Time Scale Formula 2011 for Federal Directorate Islamabad Teachers

Govt of Pakistan Federal Secretariat Capital Administration & Development Division has issued Notification No. F.1-1/2011-EDU dated 14th October 2011 regarding Time Scale Formula for the promotion of teachers of BPS-16 and above of Federal Directorate of Education wef 01-01-2011.

Detail is as under:

S/No BPS of Teaching Staff Years of Service Required for next Higher Scale
1 BPS-17 Five Years in BPS-16
2 BPS-18 Five Years in BPS-17 or 10 Years in BPS-16 & BPS-17
3 BPS-19 Seven Years in BPS-18 or 12 Years in BPS-17 & BPS-18
4 BPS-20 Seven Years in BPS-19 or 19 Years in BPS-17 and Above
5 BPS-21 Five Years in BPS-20 or 24 Years in BPS-17 and Above


The promotion through above formula will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The service rules, nomenclature/tiers of the posts and seniority of the teachers shall remain intact.
  2. The promotion through time scale will be subject to fitness of candidate and recommendations of relevant DPCs and Selection Boards.
  3. There would be no consecutive time scale promotions.

(A Post by Jadi Pakistani)




See also  Revised Timelines for Data Correction in SIS and Adjustment of Promoted Teachers

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6 thoughts on “Time Scale Formula 2011 for Federal Directorate Islamabad Teachers

  1. Kndly federal directorate of education ka non teaching staff ka b time scale ka notification ho gya hai 25 March 2013 ko wo b upload kr den

      1. Dear Shumail Kamal,
        We are serving in K/Pakhtunkhwa forest department since 1990 on one post and not promoted to the next scale uptill now. Now the C M KP announced up gradation of the clerks my question is can we file writ petition for the time scale or not we will be highly obliged if you give us advice in this respect. thank


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