Postgraduate Training for FCPS

Govt of the Punjab, Health Department has issued Notification No. SO(ME)2-26/2010 (P) dated 17th January 2014 in connection with Postgraduate Training for FCPS.

According to this Notification, Governemnt of Punjab offers opportunities of postgraduate training for different qualifications viz FCPS, MD, MS, MPH etc besides a number of diplomas qualifications. The training slopts have been provided in different teaching hospitals being run by the Health Department Govt of the Punjab in various cities. The PG training seats are mean for equitable distribution between different qualifications but the major chunk is utilized for FCPS Part-II trainees. Moreover about 70% of all training slots are concentrated in Lahore city.

Albeit, postgraduate residents provide vital support tertiary health care delivery, their concentration for one qualification and in one city is affecting the health service delivery in other posts of province. Despite the fact that Govt of the Punjab is committed to provision of quality health care to the population, resource constraints and a rising salary budget are hindrances in implementation of this vision. Consequent thereto, certain additional seats for PG training at this stage is not possible, besides new seats in Lahore will not be created so as to address the already lopsided allocation in the province.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan is passing a large number of candidates in the FCPS Part-I examinations. All the passed candidates are desirous of immediate initiation of their FCPS-Part-II training. Hospitals under Govt of the Punjab are the 1st priority of the candidates who belong to the Punjab. However the number of the seats allocated for FCPS Part-II is limited and cannot be increased due to aforesaid reasons. I take the opportunity to flag the issue for your consideration because of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan does not run any hospital or training facility on its own and depends on Punjab Government and other provincial Governments beside Pakistan Army for FCPS Part-II training. The quantum of passing candidates needs to be rationalized. More institutions in private sector in large cities and in public sector in small cities are required to be accredited so that the postgraduate residents are spread out and health service delivery in other institutions is also improved.

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 Postgraduate Training FCPS



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