Appeal under Section-4 of the Service Tribunal Act 1973- Uniform Time Scale Promotion Policy for Civil Servants

Government of the Pakistan Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division, Islamabad has issued Notification No. 1/13/96-R-6 dated 7th May 2014 in connection with Appeal under Section-4 of the Service Tribunal Act 1973. This Notification relates to Uniform Time Scale Promotion Policy for Civil Servants of the Federal Government of Pakistan. The summary of this Notification is as under:

The employees working in various Divisions/Departments/Ministries are of the view that the Up-Gradation of the posts means the automatic up gradation of the incumbents. The concept of the employees is wrong. The real concept of the Up-gradation is that the abolition of the previous posts and the creation of the new posts in the higher pay scales.

It has been observed that the employees who are not promoted since long time are inspired by the up-gradation of the other posts and hence they are aspired for the up-gradation of their posts. Several Employees of various departments who were not covered under up-gradation, filed writ petitions in the courts for the up-gradation of their posts. Due to the number of cases of up-gradation referred by the courts the work load the Establishment Division has been increased on a large scale.

To decrease the work load, the Establishment Division is of the view that the Finance Division may constitute a committee consisting of experts to formulate a Uniform Time Scale Promotion Policy that be applicable on all the Federal Govt Employees.


Uniform Time Scale




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6 thoughts on “Appeal under Section-4 of the Service Tribunal Act 1973- Uniform Time Scale Promotion Policy for Civil Servants

  1. Federal Government must take the issue more seriously and should execute a uniform policy of Time Scale Promotion in all the departments. In our country, unfortunately, decisions are made and policies executed on the basis of discrimination. The powerful departments are kept on priority by ignoring the less powerful organizations/departments/offices. As in the Pay Scales no uniformity is assured. In different departments, the Government has introduced different pay scales, I.e. Special Pay Scales, Health Pay Scales, National Pay Scales and so on and so forth. In the same way in some of its institutions/organizations/departments the system of Time Scale Promotion was introduced. The decision was good as in almost all of the government departments, except some extremely prestigious and powerful departments, the chances of promotions were either very much limited or these chances didn’t exist. This was a wonderful decision to relieve the tensions of specially low paid and low level Federal Government employees. Here too, the Government bypassed more of the departments. Government must not create discrimination among departments/organizations/offices, and such discriminatory policies should be avoided at once. Discriminatory policies once executed create problems for the unity. Divide and Rule was the motto of the English Rulers. We are Pakistanis and our motto should always be United we Stand, Divided We Fall. So, kindly give up the discriminatory policies and adopt the uniform policies in all the government departments/offices/ organizations. It is my Appeal to our Policy Makers , Legislators, Members of the Parliament and especially the Rulers of this country. Thanks.03321599856.


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