Provision of Documents for Promotion of SSTs as Headmaster/Headmistress in Faisalabad

District Education Officer (SE), Faisalabad has issued letter No.3827/CR dated 14-05-2014 in connection with Provision of Documents for Promotion of SSTs as Headmaster/Headmistress in Faisalabad.

In this letter it is addressed to all the Focal Persons District Faisalabad to convey all the heads of institutions (Male & Female) under their markaz to provide the following documents/information of each SST for promotion as Headmaster/Headmistress BPS-17 immediately:

  1. Full C.R Dossier
  2. No Inquiry Certificate with No. and date
  3. No Audit para Certificate
  4. Certificate that the concerned SST has not already been promoted as Headmaster/Headmistress/Subject Specialist
  5. No Study Leave Certificate
  6. No L.P.R Certificate
  7. No Long Leave Certificate/Ex-Pakistan Leave Certificate
  8. No Deputation Certificate
  9. Result for the last three years
  10. Photocopies of Degrees
  11. Appointment orders of SST on regular basis
  12. Joining Report as SST

The promotion cases of SSTs for Headmaster/Headmistress BPS-17 (Male and Female) may be prepared according to the date of SST mentioned against each.


S.No Name of Post Date
1 Promotion as Headmaster (Male) 31-12-1987
2 Promotion as Headmistress (Female) 31-12-1987


If any SST has already been submitted these documents/information, he must prepare the ACR for the year 2013on the new form prescribed by the Government of the Punjab along with fresh No Inquiry Certificate with No. & Date, No Punishment Certificate with No. & Date, No Audit para Certificate and also the result proforma for the last three years.


Promotion SSTs Punjab




See also  Notification of Planning Performance Allowance Rs. 103,635/- Per Month

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