Re-Fixation of Pay on Re-appointment after Allowing Annual Increment in the Previous Scale

Government of the Pakistan Finance Division has issued Office Memorandum No. 2(1)/R-I/2009-1030 dated 27th May 2010 in connection with Re-Fixation of Pay on Re-appointment after allowing annual increment in the previous scale. The option of fixation of pay after getting annual increment in the previous scale on re-appointment was granted to Mr. Muhammad Asif Akram, Senior Auditor who was earlier working in BPS-05 and then re-appointed in BPS-11.

This office memorandum of the Finance Division clears the anomaly of the fixation of the pay on re-appointed in case the employee is re-appointed after 1st June. In this situation, the employee will get the annual increment as usual in the previous pay scale on 1st December and then he will fix his pay in the new pay scale. It is further added that the premature increment on re-appointment is already in vogue.

With reference to the Office of the Accountant General Pakistan Revenues letter No. TM/HA/1-73/Misc/Clarification/287 dated 28th October 2009, on the subject and it is clarified that appointment from one post to another involving assumption of duties carrying greater responsibilities for the purpose of FR-22 & FR-80 has been treated at par with promotion for fixation of pay in terms of O.M No. F.1(2)NG-Imp/71 dated 16th December 1977.

Accordingly, the benefit of annual increment based on the option as provided in O.M of 14th October 1975 is meant for fixation of pay on promotion with a view to avoid loss of the annual increment for the relevant calendar year in cases in which the condition of at least 6 months service which otherwise counts for the purpose, is true and is admissible in the case under reference.

See also  Calculate Your Pension & Commute in Just 5 Seconds with Simple Software

Special thanks to Mr. MUHAMMAD ALI for proving the information.


Annual Increment Re-Appointment





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72 thoughts on “Re-Fixation of Pay on Re-appointment after Allowing Annual Increment in the Previous Scale

  1. I have been working in health department Punjab govt for more than 10 years in BS17,and now I got selected thru PPSC as BS 18 in same department through proper channel having NOC from my department.
    Would I get benefit of my previous increments
    Any one please guide

  2. I have promoted from BS-18 to BS-19 through selection board on 27-9-2021. I have revised my pay slip on 27 July 21. Will I have granted annual increment on 1 December 2021. Is there any notification

      1. Assalam o alaikum m ny agli post k leye aplly kiya tha with through proper channel. AlhamdullilAllah m select b hugeya mera appointment 9 june sa mila mjy. Jis m likhaa ha continue with privous service lekn wo hmein option ki opertunity ni da rahy keh rahy hein koi leter lao jis m likhaa hu reapoint ko as a promotion consider krein. Wo kehty hein 2019 m koi letter out hua ha jis m reapointment py option ka ziker ha plzz koi help lar dy wo letter dy da hm ny bohat dhonda hmein ni milaa unhein yeh 2010 wala letter dekhaya wo keh rahy yeh not acceptable ha.

  3. Asalam O Alaikum. If possible please send me the notification of Punjab Finance Deptt for option of re-fixation of pay after annual increment on re-appointment.

  4. dear madam i can want to know that for grant of annual increment six month contineous service is required or six month contineous service with pay is required.

  5. Dear Admin

    With due respect it is submitted that I am working as LDC (Revenue) in Lahore Electric Supply Company. My post LDC (Revenue) was upgraded from BPS-07 to BPS-09 w.e.f 10.10.2016, vide PEPCO Clarification No. 413-23 dated 24.02.2016 in the light of PEPCO Office Memorandum dated 10.10.2016 read with OM No. 3494-3520 dated 05.10.2016 alike Ministerial Cadre employees. Sir my question is that how i can adopt option for re fixation of pay after annual increment 2016 due to save financial loss in future, because My office has given my one increment of Post Upgradation and stoped my annual increment 2016. Please gide me how can I do in pay fixation Rules

