Estimated Arrear Amount on the Upgradation of FGEI Teachers wef 01-01-2011

As you know, that Finance Division has issued Notification of Upgradation of FGEI Teachers with effect from 01-01-2011. I have calculated estimated Arrear Amount on the Upgradation of FGEI Teachers. There will be the following pay & allowances that will increase for the teachers who upgraded wef 1st January 2011:

  1. Basic Pay
  2. House Rent Allowance
  3. Medical Allowance
  4. Conveyance Allowance-
  5. Adhoc Relief Allowance-2009 @ 15% & 20% of the Basic Pay Scales of 2008
  6. Adhoc Relief Allowance-2010 @ 50% of the Basic Pay Scales of 2008
  7. Adhoc Relief Allowance-2011 @15% of the Basic Pay Scales of 2008
  8. Adhoc Relief Allowance-2012 @20% of the Basic Pay Scales of 2011
  9. Adhoc Relief Allowance-2013 @10% of the Basic Pay Scales of 2011


How Much Arrear Each Upgraded Employee will get?

If the employee is up-graded with effect from 1st January 2011, then the estimated arrear amount is as under for each category:


  • If the basic pay in BPS-09 is 4740/- then the estimated arrears wef 01-01-2011 to 30-06-2014 for the each post that upgraded from BPS-09 to BPS-14 is Rs.115,000/-
  • If the basic pay in BPS-14 is 7200/-then the estimated arrears wef 01-01-2011 to 30-06-2014 for the each post that upgraded from BPS-14 to BPS-16 is Rs.195,000/-
  • If the basic pay in BPS-16 is 11230/-then the estimated arrears wef 01-01-2011 to 30-06-2014 for the each post that upgraded from BPS-16 to BPS-17 is Rs.160,000/-
  • If any TGT appointed near about 01-01-2011, then the arrears amounts of this persons is more than 550,000/-.
See also  Revised Timelines eTransfer posting on Compassionate Grounds Punjab SED


How to Fix Your Pay on Upgradation?

It is so simple to calculate the pay on the Upgradation. Just check your pay on 31-12-2010. For Example your pay is 4740/- in BPS-09 on 31-12-2010. Go to the scale number 14 and search for 4740, there you see no stage of 4740/- but there is next above 4920/- just add one premature increment and the pay will be fixed at 5300/- on 01-01-2011. On 01-07-2011 pay scale were revised and just go down the 5300/- cell and you will see 8610/- in the pay scale of 2011. Now just add one increment every year or go to right cell by cell on each 1st December as shown in the picture.

Example Pay Fixation

Don’t Forget: Revised Pay Scales Charts 1977 to 2011

Calculate Your Own Arrear on Upgradation


I have given the simple examples for these three categories; you can calculate your own arrear by just adding the basic pay in the Basic Pay Arrear columns. I have unlocked the cells for the basic pay. In the same way, I have also unlocked the House Rent Allowance cells as HRA is 30% for various stations. I have kept 45% HRA as default.

Conveyance Allowance cells have also been kept unlocked as the same was not earlier admissible to all the employees.

Note: These are only the estimated arrears amount and not the final. It is also to mention that this formula will not apply to those employees whose scale changed during this period.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Akram for working hard on this project.

See also  Freezing Allowances Admissible on Running Basic Pay GB

Download Arrear Calculation Sheet1


Arrear Calculation Upgradation




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45 thoughts on “Estimated Arrear Amount on the Upgradation of FGEI Teachers wef 01-01-2011

  1. dear madam,, i was in B-14 since february 2013 as a senior pry school teacher SPST in KPK edu i m promoted to SST B-16 via 20% qouta of PST cadre in SST on 28-10-2014,i have taken my charge as a SST on 1-11-2014,now the question rise here about ANNUAL INCREMENT,we avail the annual increment in B-14 or not? now what will b happened with all of us who promoted to SST on 28-10-2014,,plzz guide me about annual increment?thnxx SAIFU LALA SST D.I.KHAN

    1. Dear Saifu Lala, if you use the option then you can get the annual increment. But you have to see in which condition u get the benefit, with option or without option.

    Govt of Balochistan nay pre-mature increment ka notification 31 oct 2014 ko kia hay.Lakin iss main yeh mention kia hay keh iss ka itlaq 31 oct 2014 say ho ga, jub keh Federal govt nay jo pre-mature increment ka notification kia .woh 01 january 2011 say nafiz ul amal hay.provinical govt k notfication ke roo say employees arrear k haqdar nahee hoon gay.
    MADAM AAP hamain mashwara dain keh iss k liay hum kia tareeqa ikhtiyar kareen keh yeh notification 1st january 2011 say nafiz ul amal ho.
    please reply soon .

