Revised Pay Scales Charts 1972 to 2011 with Separate Sheets

I have already published an article in connection with Pay Scales Combined Chart 1977 to 2011. Today I am publishing this article regarding Revised Pay Scales Charts 1972 to 2011. I hope you will like mine this effort. These charts have been prepared by Mr. Aurangzaib. I appreciate his efforts in this regard.  These charts are made in separate sheets. Each chart shows the revised pay scale for a particular year along with all stages. There is another sheet that shows the whole charts of all the revised pay scales but with basic pays only.  These pay scale charts are helpful in fixation the pay with back dates as there are many cases come where we need to fix the pay with back date.

The sheets contain the following pay scales charts:

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1972

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1977

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1983

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1987

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1991

Revised Pay Scales Chart 1994

Revised Pay Scales Chart 2001

Revised Pay Scales Chart 2005

Revised Pay Scales Chart 2007

Revised Pay Scales Chart 2008

Revised Pay Scales Chart 2011


Download All Charts of Revised Pay Scales


Pay Scales Charts



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26 thoughts on “Revised Pay Scales Charts 1972 to 2011 with Separate Sheets

  1. AOA .Madam
    I have vin the antedate promotion (BS-16 to BS-17 w.e.f 3-6-2004) case from IHC. My basic pay on 3-6-2004 in BS-16(scales 2001) was 9705 when refixing it in BS-17 it exactly goes at the last stage of BS-17 15510 from where one premature increment is not possible, is there a chance of move-over in next scale i.e in BS-18 or how could it be refixed.

    THANS .M.Shahid Aziz

  2. Dear Madam,
    I am the affectee of BPS 2001, where-in I, since moved over to BPS-15, in Dec 1999, and while fixation of my pay during 2001, I was reverted to BPS-14, during 2001. Like Restoration of Pension, recently announced by President Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 07 Jul 2015, Can the benefit of my pay from whom I had already moved over, can be granted. If so, what is the criteria and what are the per-requisites? Please advise instantly.

  3. عبدالقدیر قرطاس · Edit

    بہت عمدہ اور کار آمد ویب سائٹ کا خصوصا اورنگزیب صاحب کا کام نہائت قابل تعریف ہے

  4. محترمہ شمائلہ کمال۔
    السلام علیکم۔
    آپ کی ویب سائٹ بھی کمال ہے۔ اتفاقاٰٰ دریافت ہوئی ہے۔ 1972 سے 2011 تک کے پے اسکیل کی فائل ڈاؤن لوڈ کی اورنگزیب صاحب نے بہت محنت کی ہے۔ فائل کو پروٹیکٹ کرنا انکا حق ہے لیکن اگر وہ اس میں صرف سیل سلیکٹ کرنے کی اجازت دیتے تو بہت زیادہ کار آمد ہوتی۔

  5. Dear S.Kamal,


    I am very glad to see such type of website for fair benifit of govt employees.

    It is very usefull and informative site. Keep it up and God bless u.


  6. Thanks for uploading Pay Scales Charts. These charts will help in fixation from old dates. Mr. Aurangzaib is also being appreciated in his efforts to prepare Pay Scale Charts.

  7. AOA, mam please email me letter in which ban was imposed on change of cadre. i think 15-11-1996 ministry of population welfare islamabad Admn.v PWTI kuch iss tarah ka letter No.kahin pera tha theek sayt yad nhe

  8. Fida Muhammad Tanoli · Edit

    Dear sir,

    I have hold the charge of the post other office in additional to my own duties. Am I entitle the 20% additional charge allowance. If yes please send me the latest detail of supporting rules and procedure of said allowance in KPK please.

      1. Dear Shumaila

        Many thanks for uploading this useful resource. Do you have the latest scale in use? i.e. for 2013-14? if yes, can you please email me . Many thanks.


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