Notification of Pre-Mature Increment to All the Upgraded Employees since 28-01-2002

Finance Division Regulation Wing Islamabad has issued Notification No. 11 (4) R-2/2011-1153/2013 dated 31st May 2013 in connection with the grant of Pre-Mature Increment on the up-gradation of the employees.

This decision has been made wef 28th January 2013 and all the employees who have been upgraded wef the same date are eligible to get the premature increment on their up-gradation of posts. As the Govt has not allotted the amount for the expenses of the same case in the financial year 2012-13 so the same amount will be allotted in the next budget 2013-14 to meet the expenses for the said cases.

Various appeals were submitted in the Federal Service Tribunal for the said purpose and the notification has been issued in consequence of these appeals. As the Supreme Court of Pakistan made a decision on 28-01-2002 so the benefit of the premature increment will also be applicable with effect from the same date.


Premature Increment Upgradation



See also  Clarifications Regarding Upgradation of Superintendent of Federal Govt

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234 thoughts on “Notification of Pre-Mature Increment to All the Upgraded Employees since 28-01-2002

  1. Dear Madam,

    Mery walid sahab 10-06-2011 ko retired howy te te unki up-gradation BPS 11 sy BPS 14 main 2007 main hui te jiska aik allowance roka hwa hai meri malomat k mutabiq supreme court nay order kardia hai employees ki favor main couert order ki mutabiq 2007 say lay kar ab tak increment dia jai ye order andazan 2012, 2013 main aya hai mje letter ki copy chaye mery walid sb ki death hogai hai 11 January, 2014 main kia iska ka grant meri walidah ki mil sakta hai.

  2. aoa i was appointed in grade 17 on 9.4.1992 basic pap 2870 .prompted in grade 18 on 15.3.2006 and promoted in grade 19 on 2. 12.2015 .what should be my oay on 1.7.2017 kindly reply

  3. Madam Please send us the judgement of supreme court Dated 28 JAN 2002 Passed IN appeal No 637 of 1998 and clarified that we have upgraded in 1998 and ordered has passes by suprime cour in 2002 we are eligable for premature increment or not if eligable from which date (date of upgradation or date of supreme court decission) thanks

  4. محترم میڈم ھم 1998 میں آپگریڈ ھوچکے ھیں کیا ھمیں 1998 سے انکریمنٹ ملیگا یا 2002 مہربانی کریں اگر سپریم کا
    ارڈر28جنوری 2002 والہ اپکے ساتھ موجود ھے اسکوایمیلکرکے مشکور رھونگا ر

  5. All dear friend,
    My father was Teacher in BPS 17 and promoted to BPS 18 in 2000, He remained in BPS 18 for three years, Later on the Musharraf ordered to degrade all BPS 18 of the same capacity back to BPS 17 . Now I have heard from someone that the Court have taken the decision against appeal regarding degradation to BPS17 to restore them back to PBS 18. One of My father friend told him that I have the court notification of restoration and he has given that court decision letter to someone which he says that I forgot that who has taken the court decision letter from him.
    If anyone of you know some information regarding the above mentioned court decision can assist me , that from where can I find the court decision or the concerned department. I searched on internet but didnt found any information regarding such notification.
    contact : 0092 3348442697
    I shall be very thankful for your such help.

  6. Salam sister..
    We DEOs recently upgraded from bps_09 to bps_12 in utility stores corporation.. but the corporation do not give the increment on up gradation.. are eligible for increment or not? And if the said post eligible for increment please guide us how can we get our increment.

  7. AOA
    Dear I am appointed in BPS-18 through BPSC Quetta.. from BPS-17. Am I allowed to have Pre mature increment after fixation?
    Kindly reply.


  9. Dear I just want to know that if a govt. servant is getting house rent 90% and when he upgraded from grade 15 to 16 his house rent will be less as i m already drawing. As well as in our department upto grade 15 is 90% and grade 16 to onward is 70 % . But my question is under the pay protection law.

    any body guide me plz


  10. AOA Madam,
    I was in BPS-16 then after passing commission exam joined in BPS-17 on 3/7/2013. I got service continuation & pay protection but annual increment was not given to me. As I asked in treasury for using option of getting increment of BPS-16; but treasury officials said that you are not eligible for it too.
    I wana to know if I am eligible for any one or not?

  11. Main 2002 main as a PST 3 year contact pe appoint huwa tha us ke bad 2005 men regularise huwa kya time scale ke leye meri service 2002 se count hogi.aur BA,B-ed ki increments milengi.

