Option for Re-Fixation of Pay- Office Memorandum Withdrawn

Government of the Pakistan Finance Division has issued O.M No . 3(18) R-2/99 dated 20th May 2014 in connection with Cancellation of Office Memorandum regarding Option for Re-Fixation of Pay.  According to this Office Memorandum O.M No. F.3 (18) R-2/99 dated 6th July 2001 has been withdrawn. What is this O.M? Detail is as under:

In the Office Memorandum that has been cancelled it is stated that the undersigned is directed to refer to this Division’s O.M No. F.3 (18) R-2/99 dated 27th November 1999 and the subject noted above and to state that the said O.M may please be withdrawn with immediate effect.

The Office Memorandum No. F.3 (18) R-2/99 dated 27th November 1999 says; the undersigned is directed to state that the terms of Finance Division’s O.M No. 3 (2) Gaz.Imp.I/75 dated the 14th October 1975, such civil servants who are promoted before reaching the maximum of their pay scales to a higher pay scale between 2nd June to 30th November of a year were allowed to opt to re-fixation of their pay in the higher pay scale concerned wef 1st of December of the year of their promotion with reference to their presumptive pay on that date in their pro-promotion scale.

While the said O.M dated 14-10-1975 did not cover the cases of selection grade (due to non-existence of Selection Grade Scheme at that time), the exercise of option for re-fixation in cases of selection grade and move over was barred vide this Division’s letter No. F.1(2) Imp/98-140/Imp/97 dated 30-04-1998; addressed to the Auditor General of Pakistan.

See also  Notification of Grant of Utility Allowance for Officials Working in Civil Secretariat

As Selection Grade is treated at part with promotion for the purpose of fixation of pay, it is decided in partial modification of this Division’s letter dated 30-04-1998, that the concession of option for re-fixation of pay in the higher scale as contained in this Division’s letter dated 14-10-1975 shall be extended also and applicable to the cases of Selection Grade with effect from the date it was barred by Finance Division i.e 30-10-1998.

Conclusion: As far I undrstood from this Office Memorandum, the employees now can use the option to re-fix their pay after getting annual increment on 1st December, as vide this O.M that Notification has been cancelled through which the use of option was withdrawn. What you say? you can comment below:

Option Pay Fixation


Pay Fixation Option



Selection Grade Option




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39 thoughts on “Option for Re-Fixation of Pay- Office Memorandum Withdrawn

  1. Ma’am may if I kindly be clarified if is there a tentative/maximum time in which the exercise of the option of pay fixation on presumptive basis is allowed? In short, can one apply for re fixation of pay after lapse of the opportunity; after 6 years?

  2. wilth humbly stated that I was at the maximum Rs.2772 by move over in BS-8 on 31.10.1999.Later on I was promoted as Selection Grade UDC BS-09 on 1.11.1999 and my pay was fixed at Rs.2963. I did not get the annual increment on 01.12.1999. How can I get the Annual increment of 1.12.1999, pl sent me letter No. with date to resolve the long out standaing issue.

  3. Please provide guidance in the following circumstances being Punjab Govt employee
    serving in BPS 18 (Regular) with basic pay 61310
    re-appointed in BPS 19 (Regular) in October 2017
    starting basic of 19 is 59210
    how my pay should be fixed
    1. if i opt for re fixation on 01-12-2017
    2. if i do not opt above

    Please provide assistance on email I shall be very thankful

  4. Concession of option for re-fixaton of pay in case of promotion between 2nd june and 30 Nov was in practice w.e.f 1975 vide. Min of Finance Div OM dt 14 oct 1975.It was barred wef 30 4 98 because of some ambiguity.Later on the Fin Div clarified vide their OM dt 27 11 99 that the concession is EXTENDABLE also and applicable wef the same date from which it was barred ie 30 4 1998.
    The things, which are already existing, are extended .So the word EXTENDABLE in the above letter clearly shows that the concession of option was already in practice from 1975 which was barred due to some doubt and now on clarification of doubt it has been restored as it was w.e.f the same date it was barred ie 30 4 1998.While the pay of the selecties B-15 of 4 sep 1993 was fixed on 2 12 1993 using the said concession how they can be deprived on the belated stage on 30 4 1998.So in my opinion the concession of option is equally applicable to the selecties of B-15 either before 30 4 1998 or after.

  5. Madam , the posts of Computer Operators along with its incumbents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been upgraded from BPS-12/13 to BPS-16 w.e.f 28-07-2016.Such employee, if upgraded w.e.f 28-07-2016, are not entitled to avail increment for 2016. My question is whether such employees can opt for fixation of their pay in BPS-16 w.e.f 01-12-2016 i.e after availing annual increment in their previous scale (BPS-12/13)?. Please also specify the rules under which such option can be exercised.

