When An Employee Can Get Two Increments?

An employee gets increments on various occasions in his/her service. I have already discussed in my previous posts about the annual increment and premature increment as well as usual increment. Annual increment is granted to an employee on 1st December every year on continuous 6 months service in a particular scale. Usual Increment is granted in the year of retirement of an employee when he/she retires on 1st June or later till 30th November. Premature Increment is allowed on promotion, re-appointment or up-gradation. However I am today discussing about the occasion where an employee will get two increments at the same time.

Two Increments at the Time of Promotion within the Scale

AN Employee can get two increment on promotion with in the same scale.

What Does Promotion Within The Same Scale Stands For?

I already discussed in my previous posts that when an employee promotes but he remains in the same scale i.e the designation of the employee changes but the pay scales remains the same. Suppose an LDC in BPS-09 (SG) promotes as UDC BPS-09 in this example the employee’s designation has been changed due to promotion but the basic pay scale remains the same. It means he/she has been promoted within the same scale. The second example is that in some departments a Supdt of BPS-16 on his promotion becomes Admin Officer but the Basic Pay Scale of the Admin Officer is also the same i.e 16.

Generally an employee can get two increments at the time of fixation of his/her pay whenever he/she is promoted within the same scale. In the above mentioned examples the employee will get two increments 1x increment is next above and the second one is premature increment. The example of this fixation is as under:

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An LDC (SG) having basic pay 4375/- in BPS-07 on 01-05-2007 and he gets promotion his pay will be fixed as mentioned below:


Pay on30-04-2007 LDC (SG) BPS-07 Pay on01-05-2007 UDC BPS-07Next Above Pay on01-05-2007 UDC BPS-071x Premature Increment
4375/- 4515/- 4355/-


When the Next above Stage of the New Scale Coincides with the Old Scale Stage

Some times when we fix the pay of an employee and the stages of the old pay scale and the new pay scale in which the pay is to be fixed coincides i.e the two stages are same, then the employee will also get two increments, 1x increment will be next above and the 2nd one will be premature increment. Suppose an employee having Rs. 31600/- in BPS-16 is promoted on 31-05-2012 to BPS-17, if we fix this pay in BPS-17, in BPS-17 there is also a stage of 31600/- . In this situation we will fix the pay as mentioned below:


Pay on30-05-2012 BPS-16 Pay on31-05-2012 BPS-17Next Above Pay on31-05-2012 BPS-171x Premature Increment
31600/- 32800/- 34000/-


Premature Increment



Thus in the above situation the pay of an employee will be fixed Rs. 34,000/- instead of 32,800/-


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40 thoughts on “When An Employee Can Get Two Increments?

  1. Respected Sir when an employee is promoted in same scale, he is just given one increment and not the premature increment. Please recheck and intimate please

  2. A.o.a.dear mam,
    I was working as subject specialist in bs17 since 2008 in education department then i was promoted in bps 18 in august 2018 as senior subject specialist.i neither got the annual increment of bs 17 nor bs 18. I want to ask from u weather i m elligble to get annual increment that year.
    If so then also please mention rule .

  3. For example one teacher promoted PSTBPS-12 to SPST BPS14 on 01-03-2016 his pay fixed in BPS–14 + one premature increment thats right, and after that he was promoted SPST BPS-14 to PSHT BPS-15 on 30-04-2016, his Pay fixed in BPS-15, now he is eligible for One premature increment on PSHT post in BPS 15.

  4. Dear Madam,
    Last year i have been promoted from junior clerk BPS 11 to Senior clerk BPS 14 I have been granted one premature while fixation of my basic pay is less then increment.Am I eligible for 2 increments or not

  5. Syed Abid Hussian · Edit

    I am federal government employee. I was working in bps 05 then I promoted / appointed in bps 11 by qualifying test interview it means 2 step higher. Am I eligible for prematur ?
    Kindly help me with reference.

  6. I was working as clerk bps 9 on 3/3/16 appointed as ct teacher bps 15 on 4/3/2016 i avail one prematur lower to higher on 4/3/16. Again on2/5/17 i was appointed as sst bps 16 .so i deserve for one premature or not from bps 15 to bps16 on appointmen or not

  7. I am a federal employee. I was promoted from BPS-15 to BPS-16 w.e.f. 01-6-2018. Will I get the increment of BPS-16 or BPS-15 on 1st December. Please help me in the regard. As I have given no option nor I will. Can I get increment of BS-16. Please help me giving some solid examples or references.