  12. dear madam . ma 1/7/2007 ko BPS 15 ma upgrad howa tha us waqat ma ne option liya tha k i wil get anuual increment in lower pay scal yani ma ne bps 14 ma inc. hasil kia ab kpk ma pre mature incr. ka notificatin howa ha muje is say kia faida hoga,

  13. sister. 2007 mein meri post ko BS-2 sy BS-3 mein upgrade kya gya tha. abi ja kr meri basic salary me addkya gya hy. pr arrier k ly account officer keh raha hy k isme likha hy july 13 sy mily ga. bilkul nh man raha. kya kare hm. kaisy usy samjhain.

  14. Dear madam Plz When i search the increment op mphil for jst teacher then i saw premature increment on up gradation notification issue galxy but i confusied plz guide me now i am in 16 grade then how can i achive benifite of mphil in this possition

  15. Madam ap ka reply mila shukria n plz mugha guuid karay ka kya ma apna transfer high school ma karva lo to mugha koi faida ho ga or ap plz apan introduction dan

  16. Ma jst teacher hu mere appointment 1-1-96 ko hui ma na. Ct,b-ed,m-ed,mphil kar lia ha is sab ka mugha kia benifet mila ga plz reply ma

  17. Pls Shamaila MEMDAM sent me notification order keun k ham 12 computer operators and 6 steno hain jo k 2012 main upgrade huay but abi tak pre mature increment nai millah…..
    Detail li then department na but milla nai…. aur jo detail li thi arriers ki wo kpk government ko beji then…..

    Pls waiting for your reply

  18. main 2012 ma up grade hua tha from bps 12 to bps 14 pls shumaila tell me that main pre mature increment le sakta hun k nain, KPK Judicial Department

  19. Dr. Mudassir Sohail · Edit

    Dear Sis
    i got promotion from 17 to 18 on 30th Sep, 2013, and joined the 18. but pay fixation and transfer to the 18 post was not made. last week (01/04/2014) i got the pay fixation order saying ‘with effect from date of joining’

    Now i want to ask
    if i join wef 01 Oct, i think i dont get yearly increment from dec, 2013
    also sombody told me that there is option to join later on mean after Dec, 13 so that i get yearly increment also

    1. can you calculate my pay
    2. what is best? joining in Oct or joinnig after december. (i have both options)

    1. Dear Mudassir, u ll join ur duty as it is due in Oct. But at the time of pay fixation, you will send an option certificate to fix your pay wef 2nd December in new scale after availaing the annual increment in the previous scale.

  20. Respected Madam Shumaila Assalam-o-Alikum,

    Madam meri appointment October 1993 mey BPS-05 mey hoi thi, Phir 03 July 2002 ko through proper BPS 07 mey reappoint ho geya tha.

    Madam kya iss date ki appointment ki soort mey mujhey 01 Dec 2002 ki incrment mily gi.Office mey pay Fixation section waly kehtey hey k apki fixation 03 july sy hi hoi hey,01 Dec 2002 ki increment nahi mil sakti.Reappointment’s mey pay fixation 01 Dec sy dey saktey hey ya nahi?

    Plz reply eraly

    I will be very thankfull to you.

    Muhammad Farooq

    1. Dear Muhammad Farooq, as far i know in the case of re-appointment option cannot be given for fixation of pay after getting the annual increment in the previous scale. But I a few employees commented that they have done so.

      1. Madam aap ka matlab hey k annual increment nahi lagti. sirf pay fix hoti hey agley scale mey? bawjood iss k 7 month guzar gey hoo. (01 Dec sy 30 June tak)

          1. syed muhammad ali · Edit

            I will provide u the ruling for granting of annual increment as I have already been granted annual increment as I am reappointed in higher scale on 7-08-2007
            Ministry of finance decided in a court case due to which we have been granted the annual increment

  21. Respected Madam, do u have Supreme court judgement bearing No: 1232(R)/CD-2010 dated 10-11-2010 and Establishment Division Memorandum No: 1/131/2010-Lit-II dated 26-11-2010 and Finance Division U.O No: f-9(9)R-1-2008-1117 Islamabad dated 02-02-2010 in which all the Accounts Officers/Divisional Accounts Officers are upgraded from B-17 to B-18.

    If u have, then please posted or reply,

    Best regards

  22. Respected Madam, please help me that those employees appointed in adhoc basis and then regular on their posts entitled upgradation increment. For example I was appointed in 2009 on adhoc basis in BPS-12 as Stenotypist. In December 23,2011 my post was upgraded from BPS-12 to 14. But I was on adhoc basis. I was regular on 23-01-2014. But my previous service is not counted due to Department policy. My Finance Section informed that when your posts was upgraded then you are on adhoc basis therefore, you are not entitled for upgradation increment. As you are regular on 23-01-2012 but Govt. upgraded your posts on 23-12-2011. Fiance Division Govt of Pakistan issued anomalies that Contract employees are entitled for upgradation increment. But they did not give any comments on adhoc employees. Please help me that whose form I will use to solve my problem.