  6. Dear Madam,
    I was at the maximum of pay scale no 20 1-12-1996 through move over. Whereas, there was no move over and increment during the year 1997-2000. Later on I was promoted to grade 20 in December 2000 and at the time of fixation of pay no premature increment was given because I was already at the maximum of grade 20 and there was no move over in grade 21. In this way I was deprived of the premature increment. Is there any decision of the government regarding such cases.

  7. Dear Madam,
    I was at the maximum of pay scale no 20 on 1-12-1996 in move over. Whereas, there was no move over and no increment was given during the years 1998-2000. I was deprived of the increment although I was rendering my services during this period. Kindly inform if there was any decision made by the government about these employees.

  8. madam.
    I was promoted from B-16 to BPS-17 through PSC on 24/9/2007 and did not get the annual increment on 1.12.2007. can I opt now for annual increment on previous scale i-e BPS 16 on 1.12.2007 and then fixation of pay in B-17.

  9. Aoa, Mam, I was reappointed on 16-8-11 from BPS 11 to BPS 17 through proper channel. My basic was 17000 in BPS 11 and basic of BPS 17 on joining was 20500. I did not get annual increment in DEC 2011. Can i avail this option for missing annual increment or not. waiting for your kind advice.


  10. kp govt give us one scale upgradation from 1-7-2015 along with one premature increment , with opton to fix pay on 1-7-2015 or 1-12-2015. our clerk made entery in our service book w.e.f 1-7-2015. now account officer says that we lose annual increment, he says that if our fixation is made on 1-12-2015 then we will get two increment.
    please guide us.

  11. Salam Madam,
    I want certain infomration on pay fixation in respect of following case:-
    An official having his basic pay in BPS-14 as 15870 is promoted to BPS-15 on 09-10-2015.After assuming the charge of post of BPS-15 ,he is subsequently promoted to BPS-16 on 20-10-2015.Can he opt for availing the increment of pre-promotion scale on 1st December,2015 and then fixation of his pay BPS-15 & BPS-16 simultaneously.I shall be very thankful to you if you kindly guide me.

  12. Madam I was promoted from BPS-17 to BPS-18 on 24-06-2015. However the letter of promotion was issued on 14-09-2015. In the letter of promotion it was written that you are promoted with effect from 24-06-2015. I took charge in new scale on 16-09-2015. Kindly tell me what is beneficial for me, either taking option or not. Also tell me what is the procedure of taking option. Thanks

    1. May basic pay in BPS-17 on 24-06-2015 was 22000/- and on 1-09-2015 is 28455/- after revision of pay scales. Kindly tell me how it will fix in BPS-18.

  13. Assalm o alikum,
    Im Promoted as Assistant BPS-14 on 17-09-2015, My basic pay is 17915/- as UDC, BPS-09, I want to take option of pay fixtation. Kindly send me the procedure of pay fixtaion on service book. Im Federal Governmet employee.


  14. Muhammad khalid Mahmood · Edit

    Sir,I was promoted BPS 18 to 19 on 11/6/2014 and i used option of fixation of pay.Now i want to know that i am eligible to get arrears for the period of 11/6/14 to 30/11/2014. Some of my colleagues of Rawalpindi had got the arrears with increment from 2/12/2014. Is it possible?

  15. Dear Madam
    If a govt: servant is promoted from BPS-17 to BPS-18 after 1st June, he will get annual increment in BPS-17 or BPS-18?

    1. Dear Muhammad Ilyas can use option to get the annual increment on 1st Dec and then fix his pay in the new school. This will be only for pay fixation purpose and he will join his duty as due and mentioned in the Notification.

  16. Madam aap ki tamam information se hum sab employees ko bohat faida hota hai,plz madam hum tamam notification ki datail aap roman urdu main b bata diya kare tu aur faida ho ga..ALLAH aap ko khush rakhay..

    1. Thanks dear Tahir for appreciating my efforts for the employees. Dear it is not possible to produce the notification in Roman Urdu. It is better you get it translated from any one. Thanks

        1. Dear Ayaz Shah, Finance Div issued Notification in 1998 to use the option of fixation of pay after availing Annual Increment in the previous scale on Selection Grade for those employees who got Selection Grade between 2nd June to 30th Nov. In 2001 this Notification was cancelled and now the Notification of the cancellation of 2001 Notification has been issued. It means the Notification of 1998 has again been restored.


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