I have already published some articles about the Calculation of GP Fund Interest amount after a year’s periods as well as I have also published about the calculation of Interest amount on GP Fund Advance. Today I will tell you how to Calculate GP Fund Balance with Bonus Amount. The bonus on GP Fund was granted in various years during the past.
Some salient features of this sheet are as under:
- It must be prepared in M.S. Excel Sheet.
- 30% bonus was remained allowed on interest/profit up to 1999-2000, but later on discontinued.
- Opening Balance can be zero on initial start of calculation i.e. from the date of deduction of G.P.Fund.
- Monthly subscription is changeable as per actual deduction rate of GP Fund.
- Interest Rate accordingly can be changed with reference to the year.
- You can also get help from the GP Fund Interest Rates Since 1963 with bonus.
- The employees who entered into Government Service after 2000 AD can use GP Fund Annual Balance Amount with Simple MS Excel Sheet.
You have to change the values only in the coloured cells and don’t disturb the white cells.
This is a trail version of the Calculation of GP Fund with Bonus, if you see any mistake or errors please comment so that the errors may be removed.
(This post has been delivered by Mr. Shaheen Rehman.)
Download G.P.Fund Calculation Sheet With Bonus
In my Monthly Pay Slip GP Fund with Interest is not showing. what should be done, pleae.
Opening balance is 20000 deposited during the month 600 the amount 20600 interest rate 14.6% the interest is 3007 instead of 2967.45 please clarify the same soon.
You peoples are not helping us properly always give us negative reply I was retire on March 29, 2015 so for I have not received any pension nor GP Fund whenever I provided data to your institutions always not received proper reply what happen with you peoples if you dont like to help the employees stop this joke with employees. Now we discuss about your GP Fund calculator please let me know about its calculation when we punch monthly GP Fund deducted amount the interest in your sheet always show the less amount than the actual is there any hidden formula or any government rule to show less than the acutal suppose if monthly subscription is 1120 for April, May and June the total of three months is Rs 3360 and if the percentage is 13.50% your formula sheet show interest/profit Rs 76 and total is 3436 opening is nil and for upcoming year balance is 3460. Now let me know how 13.50% of 3360 is 76. Please clarify this point.
kindly send me complete calculation of gp fund with interest and bonus as requested above on following e mail address. thanks. azizulhassan1956@gmail.com
kindly help me and calculate complete gp fund with interest which i should receive from distt.account office upto 31january2016 because i cannot calculate.i started lecturership on 19-12-1982 and retired as associate professor in bps 19 on 14-1-2016.gp fund subscription started from march 1986 and total of each is as under. from march 1986 to june 1986= 800/= from july 1986 to june 1987= 2400/= from july 1987 to june 1988= 3000/= from july 1988 to june 1989=3000/= from july 1989 to june 1990=3000/= from july 1990 to june1991=3000/= from july 1991 to june 1992=3700/= from july 1992 to june 1993=4200/= from july 1993 to june 1994=4200/= from july 1994 to june 1995=4200/= from july 1995 to june 1996=5400/= from july 1996 to june 1997=5400/= from july 1997 to june 1998=6060/= from july 1998 to june 1999=6720/= from july 1999 to june 2000=6720/= from july 2000 to june 2001=7160/= from july 2001 to june 2002=11740/= from july 2002 to june 2003=13440/= from july 2003 to june 2004=13440/= from july 2004 to june 2005=13440/= from july 2005 to june 2006=14970/= from july 2006 to june 2007=15480/= from july 2007 to june 2008=15480/= from july 2008 to june 2009=21360/= from july 2009 to june 2010=21360/= from july 2010 to june 2011=21360/= from july 2011 to june 2012=34560/= from july 2012 to june 2013=45120/= from july 2013 to june 2014=45120/= from july 2014 to june 2015=45120/= from july 2015 to january 2016=26320 please send me complete calculations and tell me total amount of gp fund with interest and bonus which i should receive.Thanks you a lot.
Assalam o alaikum madam kya gp fund ki final calcultion final payment k time hoti hy ya every year.i ,ll be thankful to you for your kindness..thanks alot
Respected Madam.
Could you please clarify, that as per rule, any ambiguity regarding GP Fund balance of any previous financial year could be taken up with the department or not?
My question is whether an employee retiring from the district of residence can claim TA/DA on retirement if he living in a village in the same district.
2. An employee promoted in June 2014 in the same scale he was drawing pay before promotion, can claim annual increment of December 2014 for calculation of pension..
Necessary guidance will be appreciate.
Dear Ayub Anwar, I ll soon consult about point one. However if if an employee is retired after 1st June he is entitled for Usual Increment.
Dear madam,
I thankful to your great work at this site.
i m govt employer,
i have a question about bonus amount in GP fund.
i made formula my self all the calculations are accurate as per our account. i didn’t include BONUS equation, plz can u guide me?
I can email my excel sheet at ur email address.
ur email add??
Dear Mehmood thanks for appreciating mine efforts. U can send me ur email at
Respected Madam
I am Qualified Auditor In (LFA) Punjab Finance department, I passed my departmental exame (PIPFA) 0n 30-12-2012 but till now the department has not mromoted me as A.D LFA due to unknown reasons as there are so many posts are vacants. Where as many un qualified Auditors are working as Auditors Incharge on the seats of A.D (LFA).This is very Unethical practice in which unqualified people are enjoing and qualified people are suffering. I requesdt you please help me many others like me.This matter should brought into the notice of the higher authorities so that the matter can be solved.
I shall be very thankfull to you
Nice post. Keep it up. Allah will give you reward for such a good work for helping the others.
Dear Muhammad Asim, thanks for appreciating my efforts for the Pakistani Employees.
You are welcome dear Ghulam Mustafa Bhatti and thanks for appreciating mine efforts.
sister asalam-o-alaikum,
district change transfer ki waja sy meri seniority loose kr di gai ha.
2 point sy mera problem solve ho sakta ha,pleeze help me.
1.kia public service commition k appointed servent ki seniority (district change transfer) sy loose hoti ha ya nahen, ager nahen hoti to plz iska koi notification ha to send kr dien.
2..meri district change transfer 20-2-2002 ko hoi thi or mery transfer order mien kahen bhi seniority loose hony ki koi condition nahen ha.
3.. meri information k mutabik seniority loose hony ka notification meri transfer ( 20-2-2002 ) k bad howa ha, KIA US NOTIFICATION KI COPY MIL SAKTI HA.
kindly help me
Dear M Sharif, I have not the copy of the same.
then plz guid me, about this plz
Respected Madam, I shall be very thankful to you if a copy of notification/order be provided to me, under which a 30% bonus was allowed to the employees on their GP.Fund Account for the period from 1st. July, 1986 to 30th June, 2000. Thanks.
Dear Muhammad Naseer, I think it will be available in ESTA CODE.