    1. Dear Abdul Rauf if they don’t upgrade you from back date then they must upgrade you from the date of regularization. Just apply to ur department for the same Thanks.

  23. Whether adhoc employees are entitled upgradation increment or not. I am appointed as Stenotypist on adhoc basis in the year 2009. My post was upgraded BPS-12 to BPS-14. I was not allowed upgradtion increment as my appointment is adhoc basis. I have received all adhoc allowances during 2010, 2011.

      1. Madam Sahiba, Thank u for your reply. Should we approach M/o Finance to issue Notificiation regarding adhoc employees are also entitled pre-mature increment on up-gradation.

  24. Assalamoalekum! Sister! i have to ask you here one question that my brother abbas was appointed as Fire Officer in Fire Department, KMC on 04-06-2012 but due to some professional jealousy the pay-sheet clerk not add the annual increment of 2012 (500 Rs.) he told to my brother that you are not entitled for get 2012 annual increment because you appointed on June but as per my knowledge that as per local govt sindh rules if someone appointed 6 months before to year end so he entitled to avail the annual increment.
    please if you answer me so i really help for me and for my brother,
    best regards
    Farrukh here

    1. Dear Furrukh, they are right, for the annual increment appointment or promotion etc must be on or before 1st June and after 1st June if any body is appointed he is not eligible for annual increment. 6 months service is necessary on 1st December not at the end of year.

  25. Salem Madam.
    Apki ye koshish qabil e taref he k ap employees ki help krti hen. Men April 2010 men BPS 16 men appoint huwa. Ab August 2013 men through commission BPS 17 men aya. Kia mjhe next December 2013 ki increment milegi? Kuch log kehte hen nahen milegi. Kindly mjhe email kar k guide Karen.

  26. Dear Madam,

    I had placement from BS-11 to BS-14 on 27.04.2009 at that time was not given to me per-mature increment, therefore, may kindly be informed that i am entitled regarding premature increment.

  27. madam i do job in board of revenue (hyd) sindh humara scale upgrade huwa tha 04-02-2013 ko….. pahele hum bps 05 main the upgrade hone k bad hum bps-09 main aa ge hain kia yeh Pre-Mature Increment humein bhi milega ya nahi…..
    Agar milega to kab se milna shuru ho jayega?
    Aur kitna milega?

  28. Dear sister in 1998 our post of Asstt. Supervisor was upgraded and re-designated to supervisor from BPS 12 to BPS 14 and qualification was also enhanced. Those who not fulfil enhanced qualification had to wait 5 years conditional time. After completing conditional time I got up-gradation in May 2002. What is post upgradation time, 1998 or 2002? Am I eligible premature increment or not?

  29. Dear Madam.
    It means madam WAPDA mein ALM’s ki post BPS 05 mein hy but Departmenatal promotion Exam and Departmental promotion Training pass kerny and 10 year service honey pey Upgradation dy di gae BPS 05 to BPS 07 mein promotion ki tarha because promotion jab honi thi tab bhi BPS 07 milna tha promotion due hy but upgradation ho gae hy. Now tell me k mein premature increment k liay entitled hoon k ni. plz clarify this confusion.

  30. Dear Madam.
    It means k WAPDA mein ALM’s ka BPS 05 hy but departmental promotion EXam and Training pass kerny py and 10 year service complete honey py upgradation hoe BPS 05 to BPS 07 mein. Now Tell me k ab muje pre mature increment k liay entitled hoon k ni? ya k ager ALM ki POSt ko hi upgrade kia hota BPS 07 mein tab entitled honi thi ye increment.

  31. Dear madam.
    ye pre mature increments posts upgrade py milni hein ya scale upgrade py bi miley gi.
    for example LDC ki posts pehly BPS 05 mein hoti thi ab BPS 07 mein hi appointment hoti un ki tou LDC’s ko milni hy. ager kisi employee ka scale upgtade hoa ho jesay WAPDA mein ALM Bps 05 sy scale upgrade ho k BPS 07 mein ho gia un ko bi miley gi becoz ALM ki appointment BPS 03 mein hoti hy phir 01 year baad BPS05 mil jata hy.BPS 05 sy ab BPS 07 scale upgarade hoa hy tou kia premature increment miley gi k ni BPS05 to BPPS 07 mein scale upgrade honey py?


