Re-Allocation of Teaching Posts in Punjab Govt Schools

Government of the Punjab School Education Department has issued Notification No. SO (SE-III) 5-49/2013 dated 28th April 2014 in connection with Re-Allocation of Teaching Posts in Punjab Govt Schools.

According to this Notification, surplus available ESTs with incumbents be adjusted in Middle, High or HSS, having number of vacant posts of ESTs as per work load/policy. However the equivalent number of vacant posts of ESTs available in these schools will be shifted to surplus pool at district level.

The surplus ESTs, if not yet been adjusted in Higher Secondary, Secondary or Middle School, may be adjusted in Primary Schools as under:

  • Having more than 20 students but functioning without teachers.
  • Functioning with single teacher having student strength more than 40.
  • Functioning with 2 teachers but having student strength more than 90 or above.
  • As per STR under staffed Center Primary Schools.

In case of adjustment of two or more interested surplus ESTs incumbents, competing against one post, the senior most among them will be given preference. Further male surplus Elementary School Teachers shall be adjusted in Boys Primary Schools and females in Girls Primary Schools or Model Primary Schools.

The seniority of the surplus Elementary School Teachers incumbents adjusted in primary schools shall remain intact in their cadre and their nomenclature shall not be changed.


ReAllocation of Posts



Re-Allocation Posts Punjab




See also  The Punjab Finance Act 2019-Notification Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

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