Grant of BPS-17 to Baluchistan Schools SSTs & Option to Pix Pay after Annual Increment

Govt of Baluchistan Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD (R-I) III (40-41) 2013/2857-2887 dated 25th June 2013 in connection with the fixation of pay of the SSTs upgraded from BPS-16 to BPS-17, after annual increment 2012.  These SSTs were upgraded wef 01-07-2012 and in this case the service of 6 months is not completed so they were not entitled to get the annual increment of 2012.

In this notification it has been granted authority for all these SSTs (Secondary School Teachers) to retain their in BPS-16 upto 01-12-2012 to avoid the loss of one increment.

After availing the annual increment in BPS-16 on 01-12-2012, they are allowed to fix their pay in BPS-17 on 02-12-2012. If the Govt of Baluchistan Finance Department also issues the Notification of Premature Increment on up-gradation, then these teachers will also be eligible to get the premature increment on their up-gradation. The same notification has already been issued by the Finance Division Regulation Wing Islamabad for the Federal Govt Employees.


Balucistan SST Upgradation


See also  Meeting on Devising Framework for Regularization Work Charge Employees under Directions of Honourable SCP

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3 thoughts on “Grant of BPS-17 to Baluchistan Schools SSTs & Option to Pix Pay after Annual Increment

  1. Madam I was promoted from BPS-18 to BPS-19 on Acting Charge on 01.06.2010. i drawing basic pay Rs. 17560 in BPS-18 on 31.05.2010. Now Accounts Officer was fixed my pay in BPS-19 Rs. 19680- on 01.06.2010. Am i eligible for annual increment on 01.12.2010 ?


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