    Federal Service Tribunal (FST), Lahore ‘s judgement in Appeal No.20(L)CS/2011
    Dated:23-11-2011 in the light of orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan
    Dated: 28-01-2002 in civil appeal No.637 of 1998.

    Supreme Court of Pakistan Decision.
    That although upgradation has been described as placement but in fact it amounts to promaotion because all the criteria for the same as laid down by law have been fully dealt with, and held that upgradation tantamounts to promotion and is entitled to the benefits of promotion and that includes a premature increment.

    FST Decision.
    Finance Division Memo dated: 24-10-1981 states that premature incrment shall not be allowed in cases of upgradation of posts and the argument of learned counsel for the repondents that upgradation is not promotion cannot be given weight in the presence of the judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan; under the circumstances,
    We allow the appeal and diect the respondents to grant the premature increment to the appellant.

    In understanding of above, it is to state that:
    Supreme Court of Pakistan held the upgradation as promotion under promotion criteria, and FST also given decision in the light of said decision of Supreme Court Of Pakistan and allowed premature increment.

    Adoption of Decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan & FST:
    The decision in question is being promulgated by allowing premature increment on upgradation of posts, where criteria of promotion is not dealt with, which is much strange as the decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan indicated the upgradation as promotion where criteria of promotion have been fully dealt with; whereas employees being upgaded under promotion criteria are perhaps ignored in notification.

    Analytical Aspect:
    It seems that decisions in question are described in some misunderstanding, as a result of which arrear bills are being prepared/paid on upgradation of posts just like BPS-5 to 7, and
    BPS-11 to 14 which are not dealt with criteria of promotion, and hence all above invite deep
    consideration in concern to avoid any confusion in the matter.

    waiting for response.

    1. Dear Madam,
      mein Asst. Audit Officer BPS-16 sy BPS-17 ky liye on ten year service, passing departmental permotion exam, and getting mandatry training upgrade hua hun. Please clearify, mujey pre-mature increment miley gi keh nhi ?


  34. Asalam o Alekum

    Dear Madam Shumaila.

    please mujhy ye confirm kerden k meri appoinment 01-07-2007 may as LDC BPS-05 may howi thi later post upgraded ho gay from BPS-05 to BPS-07 kya mujhay pre-mature increment mily ga ya nahi.

    please note hat i was appointed on regular basis on 01-07-2007 and post has also upgraded from 01-07-2007.

    kindly apprised for pre-mature increment in this context.

    1. dear sis kindly tell me, have govt. of Baluchistan issued the notification for Grant of Premature Increment on up-gradation or not ?

  35. Respected Madam Shumaila Assalam-o-Alikum,

    Madam meri appointment October 1993 mey BPS-05 mey hoi thi, Phir 03 July 2002 ko BPS 07 mey reappoint ho geya tha.
    June 2002 mey BPS-05 ki basic pay 3100, stage 10 per thi, After reappoint in BPS-07 meri pay 3300, stage 09 per adjust ki gai thi, in according to Basic Pay Scale 2001. Madam plz guide me in detail about premature increment. Kya mujhy 28 January 2002 sy premature increment mil sakti hey. Agar koi or detail apko cahey to plz batiay wo bhi mail kar do ga.
    I will be very thankfull to you.
    Muhammad Farooq

    1. Dear Muhammad Farooq, If you reappointed through proper channel and there is no gap between the two posts and ur previous service is counted then u can get the premature increment on re-appointment.

      1. Madam Shumaila Assalam-o-Alikum,

        Very Thanks Madam for early response. madam mey reappointed through proper channel hoa taha service mey gap bhi nahi hey or previous service count hoi hey, madam kia mujhey premature increment 2002 sey mily gi?

        Very Thanks

        1. Madam kindly pay fixation ki tariqa bhi bata dey. meri re appointment 03 July 2002 ko hoi thi jab k pay 01 Dec 2002 ko Fix hoi thi.baki dtail mery first msg mey di hey.

          very Thanks for reply

  36. Dear Madam Shumaila,

    Hum 8 LDCs Jul 2007 ma BPS-5 ma appoint hoe tha. Jul 2007 ma he upgrade ho kur hum BPS 7 ma move ho gae. Ab premature increment k lie jub humara case CMA gae to unho na objection luga dia k ap logo ko premature increment nae mil skte q k 2007 ma jub hmare fixation BPS-7 ma hoe to huma us time ke increment jo k Rs. 160 the utna he benifit mila tha . Ya increment un logo k lie ha jin ko us time ke annual increment sa kum benifit mila tha upgradation k time. Kia ya thek objection raise kia ha CMA na. Pleas reply.

