Up-Gradation of B.Tech (Honrs) Graduates from BPS-17 to BPS 18 in WAPDA

Office of the General Manager (C&M) Water, Admn.Dte. (Water) has issued Office Order No. GM(C&M)W/D(A)W/(96140.Trg.)TSU/E-I/2829-51 dated 7th April 2014 in connection with Up-Gradation of B.Tech (Honrs) Graduates from BPS-17 to BPS 18 in WAPDA.

In pursuance of Authority decision conveyed vide Addl. Director General (Rules) letter No. D/DD(Rules)/07451/15/V/160843-160903 dated 19th August 2013 regarding placement/up-gradation (BPS-17 to BPS-18) following non-graduate Junior Engineer (Civil) of Water Wing who are otherwise not eligible for promotion are hereby allowed placement in BPS-18 with immediate effect and until further orders. The up-graded officers will continue to work against their original posts where presently posted:

S.No Name of Officer Present Posting
1 Mr. Muhammad Ameen PD (H&R), WAPDA, Lahore
2 Syed Najm Nisar Shah PD (Buildings), WAPDA, Lahore
3 Syed Abid Hussain CEO (LESCO), Lahore
4 Mr. Muhammad Shuja-ul-Haq Director (ISRIP), WAPDA, Lahore
5 Mr. Aurang Zeb Khan PD (GZDP), WAPDA, D.I.Khan
6 Mr. Abdul Razzak CE, MDO, WAPDA, Mangla
7 Mr. Wazir-ur-Rehman GM (GBHP), WAPDA, Hattian
8 Mr. Muhammad Yar PD Mona, WAPDA, Bhawal
9 Mr. Mazhar Qayyum CE (P&I), WAPDA, Lahore
10 Mr. Naeem Ashraf Malik Director (S&E), WAPDA, House
11 Mr. Ghulam Abbas Bhatti CE (P&I), WAPDA, Lahore
12 Mr. Khalid Masood Alam Director (ISRIP), WAPDA, Lahore
13 Mr. Talat Majeed GM (CDO) Water, WAPDA Lahore
14 Mr. Abdul Sattar CE (RCP), WAPDA, Guddu


This post has been delivered by Mr. Muhammad Toqir Ranjha.


Upgradation Junior Engineers



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