Transfer Policy-Two Years before Retirement

Government of the Punjab, SGA&I Department Lahore has already issued Notification No. SI 1-11/78 dated 4th September 1982 in connection with the Transfer Policy-Two Years before Retirement.  I have extracted the words from the transfer policy updated upto 2006. The detail of this letter is as under:

I am directed to refer to this department letter No. SO (Coord) 1-3/79 dated 16th March 1980 on the Transfer Policy circulated by the Punjab Government, Services, General Administration and Information Department, vide circular letter referred to above Rule 19 shall be substituted as under:

With reference to letter No. SO (Coord) 1-3/79 dated 16th March 1980 on the Transfer Policy circulated by the Punjab Government, Services, General Administration and Information Department, there will be the following substitution in Rule 19.
Officers/Officials due to retire on attaining the age of superannuation in two years will be given a choice of their last posting. The choice will be given on the following:

  • Choice for Station or
  • Choice for the Post but
  • Not Choice for Both

Honour to the choice of the official/officer will be given by the competent authority to order transfer, but the authority will not be bound to do so. Particularly lucrative appointments will not be given, especially to those officers/officials having ill-repute.


Transfer Two Years

See also  Notification of Extension Closure Educational Institutions Sindh Province

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