Alaikum
I was appointed in 2001 as Stenotypist. There was no seat of APS available for promotion. So I have applied through other Govt. Department for the Post of APS in 2013. Fpsc has appointment me in 2016 as Assistant Private Secretary BS-16. Now in this Ministry Seat of Private Secretary (BS-17) is available here which is 100% by promotion. But Now i am Senior most APS. But the authorities demanded me that your length of Service as APS for the promotion is not sufficient for PS. your have to rendered 5 years as APS then you will be eligible for promotion.
But my question is this that if seat is available I am senior most and having 16 years Stenotypist Experience so whey they not giving me promotion. Ab is mien mara kiya kusoor ha k jab seat hi available naien thi tu mari promotion kaisy hoti but ab jabk is deptt. meien seat b hine mien senior b hon tu mara khayal karty huway mujy promotion tu dani chaya. agar koi rule ha tu please mujy forward karien taka mien apna case forward kar sakon
AOA,well struggle from plateform of glxspace.com to help the employees.I would like to know is it provincial employees platform or all Government employees. Previously, a case of deprived stenos was put up in FD and FST but, no fruitful reply is so far been received.Have you know about its result or end of issue.I wrote to twicely Prime Minister,Secretary, Finance and Establishment, but all in vain. Please try to put this issue on Media if possible and you or any colleaauges have an influance in media.
Sabir Chauhan, Lahore
Thanks dear Sabir Chuhan for appreciating mine efforts for the employees. It is a platform for all the Pakistani Govt Employees.
Dear, have any latest information, about the matter of deprived stenographers (selection grade-15), please share.
plz ap mje ye btain k kia hmare scale jo k B-12 jo k punjab govt. ma b-16 k equal kam kr rhe hn to kia hme is notification jo steno, PA, PS ka hwa ha is ka benefit mile ga? hme kia krna ho ga is bare ma brief krn.
I am working as steno cum compute operator B-12 in Azad Jammu &Kashmir Industries Department. Please guide me how to get upgraded as personal assistant B-16 or private secretary B-17 by pursuing recent upgradtion notification dated 13-02-2013.
my contact : 0312-9014068
Dear Waheed, just apply to your department with full proofs/documents.
I am stenographer (Selection Grade BS-15) Punjab Agriculture Deparment, Sheikhopura.The Central Government as well as Government of the Punjab have upgraded all the stenographers but the selection grade stenographers have been deprived from the upgradation which is unjustified. I have been serving the department since the last 30 years and have reached to the superannuation. In the 30 years service only Selection Grade was granted during the year 1988. I request to Prime Minister, Chief Justice of Supreme Court as well as Chief Minister Punjab to upgrade all selection grade stenographers also. Well will be highly oblige and will pray for your excellent sympathy.
Nazeer Ahmad Stenographer E.D.O.(Agriculture) Sheikhopura Cell.No.03014886074
I am stenographer (Selection Grade BS-15) Punjab Forest Deparment, Publicity Div. 24- Cooper Road, Lahore. The Central Government as well as Government of the Punjab have upgraded all the stenographers but the selection grade stenographers have been deprived from the upgradation which is unjustified. I have been serving the department since the last 23 years. In the 23 years service only Selection Grade was granted during the year 2000. I request to Prime Minister, Chief Justice of Supreme Court as well as Chief Minister Punjab to upgrade all selection grade stenographers also. We will be highly oblige and will pray for your excellent sympathy.
Amjad Hussain Awan, Stenographer Forest Deptt. Publicity Div. Lahore Cell.No.03009447016
Miss Shumaila Kamal.
AOA. I am stenographer BS-15 (Selection Grade) in Forest Department, Layyah. As you are well aware of the fact the Federal as well as Provincial Government has deprived the Selection Grade Stenographers who are working in the department for the last 30 years but have not upgraded, reason being a desprate has been prevailed. you are requested to kindly guide us what steps should be taken for the upgradation of Selection Grade Stenos. Thank You and looking forward for a sympethetic advice.
Syed Mazhar Hussain
Cell # 0300-8761272.
Off: 0606-414199
Dear Mazhar Hussain I advise you to apply to the department alongwith facts.
Thank you for immediate response, I shall be highly beholden if you guide me whether I should file an appeal to the appointing authority or administrative department for the upgradation. kindly guide me so that I may also be able to get upgraded.
Most respected Sir,
I am working as steno cum computer opertor BS-12 in punjab Food Department, may please be guide for upgradiation in recently upgradaion notification punjab goverment dated 13-02-2013. May please be guide me # 0321-5984166, altaffood@yahoo.com
Dear Just contact ur office alongwith the copy of the notification of the upgradation of Stenographers.
tell me that any selection grade steno go to pst for his right
I am I m working in an organization which is attached department of Federal Govt and comes under Ministry of Defence. Our pay slips come through CNA and retirement and all benefits are from AGPR. I am working here since 1 December 1998 as Stenographer in BPS-15, after this upgradation, what is the correct procedure of our Pay Fixation from 15 to 16 and what are the effects on our salaries other than Basic Pay Scales, Yearly increment and Conveyance Allowance.
What about the Medical Allowance if I was having Basic Pay of 7,850/- in June 2007. What will be the effect on my Medical Allowance. In 2008 Medical Allowance were frozen @ 15% of Basic Pay of 2008.. What will be effect on mine…… according to the letter mentioned below:
Finance Division (Regulations Wing) letter No F.1(12)/Imp/2011-290 dated 17 April 2012 regarding “REMOVAL OF ANOMALIES”
Dear Batool just email me with full detail and also mention wt ur pay was just one day before upgradation.
why the selection grade stenographers have been ignored and what step is required to be taken by the ignorant
I think we should study the case of Assistants (Selection Grade) if they were also ignored, then we should jointly appeal to the competent autority against this upgradation.????????
Assalam o Alaikum,
Please tell me what is update for the post of statistical assistant? and please tell this post statistical assistant bps-11 this post upgraded or not? if yes then please attached a notification. thanks. I am waiting for your reply. God Bless You. your services is highly oblige.
OK , Madam thanks for the reply, but when their is clear cut mention that no change in the pay scale of Seno (Selection Grade), I think my department can do nothing in this regard. Anyhow, can you tell me what had happened with the Assistants(Selection Grade) when the post of Assistant was up graded?????
Assalam o Alaikum,
It is very good news. I congratulate all the PAs and Stenographers. ULtimmatley they receive their rights. But one thing is very confusing. Why the Selection Grade Stenographers have been ignored?
Dear just contact ur department for the case of Selection Grade Stenoes.