Decision Copy of Upgradation of Clerical Staff by the Punjab Mohtsib

The Punjab Mohtib has given its decision in connection with the Up-gradation of clerical staff on 05-08-2013. Thus the orders for the Assistants from BPS-14 to BPS-15, Senior Clerks from BPS-09 to BPS-13 and Junior Clerks from BPS-07 to BPS-11 have been issued. The summary of these posts that are to be upgraded under these orders are as under:


1 2 3 4 5 6
Category Scales of Lahore High Court Employees prior to    01-07-2007 Scales of Lahore High Court Employees wef            01-07-2007 Other Employees of Punjab Govt prior to 01-07-2007 Other Employees of Punjab Govt wef    01-07-2007 Lahore High Court Employees wef 01-01-2008
Assistant 11 14 11 14 15
Senior Clerk 07 09 07 09 13
Junior Clerk 05 07 05 07 11


The summary of the orders is that it is stated in these orders that “ In accordance with the dictum of the provision of constitution the case of Auranzeb (1977 PLC CS 767), the complainants are entitled to the up-gradation of their posts on the analogy of Lahore High Court order dated 10-08-2012. Non grant of higher BPS to the complainants on the anology of orders dated 10-08-2012 would amount to maladministration within the meanings of Section 2(2) of the Punjab O/o Ombudsman Act 1997, established in the CMIT. The departmental authorities of the complainants are directed to prepare case of up-gradation of posts and send the Finance Department with their recommendations and report compliance to this office within three months as required under Section 11(2) of the act ibid.

See also  Notification of Grant of Special Frontier Constabulary Allowance

A post delivered by Mr. Riaz Bhutta, Mr. ABDUL JABBAR, STENOGRAPHER, O/O DISTRICT LIVESTOCK OFFICER and Mr. Abdul Jabbar.


Clerks Upgradation 1 Clerks Upgradation 3 Clerks Upgradation 4 Clerks Upgradation Decision2



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55 thoughts on “Decision Copy of Upgradation of Clerical Staff by the Punjab Mohtsib

  1. Respected Madam, EDO Health Rawalpindi did upgradation of Dispensers in January 2016 but the EDO Health Rawalpindi is knowingly making it too much late to upgrade all other cadres lies in 4-Tier Service structure i.e Lab Technicians, X-Ray Technicians etc….
    Mohtasib Pubjab may deal this kind of Severe Mal-administration or shoud we go to Writ Petition in High Court or Federal Service Tribunal???
    Can Anyone guide me plz….

  2. Dear MAdam,
    IAm deciding to File a Case in court Regarding Clearical Staff i have found some good copies on this website to make example like in KPK,Sindh High Court and Clearicall Staff of Lahore high court and one university whose notification you have posted before i would like to request that Please inform me if There is already any one who have already file case on behalf of federal EMployes Then please may inform me so we also become party as there is no strong union in Railways So i decided to go by my self and i will also request to my coliuges of federal goverment that they can also help me in this regard so we can may plan for a strong case Thanks iam Also Running This Page of facebook link
    in Coperation with Yours Website and time to time i take copies from yours Website Thanks
    With Regards

  3. dear madam
    main technology collage dera ghazi khan mn 1995 sy as a shop assistant work kr rha hoon mgr aaj tak scale upgrade nh hoa hmara mary sath kaam krny wala junior Clark bps 5 sy 14 main pahunch gea aor wo matric pass tha aor main DAE electronics hoon matlb junior instructor ki qualification hy plz do some thing for me or guide me what can i do for up gradation


  4. AOA. Medam i am serving as UDC in BPS-9 since last 10 yrs. Is there any policy that i can apply for Same Scale i.e BPS-9 for ASI in uniform job.

