Grant of Usual Increments to the Employees at the Peak of their Stages

According to the Finance Division (Regulation Wing), Islamabad U.O No. F.3 (2) R-2/2000/424 dated 26-05-2010, Usual Increment has been allowed to the employees who are at their maximum stage of Pay Scales 1994.

The matter regarding grant of Usual Increment to all those who were not allowed annual increment due on 01-12-2001 due to the reason that they were at the maximum of 1994 Pay Scales has been considered in the light of FST judgment dated 03-07-2009 in Appeal No. 298 (R) CS/2005 and it has been decided that the benefit of FST’s aforesaid judgment may also be allowed to all those officers who were in similar situation and were entitled to annual increment on 01-12-2001 but were not allowed due to the reason that they were at the maximum of their pay scales.


Usual Increment



See also  Extension in Date of Filing of Income Tax Returns/Statements for Tax Year 2017

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5 thoughts on “Grant of Usual Increments to the Employees at the Peak of their Stages

  1. I am a punjab government employee serving as Stenographer. I can be benefitted if the notification issued by Punjab Government for the grant of usual increments who could avail the same being at maximum onf 1/12/2011. If available, I may please be provided the same.

  2. last day PM asked shuqat azeez to take UPS file to PM.there is silence from that site till now. since 2 days AGPR increase in salaries has been forwarded to PM.
    remaining govt depts have been excluded from this summary.
    it is injustice to other govt depts

  3. thanks shmaila
    thanks for your nacessary information to all gov empolyees,
    we get much information on this site,
    i am asking about pay revise scale,
    what is the latest news about it,?
    Where is dr ishrat hussain?
    Has he done his job?
    Why agpr remaing sielent,?


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