    1. Dear Muhammad Naveed It is General Rule for the premature increment that the difference of the two pays must be equal or less than the Annual Increment of the higher scale to get the premature increment.

      1. salam Madam:

        Can an initial appointment Order in Bps :14 be changed to Bps:12 after arrival and cahrge.
        once the order has been made in Bps:14 now an official is saying that we will change it to Bps.!2…………plz reply soon

          1. i need ur help… upto some extent if studied by u…… u can share it wd some one so that i may solve my issue…… i have no sifarish etc and therefore i preferred u on net….Thanks

  37. Muhammad Safdar Ayub · Edit

    Dear Admin,

    I was upgraded on 30-10-2012 from BPS-11 to BPS-14 as Accountant in FGEIs.
    I was not allowed annual increment of 2012 in pay fixation. Don’t u think that promotion and upgradation are two different matters ??? The post was same (just upgraded) so why they don’t allow me annual increment ???
    I don’t want to loose an increment in honour of upgradation, now i want to consult that i there any rule pertaining to avail annual increment on upgradation or else ???

    1. Dear Safdar you are not entitled to get the Annual Increment as your service in BPS-14 is less than 6 months. There is condition for the Annual Increment that there should be at least 6 months regular service in a particular scale.

    2. Dear Safdar Sab,

      if you are talking about annual increment of BPS-14 you cannot get it but if you are not allowed the annual increment of BPS-11 you can only get the increment in BS-11 according to F.R 23

  38. is premature increment applies on those who are directly appointed in BPS-07. my date of appointment is 25-08-2007 as LDC. when i applied for job then LDC BPS is 05. On test / interview i received call letter in which LDC BPS is 07. My first basic pay is 2940/- PM.

  39. Madam
    CMA disallowed increment under four tier to some teachers on the ground of “cut” imposed by Ministry of Finance during Shoukat Aziz that “teachers who got mover in next scale by reason of reaching maximum salary limit in current grade ”
    the notification is relevant after January 2002 what about the four tier up gradation that took place on 1.12.2001(Teachers who became victim of the cut )

  40. dear 2006 ma scale 7 pa appoint howa ta 2007 ma scale 9 aor 2012 ma scale same post per ab 12 hain annual increments ma en scales per la chuka ho kia ab ma es premature increment lena ka haq rakta ho kpk ma primary school teacher ho jawab ka muntazir rahonga shukria.

  41. Dear Madam, I am working as computer operator in District Judiciary. Vide notification of up-gradation of computer operator from BPS-12 to BPS-14 issued by Honourable Peshawar High Court Peshawar. am I eligible for this pre-mature increment?

  42. Dear sister,
    i have been appointed in SPS 8 in 2010 and got routine promotion in SPS-9 in 2012. Will i be eligible for the above benefit?

  43. we am working in Federal department as Computer operators, our post upgraded BS-5 to BS-11 on 1-10-2008.
    on 1-12-2008 no increment allowed to us. now we are eligible for 2 Increments or only 1 pre-mature Increment?.

    1. Dear Qasim, only 1 increment. as ur service in new scale is less than 6 months. OR ur department must give special permission to avail the annual increment as was done on 01-07-2007 at the time of upgradation of clerical staff.

  44. shumaila sister, aoa, i m working in education deptt since 1992. i was upgraded in 2008from grade 9 to 12 in kpk provincial govt.will pre mature increment be given to me ,thank u

  45. Dear sister 1-7-2007 me hum upgrade howa ta or hamara increment 190 ta. kaya hame 190
    increment milay ga ya ab 320 increment milay ga.

  46. Dear I have appointed w.e.f 26.5.2010 as senior auditor b-14 , later the post up graded from 2005 in b-16 now i am getting pay of b-16 should i claim for pre-mature increment ?

  47. 2007 mein bps 2 sy upgrade ho kr bqs 3 hogaya. Aur 2010 mein special education ministry devolve ho kr sindh govt. K under mein aagai . Notification mein likha tha ap deputation base pr hain sindh govt mein. 1 year tak 20% deputation allowance b mila. Ab band kr diya k aap sindh govt mein merge ho gye hain. Jab k merge hony ka koi notification nahe mila. Kya mein b premature increment ka haqdar hon. Aur deputation k bare b aap kuch bata sakti hain.

  48. salam dear sister! please tell me whether the arear of those adhoc allowances which have remain unfreezed since 2008 & 2010 will also be taken after getting premeture increment on unpgradation, please?