  5. asslamolaikum dear ap se guzaraish ki jati he school chowikdar ki Head mutabak duty 24hr he ju ke namumken lehaza akar ap ke pas koi policy he to meri rehnoami farmai thanks

  6. AOA, Raja Shazad Kiani Member of Apka visted our office on 13/3/2014 and inform that an application on above said case filed in supereme court on 10/3/2014 by mr. Shahzad Kiani. supreme court issued the order that: submit the history of the case within 05-days. Shahzad kiani Cell No. is 0300-5312027

  7. Ma EDO(CD) office ma 2003 sa Junior clerk kaam kar raha hoin es office ma Senior clerk ke koie seat na Assistant ke seat ha ma na es seat per permossion k leyaie application de thee DPC na meri applicaion file es bna per kar de ka Asssitant seat per serf senior clerk he permote ho sakta ha junior clerk nahi jb k mera jawaz ya ha k senior clerk ke seat he nahi ha tu mera Assistant ke seat per Write banta ha meri service 26 year ho chooki ha es office ma meri service 10 year ha please koie rules btta dain ta k ma assistant ke seat per permostiopn la sakoin thanks

  8. a.o.a
    computer staff (operators,programmers,assistant programmers….) k service rules kisi k pas hn to please upload kr den. federal govt k ya kici b province k computer staff k service rules hon to please upload

  9. Dear Shumaila,

    i need some info about Punjab Civil Sarvants Pay Revision Rules 1977? kya ye rules ab tak lago han. or 1977 ke bad kon kon se pay revision rules aye han? plz rply

  10. dear shumaila sobai muhatseb ny aprol main GOVT of punjab sy kah tha ka post upgread hony per1 increment serventsko milni chay is k ly 2 month ka time dia tha kia is bary main koi update ha

  11. Hi Shumaila Kamal.

    I have a question regarding pay fixation. I am a employ of govt organization. i was employed as LDC in sep, 2005 and was reappointed in the same organization as UDC in July, 2009. At the time of reappointment a premature increment was granted to me of LDC and pay was fixed in next stage of UDC. My employment was according to CSR. My service was also count but the annual increment of 2009 was not granted to me. Is it right that i am not fall for the annual increment of 2009?

    Thanks in anticipation.

  12. ma’m ma govt empolyees hn suna h log keh rahe hain k es ki koi power ni h govt kre na kre us ki marzi h……..
    sectriate k log keh hain ye sub…
    ma’m ap kya kheti hain????????????i really upset logo k coments suna kr

  13. It is submitted that the Posts of Juniors auditors and seniors auditors was upgraded with back date benefits with effect from 2005 , while now Punjab Govt upgraded the posts of LDC and UDC with effect from 2008 .why not upgraded the posts like auditors with effect from 2005 , before 2007 the post of auditor and LDC are same.This is the discriminatory with employees

  14. In accordance with the dictum of the provision of constitution the case of Auranzeb (1977 PLC CS 767), the complainants are entitled to the up-gradation of their posts on the analogy of Lahore High Court order dated 10-08-2012. Non grant of higher BPS to the complainants on the anology of orders dated 10-08-2012 would amount to maladministration within the meanings of Section 2(2) of the Punjab O/o Ombudsman Act 1997, established in the CMIT. The departmental authorities of the complainants are directed to prepare case of up-gradation of posts and send the Finance Department with their recommendations and report compliance to this office within three months as required under Section 11(2) of the act ibid.

    Hello, can some one explain me… Does this thing implementation on all clerk of punjab or not??? or only this order for complainants that complaint. please some one clear me. This thing works on all department of punjab or not. and now what is the procedure if this thing work on all clerk…. thanks

  15. what about sindh government employees………. sindh ka constitution bhi 1973 wala hai . sindh gov: ki employees ki fundamental rights same hain jase punjab govt: employees ki ……… to kya ye sindh main bhi hoga…….kabhiiiiiiiiiii in Future…..

  16. Respected Mam!
    I am Jr, Clerk in Punjab Police. Please Mam inform me that this up-gradation of clerical posts implemented to our department i.e. Punjab Police or not and what is next procedure. We know oftenly orders does not obey our govt.


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