Admissibility of Increments beyond the Scope of Pay Scales

Govt of Pakistan Finance Division Regulation Wing, Islamabad has already issued Notification No. 3 (11) R.2/2011 dated 12th April 2011 in connection with the Admissibility of Increments beyond the Scope of Pay Scales.

With reference to Finance Division O.M No. F.1 (6)/Imp/2005 dated 18-10-2006, wherein it inter-alia, clarified that all those Govt servants who exhausted/may exhaust the relevant pay scales may be allowed the benefit of an annual increment beyond the existing scope of the pay scales wef 01-12-2005. The increment so allowed may be treated as personal pay subject to the condition that the employee concerned has put in six months or more service as count for annual increment unless withheld under the relevant rules. The amount of the personal pay may be treated as the part of the pay scale of the concerned Govt Employee for the purpose of fixation of pay, pension and recovery of House Rent Allowance.

In the light of above clarification, questions have arisen as whether the increments admissible in the following cases can also be allowed beyond the scope of pay scales:

  • Premature Increment on promotion from lower post to higher post if the concerned civil servant is at the maximum stage of the pay scales of higher post.
  • In the year of retirement if the concerned civil servant has completed six months in the pay scale in which he retires and he is at the maximum stage of his pay scales.
  •  The benefit of annual increment on notional basis/presumptive basis in the lower pay scale (at the maximum stage) in case of promotion after 1st June and a civil servant opt for fixation of pay in terms of Finance Division O.M No. 8 (2)G-Imp-I/75 dated 14-10-1976.
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The matter has been considered in the Finance Division and it has been decided that in all the above three cases, increments if otherwise due, may also be allowed beyond the scope of pay scales. The increments so allowed shall be treated as personal pay and the grant of personal pay may be treated as the part of pay scale of the concerned Govt servant, Pension, Recovery of House Rent etc.  (This post has been delivered by Mr. Nafees Ahmad).



Increments Beyond Scales


Increment Beyond Scales



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24 thoughts on “Admissibility of Increments beyond the Scope of Pay Scales

  1. dear madam
    i have been reappointed on same scale within the same department but cma refuse to give me premature increment with remakes that reappointment is not equal to promotion. is there any rules that re-oppointees r not eligible for premature increment??????
    if u have any document in support of my case plz share it with me
    arshad zaman

      1. With re’ to Pre mature increment on move over,
        Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman’s) Secretariat Islamabad.
        Case No. Reg. H/16183/97-202.
        Subject: Delay in grant of premature increment on his getting move-over.
        Dated: 26-5-1998.

  2. Dear Madam

    I am a Federal Govt employee and department was granted me selection grade in 1987 then 1.12.1994 department allowed 1st moveover and in 1,12.1996 allowed 2nd move over and in 1.12.1998 allowed 3rd move over and finnaly allowed me 4th move over in 1.12.2001, in the light of above finance division notification can I eligible for any increment i.e. “admissibility of increment beyond the pay scale”

    Please advise

      1. Dear Shumaila

        Can you have any notification in which given the benefit of increment of those employees who granted move over prior to 2001. Please reply.

        1. Salam,@Farooq
          Wafaqi Mohhtasib issued judjment in favor of Pak Railway Employee for the grant of pre mature increment on move over in 1993-94.
          You can find this copy of judgment from Mohtasib secretariat /From printing press pak,isld.
          If you find this copy then also send me because i also want to avail this benifit through court.
          After eid i will try to find this copy and will discuss with shoaib shaheen advocate,IHC/FST .
          thanking you.

  3. Respected Shumaila Kamal

    My pay scale was exhausted on Dec. 2001 (SPS-10, Pakistan Atomic Energy commission’s Pay scales). I have completed 6 months post graduate diploma in computer science in year 2001.I was denied one advance increment on the ground that my pay scale has been exhausted.
    It is mentioned here that as per PAEC after completion of that post graduate diploma employee will get one advance increment. I was retired form service on 04-12-2010. Please guide me should i try again and on what ground.

  4. Name: Ali Bukhari
    Designation: UDC
    BPS 09
    Department Pakistan Maritime Security Agency
    Email Address

    Issue: Our organisation is attached department of Federal Govt. In our organization our UDCs are serving since decades i.e. since 23-24 years but without any promotion.
    What is the status of our UDCs as whenever any of us write and approach our seniors for the promotions they always say that there is no additional Billet in our organization than how can we be promoted…
    How secure is our employee in this concern (by any law to claim for all this)… ????
    How much our organization is liable for creating additional billets for our promotion ????

    Even two of us are availing the last pay limit of their Pay Scales … What will be the solution ???

    Our organisation has no Recruitment Policy
    No Promotion Policy
    No Medical Policy, etc ,etc..

    They are not giving us the Long Term Advances Facilities too…

    Even the GP fund started to cut down in 2001 (so late), the employees has no sufficient amount in their Balances that can be helpful to them on retirement.
    E.g. Senior most udc having service of 24 years only having 97 thousand Balance in his GP Fund Account 🙁

  5. Respected Medam,

    I was appointed as ” Office ” in PMU, PHP, Home Department Lahore in 2007 on contract basis (Now this post has been given pay scale of BS-07)
    In 2009 i got N.O.C from Pmu PHP, home Department to apply in Rescue 1122 at BS11. And i was selected. Now i am Serving in 1122 since 2009.
    1. May i can benifit from this Notification of ” Increments beyond the Scope of Pay Scales”?
    2. If yes then how much increments may got?
    3. If yes then what will be the rate of these increments BS.07 (my old scale) or BS, 11 (My current pay scale)?

    1. Dear Fiaz Hussain, These increments are granted to employees who have reached at their pay scale peak and they are promoted in the same scale or they having the Selection Grade and promoted in the same scale or at the time of pay fixation their stages end and their pay is more than their last scale.


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