  8. Sir I have recently been promoted from Assistant (BS-16) to the post of Superintendent (BS-16). My question is this that whether I am entitled for Two Increments on fixation of pay or otherwise.

  9. Dear sister l am CT teacher l was upgraded in bps 16 from bps 15 on 01_07_2015 and then promoted on 26_07_2017 in same scale bps 16.My question is Am I eligible to get 2 advance and one annual enecriment? Our distt Malakand,s account persons say your service onbps 16 is not 3 years there fore you are eligible for only one encerement and also say that you are not eligible for annual

  10. Zahid Hussain Soomro · Edit

    Dear Medam if person reached at 2nd last stage of BPS 03 in 1997 and now he has applied on 16-01-2017(after 19 years) for 2 advance increments on higher education on Master which was awarded June 1997 how pay will be fix ? His basic pay was Rs. 2020 in 1997 BPS-03 (1320-50-2070) please help

  11. I have been given time scale upgradation from bps 16 to bps 17 but pay in both scales is fixed is same as 31600 in bps 16 and bps 17 is also 31600, please confirm if I am entitled for 1x increment or not. kindly reply me through my email with authentic proof or office order of finance division. thanks.

  12. I was working as additional principal medical officer in BS-19 on regular basis at Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawal Pur (Health Department Punjab). On 1/7/2008, My basic pay was Rs. 36170/- per month. On 1/8/2008, I joined as Assistant Professor Biochemistry (BS-18) at QMC BWP on contract basis. My pay was fixed vide rule 4.4 a(ii) @ Rs. 31510 + 4660/- as personal pay. Was it correct?
    My claim is that my pay fixation in BS-18 should be under CSR Punjab rule 4.4 a(i) as the responsibilities n duties of an Assistant Professor are higher as compared to that of an additional principal medical officer. Kindly comment.

  13. Salam miss,,i m working as deputy dir (bps 18) in ministry of defence, since 2005. i hav no career progression and will b retire in the same scale. plz help how can i upgrade my post to bps 19,,or how i can be promoted to bps 19 when there in no post of dir,,,,plz help and guide

  14. Mam!

    I was working as UDC BPS-7 on regular basis and applied through proper channel for the post of Assistant BPS-11 in another department in the years 2003. I was selected and assumed charge of the post on 15.10.2003. My pay was accordingly granted pay protection and a pre-mature increment. However, I was deprived of my annual increment due to the fact that I left my previous department before the 1st December 2003 and joined the other department, where my service was less than six months in that particular year.

    Is there any possibility for grant of my annual increment for the year 2003? I can’t understand where had gone my ten & half years years service, which I rendered in BPS-7.

    1. Dear Nadeem, your previous service and pay has been protected but u r not eligible for the annual increment as ur service in BPS-11 is less than 6 months at the time of Annual Increment.

  15. Dear sis Aoa and did Mubarak,
    sister I was upgraded from bps16 to17 on 1st January but I was not given my annual increment which govt gives on with the salary of January am I eligible for pre mature increment.
    Note.I was appointed on 2009 and upgraded on 01 January 2011 .the local accounts officer said that he not eligible for annual increment. Please guide me in this regard.

    1. Dear Imran Kahn you did not mention the full detail of your department (Provincial or Federal) and some times you say annual increment and some times you say premature increment. Plz comment again with full detail in a single comment.

  16. in your first example LDC (SG) having basic pay 4375…, kindly amend the “Pay on 01-05-2007 UDC BPS-071x Premature Increment” as Rs. 4655/- instead of Rs. 4355/-. Thanks.

      1. But the example should also be correct for a person to understand basic theme of a theory.
        In first example, an employee’s basic is increasing like “4375 -> 4515 -> 4355” instead of “4375 -> 4515 -> 4655”.

  17. i was a cont. employee in grade-16 in education department but last year in 7 month i become permanent. but my annual increment was not issued .plz tell ” kia ma b ya increment hasil ker sakta hoon”

  18. I have the same question.
    Is the advance premature increment applicable to those who are awarded the next higher scale regardless of the fact that post was not upgraded i.e. previously UDC post started from scale 7, nowa days it starts from 9 (upgradation in 2008 i guess).

  19. is the advance pre mature increment applicable to those one who are upgraded to next scale despite of the fact that post is not upgraded


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