Promotion of FGEI Lecturers as Assistant Professors

General Headquarters, IGT & Es Branch, FGEI (Cantt/Garrison) Dte, Sir Syed Road Rawalpindi has issued Notification No. 0409/18-Male-FGEI (CA) dated 2nd May 2014 in connection with Promotion of FGEI Lecturers as Assistant Professors. These Lecturers BPS-17 have been promoted as Assistant Professors (BPS-18) with effect from 26th March 2014 and have been posted to the colleges mentioned in the Notification.

The number of lecturers promoted is 57 and the number of lectures who have been deferred is 36. The lectures who have been deferred are due to short length of service, adverse remarks in PERs and unsatisfactory performance.

The promotees will remain on probation period for one year. Individuals mentioned at para-1 at serial number s, v, jj. oo, rr, ss, vv, yy, zz & eee are allowed to draw TA/DA and transfer grant as admissible under the rules. Since transferred at his own request, individual mentioned at serial number ff is not allowed transfer grant and TA/DA.

This post has been delivered by Mr. Mohammad Baqir.


Promotion FGEI Lecturers


Promotion 2


Promotion 3


Promotion 4


Promotion 5


Promotion 6




See also  Notification of Elimination of Cash Payments – Reduction of Open Cheques

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5 thoughts on “Promotion of FGEI Lecturers as Assistant Professors

  1. Dear Madam


    My name from the promotion list has been deferred due to short length of service. Because my service in FGEI as lecturer is 4y7months. But I have also served Staff welfare organization as Computer Instructor (BPS-17) for 1y and 6months. My service was also permanent there and has been counted in CMA because I have applied through proper channel.
    My question is that, can my service be counted in my present service for promotion?
    Kindly give me guidance.

    Thank you so much.

    Muhammad Ilyas


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