Regularization of Contract Lectures Recruited in the Year 2012

The Director Public Instruction (Colleges) Punjab has issued letter No. 82/PA-DPIC/14 dated 13th March 2014 in connection with Regularization of Contract Lectures Recruited in the Year 2012. The detail of the same is as under:

The Higher Education Department is in process for regularization of the Contract Lecturers recruited in year 2012. You are, therefore, required to furnish the data as well performance and report in respect of each such contract lecturer as per format contained in the attached proforma.

2. Each proforma in respect of every individual lecturer is to be filled-in by typing / signed and submitted by the respective Principal with counter-signed by the respective Deputy Director Colleges of that district. All the proforma of a district will be submitted to the respective Director of Education (Colleges) for his due certification.

3. The Deputy Director Colleges of each Divisional Headquarters will submit the lot of proforma of that Division separately in male and female sets to the Director (Admn.) and Director (Women) respectively, in the Office of D.P.I (Colleges), on dated 17.3.2014 during office hours without fail.

4. If at any later stage it is detected that some male or female lecturer/s remained missed in this process, strict punitive action will be taken against all the concerned.

5. This MUST BE GIVEN TOP PRIORITY and no lecturer should miss from this process.

This post has been delivered by Mr. Muhammad Saqib Najum.

Regularization Lecturers




Proforma Regularization Lecturers



See also  Notification of Clarification of Financial Assistance Package Punjab

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