  49. Salam Sir, my date of first appointment as LDC was Aug 2006 after that i was reappointed as UDC in April 2008, how would i prepare my fixation for premature increment on upgradation. please guide me i am confused.

    1. Dear Sami Ullah, u can fix ur pay by upgrading ur scale on 01-07-2007, then revise your scale and then add one increment on 01-07-2007 or you 1st revise then upgrade which ever is in ur benefit.
      Then if you reappointed as UDC in 2008, then got the next above of the BPS-09 and add 1x premature increment.

  50. salam ! one of my friend was appointed as LDC in FG Educational department in Sep 2007 please let me know whether he is entitled for pre-mature increment on upgradation the post of LDC/UDC?

  51. Salam sister i was appointed as junior clerk in BPS 5 in 2007 then post was upgraded and then i was in BPS 7 in April 2012 i was promoted as a senior clerk in BPS 9 now what is my dues ?

  52. what is the procedure for grant of pre-mature increment? like, a LDC was upgraded from BS-5 to BS-7 from 1-7-2007, than what grade increment will be granted to him. BS-7 or BS-5?

  53. aslamo alaikum,my question is, i am a office assistant i was awarded selection grade 15, in 2005,at that time the post of office assistant was of bps-11,am i eligible also?

  54. AoA Dear!!!!

    If a person appointed in BPS-.04 and up-graded in BPS-05 and then promoted in BPS-06 in BPS-06 He was granted Pre-mature increment in 2011.

    In 2012 the same person Re-appointed in BPS-16 and also got pre-mature increment as well..

    Please tell, will this person could get any benefit regarding the same notification or not…..


  55. Grant of M.Phil Allowance to School Punjab Government employees including Teachers @ Rs 5000/- PM is really a great decision.

    Is there any news for same allowance for Federal employees who have M.Phil education / 18 years education ?

  56. Dear Admin
    i am working in a university and have MBA Degree, i am working as UDC my boss agree to give me some incentive on performance base. my boss belongs to teaching profession and presently he is working as Dean of the faculty. now please guide me some points to put up the case. our admin persons did not cooperate in this regard.

  57. Dear mam,i appreciate ur work and interest in service matters,I regularly visit the site.I up graded from bps 17 t0 18 0n 10.6,2004.after getting annual increament on 1.12.2004 my pay was fixed on 2.12.2004 in next stage.On 17.1.2011 i promoted in same scale and pay was fixed with granting 2 increaments.On !8.1.2012 i was again upgraded from Bps 18 to Bps 19.Now,madam,let me know will a pre mature increamnt be granted me on 2.12.2004 and 0n 18.1.2012..My second question is that,if a person get premature increament on upgradation,will he be entiteld to get the same increament on regular promotion.this is important point and needs clarification.thanks,

    1. Dear Akhtar Thanks for admiring mine efforts for the employees and being the regular visitor of mine site. On Upgradation u ll get the premature increment as well as u ll also get premature increment on ur promotion. These are separet increments.

      1. mam, thanks for reply.i personally take interest in employees betterment.I was the first person in my deptt to inform my colleague and staff about the notification.the same was downloaded from ur site.if I get any information about employee,i will inform u accordingly.Allah bless u and remember me in ur prays.THANKS

  58. A.A. Admin, i am working the university. my question is, i was appointed as senior clerk (BPS-07) in November 2006 and in 2007 the govt. upgrade the scale and my scale was upgrade BPS 7 to BPS-9. once again i was promoted in November 2009 as assistant BPS-14. Can i avail my increment according to the notification and also effect the other allowances. thank waiting for reply.

  59. madam salam…may KPK may 2008 may scale 9 may primary school teacher upgrad ho kar scale 12 may agya tha..2012 may primary school teacher ki post upgrad kar k tamam teachers k key 12 kar di gai jab k hamay scale 12 say seniority pa scale 14 may 12 say upgrad kia gya…ab hmay kithnay pre-mature increments milaingay…2 ya 3?

  60. Dear Shumaila,

    I was initially appointed as Junior Clerk (BPS-05) then the post of Junior clerk was upgraded (BPS-07) in the year 2007. Then I was taken-up / promoted as Junior Stenographer (BPS-12) in the year, 2009 and luckly it was again Junior stenographer upgraded in (BPS-14) in the year, 2011. How can I benefited on these two upgraded posts? (BPS-05 to BPS-07) and (BPS-12 to BPS-14).

  61. dear sister, is me sirf aik increment ka faida hay ya or be allowances hay. example mera abi 320 increment hay. me 2007 me upgrade howa ho. please tell me.

