Govt of the Punjab School Education Department has issued Notification No. SO (A-I) 1-31/2008 dated 18-02-2013 in connection with the schedule of Gazetted Holidays and other holidays for the calendar year 2013 for the educational institutions/schools.
In pursuance of the provisions contained in Article 37 and 41 of the Punjab Education Code and Notification No. SOW-I (S& GAD) 1-3/2008 (P-II) dated 17-01-2013 that was issued by Sanction Officer (Welfare-I), S& GAD the holidays mentioned below will be observed in all the Educational Institutions/Schools of Punjab Province during the calendar year 2013.
S/No | Name of Occasion | Days | Dates |
1 | Pakistan Day | Saturday | 23-03-2013 |
2 | Labour Day | Wednesday | 01-05-2013 |
3 | Summer Vacations | 01-06-2013 to 14-08-2013 | |
4 | Short Summer Break for Hilly Areas | 16-07-2013 to 29-07-2013 | |
5 | Independence Day | Wednesday | 14-08-2013 |
6 | Eid-ul-Fitr (1st Shawal 1434 A.H)(Subject to Appearance of Moon) | Friday, Saturday & Sunday | 9th, 10th and 11th August 2013 |
7 | Eid-ul-Azha (10 Zil Haj 1434 A.H)(Subject to Appearance of Moon) | Tuesday & Wednesday | 15th & 16th October 2013 |
8 | Iqbal Day | Saturday | 09-11-2013 |
9 | Ahura 1435 A.H (9th & 10th Moharram)(Subject to Appearance of Moon) | Wednesday & Thursday | 13th & 14th November 2013 |
10 | Quaid-e-Azam Day/Christmas Day | Wednesday | 25-12-2013 |
11 | Day After Christmas | Thursday | 26-12-2013 (Only for Christians) |
12 | Winter Holidays | 24-12-2013 to 31-12-2013 | |
13 | Winter Break for Hilly Areas | 20th December 2013 to 4th March 2014 |
Note: 1- The Holiday for Indpendance Day will fall during summer vacations, however this holiday will be observed in all the Educational Institutions in a benefiting manner.
2- Educational Institutions will observe local holidays as notified by the relevant district/local authorities from time to time.
3- All Educational Institutions (Government as well as Private Managed) would strictly observe this schedule without any deviation there from.
4- Winter Break for hilly areas may be adjusted by the DPI (SE), Punjab keeping in view the prevailing weather conditions in consultation with the Chairman FBISE Rawalpindi.
5- Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) 1434 A.H and Kashmir Day have already been observed as Public Holidays.
Shumaila Kamal Sahiba
Mam! Please send me all Type of Notification regarding Employee Please.
Rana Abdul Rauf Rashid Tongul Rajpot
Cell No
+92 311 6678832
+92 322 6678832
Skype:- tongul6678832
Twitter:- tongul6678832
Facebook:- Rana AbdulRauf Rashid Tongul
Shumaila Kamal Sahiba
Please Help Me in this Matter
Required Notification issued by Secretary of education about supervisory staff to paying Exam duties of boards…………
1. Headmaster doesn’t stop supervisory staff to paying Exam duties of board………
2. Headmaster can’t stop supervisory staff to paying Exam duties of board…………
3. Notification No.(A-1)8-12/2012 Dated 14/05/2013 issued by Secretary of education Punjab……………
4. Order No 10339/AD(G) Dated 31/10/2013 issued by Govt of Punjab…………………..
5. Any other Notification or Order about supervisory staff to paying Exam duties of boards from issued by Secretary of education or issued by Govt of Punjab……………………
Rana Abdul Rauf Rashid Tongul Rajpot
Cell No
+92 311 6678832
+92 322 6678832
Skype:- tongul6678832
Twitter:- tongul6678832
Facebook:- Rana AbdulRauf Rashid Tongul
Mam Please send me all Type of Notification regarding Employee Please.
Muhammad Umar Khattak
Dear Umar Khan just subscribe to get all the notification.