  3. Dear Shumaila
    another thing which i would like to discuss with you that CMA deduct the premature increment form my basic pay and the reason told me that if difference of basic pay of BPS-9 on 31st december 2010 nd basic pay of BPS-14 on 1st jan 2011 is more then premature incerement (Rs.380) than premature will not be fixed in basic pay .
    is it correct ?

      1. Thanks Shumaila
        you told me that my pay will be 1 increment more as the other person is not entitled for annual increment . plz tell me what should i do for this matter?

          1. i have already told you that
            My Colleague’s 1st appointment on contract : August 2007
            Colleague regularized on 1st july 2008 her service was not count
            My date of appoint ment ; 23 April 2008
            now tell me pay should be same of both of us? in reply you told me that
            Dear Saima you pay will be 1 increment more as the other person is not entitled for annual increment.
            now tell me what should i do for this matter ? because 1 increment should be more in my pay than my colleague !

  4. Dear shumaila , plz tell me about pre mature increment will it be fixed in basic pay of each employe (BPs 9) and also tell me that i was appointed on 23rd April 2008 as MTT nd my colleague was permenet on 1st july 2008 before that she was working on contract basis form 1st aug 2007. pay is same of both of us bt i think there should be a difference of at least one increment . plz guide me about this matter.

    1. Dear Saima Premature Increment is added in the basic pay. Dear donoon ki 2007 ki Annual Increment nahi that is why same pay. Agrcheh wo 2007 main appoint/regular hui lekan us ko 2007 ki Annual increment nahij lagi.

      1. Dear Shumaila un ke service count nahen hoi un ke 1st JUly 2008 ko fresh appointment hy phir bhe pay same hoge hmari? CMA ny pre mature increment ka mana kia hy nd objectiona laga dia hy ka you r not eligible for premature increment! finaly tell me what should i do ?

          1. Dear Shumaila
            My Colleague’s 1st appointment on contract : August 2007
            Colleague regularized on 1st july 2008 her service was not count
            My date of appoint ment ; 23 April 2008
            now tell me pay should be same of both of us?

  5. Teacher @ FGPS Manora · Edit


    What will be the total salary/month of Secondary School Teacher (BPS-17) that i can draw form my account after ducting taxes etc?

  6. dear admn plz tell me k hon. paid techrz k documntz jo dirctorate ny mangwaey hn wo procedure kahan tak phncha??????unk parmanent hoony k chancz khtm to nai o gay new appointmntz ki wja sy??????plzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply meeeeeeeeee ssss00000000000000nnnnnnnnnnnnnn 🙁 thnxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Dear Shumaila,

    I have heard about a Tier-Four formula according to which TGTs who are now being upgraded from BPS-16 to BPS-17 will be promoted to BPS-18.

    Do you have any information about this ?

  8. dear admin. the med allce of those employee who have been up-graded to BPS-16 have not been adjusted properly according to new notification. now the minimum med allce of BPS-16 is 1000

  9. Rspected madam,i hve been appointed as tgt on 31st Dec 2010,if 3 years experience condition is applied,would i be upgraded?

    1. Dear Hamid, Notification main to time period ka koi zikar nahin, Ho sakata hay FDE wali policy lago ho. jis main 3 years service ki condition thi. But just w8 for the departmental letter.

  10. Ms Shumaila I m not agree with ur arrears, the min increase in basic pay of grade 16 to 17 is Rs 6000 which is 72000 per year. so since 2011 to 2014 three years arears of basic only is216000 and if the allowances are considered it will be more than 4 lac

    1. Dear Abid I m agree with your point. I have just published example for other basic pay. For the new entrants in BPS-16 it is so as u said but for the employees of BPS-16 who are for many years in the BPS-16 will get less. You can enter the amount of a new entrant in BPS-16 and then you will find the same results as u mentioned.

  11. السلام علیکم بہت محنت سے محمد اکرم صاحب یہ شیٹ تیار کی ہیں۔ ہم بہت زیادہ مشکور ہیں آپ کی کاوش کے اور ویب سائٹ کے ممبران سے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کو بفضل پنجتن پاک اپنے حفظ و امان میں رکھے۔ آمین


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