  62. madam yeh federal government apne federal employees pe kuch had se ziada hi maherbaan hai…. provisisonl k employees ne kia kasoor kia hai jo yeh increment uunhein nahi mil rahi….

    1. ye notification in the light of supreme court order nikala gya hy is liye pury pakistan me equally implement hoga icluding federal and provinsional governments

  63. Aoa madam may march 2009 may bps 16 may psc se kpk may appoint huwa. Pair 01/01/2010 may mujay bps 17 may upgrade keye geya. Lekin mere salary k sath inc nahi deya geya. To keya may phir is k leya illegible ho.

  64. Dear sister I am working as lecturer in Education Department of KPK. This year more than 200 lecturers were promoted to Assistant Professor(BPS-18). My seniority number was 94 in this promotion case but unfortunately my name was not included due missing of ACR for year 2012. Now I have submitted my ACR and my name is on 17th number in the next case for PSB which is said to be held in June 2013.
    Now I am worried that I will not get the premature increment on my promotion in the coming notification. If you kindly guide me that depending upon my promotion order when I am eligible and when I am not eligible for premature increment. That is in case the order is issued after june (e.g. in July), then am I eligible for premature increment or not?

    1. Dear Gul Nabi you will be entitled to get the premature increment on promotion. It is better you check your pay after getting the annual increment this year and then fix your pay on 2nd December along with premature increment. If you will get your pay fixed in July then you will not be eligible for annual increment.

      1. Dear Admin

        meri promotion July 2011 ma hoi ha us waqat meri basic bps 7 ki 4th stage ma 7080 the after promotion basic pay 7720 ho gai jo ke bps 9 ki 4th stage ha
        kya promotion pa premature increment milti ha aur ma entitle ho


        1. Yes dear on promotion there is Next Above fixation + one premature increment and if there same stage at the time of fixation of pay then there will be two increments. After seening ur pay i think you have got the premature increment on ur promotion.

          1. yes madam at the end of the year in december 1 increment added in my basic pay but premature increment is still hidden?

    1. Dear Saima You are not eligible for the same increment. How ever if the pay difference of these two posts is less than the new scale increment then you can get the premature increment if you had applied through proper channel.

    2. Thanx mam magar mujhy difference kesy PTA chilly ga?aur kindly ek bt aur bta den k jo fed gov ka 20% increase hua tha wo fgei walon ka q nae hua?

  65. or mujhe ye pochna he k 1- ye sirf federal employes ke lye he ya province men bhe effective ho ga,ya phr jab tak province ka alag notification nhen ho ga hamen nhen mile ga? 2- premature incriment men kitne incriment lagen ge meri joining feb 2011 he?or ye k yeh Annual incriment k elawa he ya phr jis ne upgrade hone per jo new grade per incriment lagte hen jese k mere ne 610+610 k 2 incriment lag gye hen 2 years k tu mujhe mile ga ab yeh?

    1. Dear Fawaad, Provincial Governments will issue separate notification of the same. Yeh increment us ko milay ga jo upgrade hua ho aour is ki value annual increment kay equal hay.

  66. Dear Admin! i want to ask that to whom annual increment is granted? i mean suppose if a person has joined his service on july and is he eligible to get annual increment on january? or his annual increment will be started from next july?(on completion of 1 year)?

    1. Dear Kamran, Annual Increment is always granted on 1st December. If you joined on July then you will not get the annual increment this year and you will get the same next year on 1st December.

  67. Salam mam Shumaila
    My post of medical technologist was upgraded frm BS.16-17 and was gvn such grade wef 30march 2011 i have query that whether this increment wud be included in my pay automatically or i have to apply for it ?

  68. I was appointed in BPS17 (as Junior engineer) in a defence organization, in Sep-2004. Then after 05 year of service, i was promoted to BPS-18 (Senior Engineer), in Dec-2009.

    But no any increment was provided to me with the promotion. And salary of fresh BPS-18 was given to me in Dec-2009/Jnauary-2010….

    Will I get any benifit from this notification? and a premature increment would be provided to me????

  69. Madam Sindh ke patwari 2nd feburary 2013 ko notificatoin ke through up garade huwe the bps 05 se 09 main kia unhon ko bhi ye increment lagy gi pls reply

  70. thanks for your early feedback. plz ap ye clear kr dein k jab hm appoint hi 08/2011 ma hue han as a assistant, to arrear 07/2007 se kese mile ga. kyunki tb to hmne job hi nai ki??
    ma baki sb samajh gia hun, plz ap ye clear kr dein. thanks a lot.

