Promotion of Medical Officers/Women Medical Officers Govt of the Punjab Health Department

Government of the Punjab Health Department has issued Notification No. SO (AMI)Misc.SR/2014 dated 21st March 2014 in connection with Promotion of Medical Officers/Women Medical Officers BPS-17 as Senior Registrar (Paed Medicine) (BS-18). The detail is as under.

Consequent upon recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC), 19 MOs/WMOs are hereby promoted / appointed as Senior Registrars (Medicine) and 13 MOs/WMOs are hereby promoted / appointed as Senior Registrar (Paed Medicine) (BS-18) on acting charge basis with immediate effect.

Upon their promotion/appointment on acting charge bases, as Senior Registrar Paediatric Medicine BPS-18, they have been posted at the places mentioned against each.

In case these officers fail to join against his/her new assignment within fifteen days from the issuance of this Notification, it will be forgone his/her promotion, as per provision of Promotion Policy 2010.

The inter-se-seniority of these officers shall remain intact irrespective of the date of joining of new assignment.

No application for extension in joining time will be entertained except on hardship cases/medical grounds.

The charge assumption report of these officers may be sent to this office by Office Incharge. This post has been delivered by Mr. Muhammad Aquib.


Promotion Medical Officers



Medical Officers Promotion

See also  New Notification of Opening of E-Transfer Round School Education Department (SED) Punjab

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3 thoughts on “Promotion of Medical Officers/Women Medical Officers Govt of the Punjab Health Department

  1. Respected Shumaila sahiba
    . You are unquestionably performing a noble’s job to guide and help the
    retired employees. So you deserve lot of appreciations’ accordingly
    . Honourable madam i have also come to seek a bit of help regarding following points
    1. What shall be my gross home take pension
    2. At what rate and which allowances will i be entitled to avail on retirement
    3.Is any ad Hoch allowance is admissible for calculation of pensions
    4. What will be my gross gratuity payable to me
    kindly answer all of my questions in view of my following particulars as a federal govt: employee at ur earliest leasure
    1.Date of joining 13/2/1986
    2.Date of retirement 14/1/2014 (date of birth 15/1/1954)
    3. Last salary drawn Rs.56600
    4. Total length of service 27 years exclusive of E.O.L etc.

    Thanking you very much
    . with lot of regards
    . sincerely yours

    1. Dear Noor Ahmad Thanks for appreciating mine efforts for the Govt Employees, ur pension detail is as under:
      Gross Pension 36586.67
      65% Pesnion 23781.33
      35% Pension 12805.33
      Commute 1901115.64
      Net Pension 46271.34

      There will be no addition of Adhoc Allowances in the pension calculation. Medical Allowance will be included. Increases in pension in 2010,2011,2012 & 2013 will be added in ur pension. Thanks


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