Study Leave for Punjab Govt School Teachers

Govt of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification No. SO (SE-III)Misc/09/Study Leave) dated 21st October 2013 in connection with the Study Leave for the school teachers of the Punjab Govt Schools.

In this Notification there has been amendment in the para-4 of the School Education Department Punjab letter No. even dated 11th December 2009. The replacement in the said para-4 is as under:

“The teachers can get admission for higher studies in the subjects relevant to their job in the universities functioning in their respective jurisdiction, charted by the provincial Assemblies or National Assemblies for specific area recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Govt of Pakistan.”


Study Leave Punjab


What are your comments about this Notification?


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8 thoughts on “Study Leave for Punjab Govt School Teachers

      1. Dear miss shumaila, i am a kpk govt employee working in finance deptt:
        Please guide me as I need study leave to study 2 year M Phil management.

        >I have almost completed 10 year service.
        >I have almost a year earned leave to my credit.
        <Can I avail leave at full pay or not.

  1. Please upload the notification for study leave issued 11 December 2009 as i have not find it on your website. also guide me the process for availing study leave as my service joining date is 01-09-2009 can i get study leave now?


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