      1. salam sister, i am a stenographer men upgrade tu ho gya hon meri joining feb 2011 he mujhe premature incriment mile ga ya nahen?

    1. Thanks. Kia ye sb upgraded employees ko nai milega. Chahe hm upgradation k bad hi appoint hue han. Lekin hmai b ye increment milni nai chahiye?? Kyunki Jo pay chal rahi hoti ha wo New appointees ko milti ha. Jese hmai adhoc 2010, 11 b Mila jb k hm 08/2011 ma appoint hue han.

  71. Sir, i was appointed as JST BPS-09 in 2008 in education Department and after passing B.Ed Examination I was allowed BPS-14 on 01-03-2010. My question is that am i eligible for Pre mature increament because some teachers say it is for promotion not for ALLOWED SCALES. please guide me in this matter.
    shaukat Ali

  72. We are working in Pakistan Railways. In 2007, Shaikh Rasheed Federal Minister of Railways , upgraded the all railway employees by one scale ie: Employee working in BS 14 was upgraded in BS 15 , Only time scales were awarded,mean only one scales was given to each employee, posts were not upgraded,only one step given , pay was fixed point to point and no pre-mature increment given. Are we eligible for the same ?

  73. Ma WAPDA ma as Assistant appoint hua hun 2011 ma. Assistant upgrade hua tha 2007 ma 11 se 14 ma. Kia hmai Ye mile ga, or hmari date of appointment se arrear mile ga k nai?
    Plz tell me.

      1. Dear plz go through your answer as I do not agree becaz the person appointed in 2011 in BPS-14 (upgraded post of BPS-11) how can he get the benefit

        1. Dear Farhat I have explained that if some one has upgraded means the person was in BPS-11 and he was upgraded in BPS-14 then he is eligible for the premature increment. If he was appointed after the post was already upgraded then he is not allowed this increment.

  74. AOA
    What about the employees of Pakistan Armed forces(Army,Navy and air force)?
    I got commissioned in Army in July 2012 and have not got any annual increment in january 2013? Will i be benefited according to this scheme?

  75. Dear, main 28 July 2009 ka as a L.D.C appoint hua tha aur May 2012 main promotion ho ker UDC ban gia tha, kiyoon k length of service puri nahee thee iss liyay may sy jul 28 tak acting charge base aur phir jul 28 sy regular UDC, jab hamri service books AGPR pay fixation k liyay gayee to unhon ny hamain increament nahee dee, reason batayee k kiyoon k jul main regular huay hain iss liyay increament nahee mil saktee, yeh baat theek hay ya nahee??? ager hamain wo increament milli to yeh jo announce huee hay yeh b millay gee k nahee????

    1. Dear Idrees if u were promoted on July then have u got the annual increment? This increment is only for those employees who have been upgraded. The employee who is promoted already get the same increment.

        1. Dear Rashid 01-07-2007 ko increment check karo aour sath hi sath 2009,2010, 2011, 2012 kay adhoc allowances main bhi usi incement kay hisab say izafa hoga.

  76. Dear Sis, Thanks for updating, but kindly tell me, is this implemented on WAPDA employees?
    I was upgraded from 12 to 15 in Oct-2011 and now my grade is 16.


    We are working in Pakistan Railways. In 2007, Shaikh Rasheed Federal Minister of Railways , upgraded the all railway employees by one scale ie: Employee working in BS 14 was upgraded in BS 15 , Only time scales were awarded,mean only one scales was given to each employee, posts were not upgraded. Are we eligible for the same ?

    1. Dear Akhtar ALi, time scale aour upgradtion main difference hota hay. Time scale ki increment to usi waqat mil gai ho gi.

  78. Dear Sir,
    Greetings! I want to know if this applies to my younger sister. In 2009 she posted as ESE in a primary school, then in 2010 she became SESE and finally in 2012 she posted as SSE.

    Do she get any benefits from this?

  79. Akhtar Ali jajja · Edit

    We are working in Pakistan Railways. In 2007, Shaikh Rasheed Federal Minister of Railways , upgraded the all railway employees by one scale ie: Employee working in BS 14 was upgraded in BS 15 , Are we eligible for the same ?

          1. janab ma BS 13 to BS 16 ma upgrade hua tha May 2010 ma…. mjhe salary n allowances BS 16 ki mil rhe hain…. Phr ye increment mjh pe applicable hoga?

          2. dear sis kindly tell me if govt. of Baluchistan issued the notification for Grant of Premature Increment on up-gradation or not. reply me on my email address if you can. thanks and regards.

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