Re-Designation of the Post of Key Punch Operator & Up-gradation

Govt of the Pakistan Finance Division, Regulation Wing, Islamabad has issued Notification No. 1(10)R-I/2010-47/2014 dated 20th February 2014 in connection with the Re-Designation of the Post of KPO & Up-gradation.

In connection with the Finance Division’s O.M No. 1(10)R-I/2010-234 dated 12-05-2011on the subject of Re-Designation of the Post of Key Punch Operator/Key Punch Verifying Operator as Data Entry Operator and Up-Gradation from BPS-10 to BPS-12, the following be amended in line-2 of para-1(b).

For:  BPS-10 to BPS-12

Read:  BPS-09 & BPS-10 to BPS-12


Upgradation KPO



KPO Upgradation




See also  Notification of Revised School Timings wef 16th Oct 2021

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18 thoughts on “Re-Designation of the Post of Key Punch Operator & Up-gradation

  1. Madam, I am presently working against the post of BS-12 as Data Entry Operator on deputation in Federal Government Department where as I am basically appointed as BS-10 as Computer Operator in Autonomous Body of the Federal Ministry but now I am facing great problem to draw the pay since five months. Have you any rules in relating with this and how the same problem will be settled. I am waiting your reply. Have any moderation in the orders.

  2. would you any mind informing me about the scale of statistical assistant in your province bureau of statistic including Pakistan bureau Islamabad
    please inform me on this contact Number 03343762467

  3. Sir, Please the the Notification about re-designation of the post of the Key Punch Operator in Sindh Govt. Please please….
    Any one who have a copy of notification about the post and last BPS or re-designation of Key Punch Operator in Sindh Govt. Please send me a copy of Letter on “”.

  4. Madam, Data entry operator BS-12 ke baad promotion me konsa grade mile ga.
    Kindly next post and grade be bata dijiye ga.

  5. Sheikh Arshad Mehmood · Edit

    dear, we are 03 person appointed as KPOs in BPS-5 in TMA Rawal Town, Rawalpindi since last 12 years. we appear in the Labour Court Rawalpindi for the up-graduation of the post of KPO in BPS-9. because there is a vacant post of KPO existing in BPS-9 in TMA Rawal Town, Rawalpindi wince 24.07.2007. The honourable court order’s in our respect that give them the BPS-9 w.e.f 24.07.2007 with all back benefits

  6. R/Madam

    Let me know about computer allowance. Kindly tell me that computer allowance is allow for data entry operator if yes according to what notification…

  7. Respected Sir/Madam

    According to notification DEOs BS-10 upgraded to BS-12. Clarification is issue in regards BS-09 & BS-10 to BS-12 but I need clarification in regards DEO BS-11 to BS-12. Please if any clarification from Finance Division is available in this regards tell…

  8. I am employer of cantonment board as kpo(BPS-4)
    ( federal government). i was working as kpo .but when i was transferred another cantt there was no any seat as kpo so i was transferred as filtration plan operator as same scale. butt its is non promotion category . so any please send policy or letter thats help me that my designation changed as kpo.

  9. I am employee in Irrigation department. I am appointed as junior clerk but working as computer operator. If any notification of Govt: of Punjab is available for computer allowance and you have than please send me. I am thankful to you.

  10. Respected Shumaila Kamal,

    I am serving in TMA Madina Town Faisalabad from last 18 years as KPO BS-10 but there is no any chance of Promotion, upgradation, designation for me here.

    No.1 What should I do for designation and upgradation of the post etc.?
    No.2 Has the post of Key Punch Operator been redesignated as Computer Operator or
    what so else by the Punjab Governmetn if yes then I need the specific notification
    No.3 Is there any sample of upgradation or redesignation of KPO in the Punjab
    No.4 Is there any promotional structure for the computer officials in the Punjab Province?
    No.5 What is the future of the KPO or other computer related posts if there is no any
    promotions etc.?

    All the questions are of same nature… I mean there is no charm in the KPO’s job in the Punjab Provnice if there is no any promotion for the incumbents.



  11. I have 4 questions please….

    1. Which have the posts of data entry operator in a basic pay scale
    Higher than BPS-12, the said post may be down-graded to BS-12
    kya agar BS-12 sy zayada scale hai to kya wo BS-12 per ker dia jay ga…?

    2. Data Entry Operator BS-11 ka koi zikar nahi iss mein…kya wo bhi BS-12 mein jain gay..?

    3. BS-12 honay ky bad promotion kaisay hoge.. ?

    4. this notification is on federal level or in whole punjab?


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