Baluchistan Service Tribunal’s Orders for Restoration of Promotion Quota for Naib Tehsildars

The Baluchistan Service Tribunal has issued orders on 23-08-2013 for the restoration of promotion quota for Naib Tehsildars working in Baluchistan Govt. Some points of this decision are as under:

Thus we allow this appeal and the relaxation Notification dated 25-11-2011 and orders of Member Board of Revenue dated 30-03-2012, whereas the consequent proceedings which have been taken by the Commissioner Quetta Division are set aside to the extent of Quetta Division being passed without lawful authority, with the direction to first of all exhaust the quota which was allocated for the promotion of subordinate staff.

While after exhausting the promotion quota as provided under the rules then if any post left, the same may be given to the direct quota but this principal should be kept in view that if any post of Naib Tehsildar is created or vacated due to other reasons the promotion quota should be exhausted first and then the direct quota.

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