  6. AoA,
    with due request that I am working as a accounts clerk in MC Mandi Bahauddin since 08.09.2006 on contract period 5 years. then Government of punjab issued letter for regular all punjab employee date 14.10.2009. Audit department did not gave a december Increments due to less 6 month duration in service.Its ok i am agree with this.
    But when govenment reguler me date 14.10.2009 that time did not gave december increment. Audit department said to me that you are appointed in 14.10.2009 athough i appionted in 08.09.2006.if you understand my question please inform me in this matter please i should be highly appriciated for this act of kindness
    With best regard.
    Raja Ikram Mustafa
    Account Clerk
    MC, Mandi Bahauddin

  7. AoA:

    Please advise me on my following situation:

    I have been working in BPS-17 in a govt department w.e.f. August 1994 to April 1999. During my service i applied through proper channel to another govt department for next higher post equivalent to BPS-18 (i.e. SPS-9). On selection i joined the new department without any break in April 1999. During my service in previous department i did Masters in Engineering and was granted 4 x advanced increments for this qualification as per government rule.

    After joining new department (in higher scale) my pay was fixed at the minimum basic pay of SPS-9 without any advanced increments. I applied for counting of my previous service towards pension in the same year and case has recently been materialized (in year Jan 2017) i.e. my previous service has been counted w,e,f, August 1994.

    Now my question is whether i am eligible for re-fixation of my pay at the level of year 1999 alongwith the 4 x advanced increments, which were granted to me in BPS-17?

    Thanks in advance, please.

  8. AA Madam… meri punjab govt k dept. rescue 1122 as LFR (bps-12) permanent se through proper chanal University of vet.& anm. sciences lahore me as Senior tech (bps-14) permanent appointment hoi.. meri pay bps-12 me 9000 with 500 anual increment thi.. university walon ne meri pay bps-14 me fixation 9200 to ki magar 2014 ka anual increment nahi diya.. bps-14 me mery joining 6 june 2014 ki he.. university atonomus body he or is k rules is moamlay me khamosh hen, mgr woh govt. k rules ko follow b kartay hen..civil service rules k mutabik 6 month lagatar ek scale pe kam karnay wala increment ka hakdar hota he….? kaya bps-12 ki increment laganay k baad mery pament re-fix ho skti he.. pls rahnomai farma den…

  9. Dear Madam
    I am superintendent BPS-16 in Federal university and was on deputation for three years 2013 to 2016 at the Post of Assistant Controller BPS-17 during my deputation the post of Superintendent was upgraded from BPS16 to BPS-17, now i join my previous university but they notify and upgrade me BPS-16 to 17 when i join the duty after availing the deputation period. Now my pay fax in BPS-17 after 3 years and now i help you please guide me because i have lose my 3 increments in BPS-17 if you have any notification regarding this plz reply with detail.

  10. Dear Sir,
    I was an Auditor in BPS 7 and drawing pay Rs.8470/- on 1.4.2011. on 2.4.2011, I passed an exam through proper channel for BPS-17 and re-appointed in BPS-17 including previous service. My department also changed from Provincial to Federal. Please fix my pay in BPS-17.

  11. salam…plz guide me on a serious issue of reappointment.. i was UDC in Federal Govt, i applied for assistant in the same department and was selected…tell me whether i will get pre mature increment or not on pay fixation
    if yes then plz provide me the rules

    saeed piracha
    NAB Lahore

  12. Syed Sajad Gillani · Edit

    I was transferred to wafaqi mohtasib Secretariat on deputation basis in bps-14. subsequently I was upgraded in bps-16 in my parent department. in the same month, I was selected in foreign office in bps-14. my parent department gave NOC to my borrowing department so that I will b enable to join foreign office. as per Esra code, my parent department should protect my basic pay first in borrowing organization, should I apply for pay protection now.

  13. option ke le koi Time Limite hai, ager Mr. A ki Promotion July 2013 mai hue hai, aur es ko option ka PaTa nahi Ta, Ya Bhool ga , Tuu kiYa Mr. A, 2015 Or 2014 mai Option exercise kar sakTa hai?

  14. Dear Madam/ Sir, aoa,
    Its once again requested that to solicit your guidance in my proposition that I was inducted in civil services of the Government of the Punjab in BPS:16 through Punjab Public Service Commission in the year 1992. I earned two increments til December 1993 and was entitled for two increments for additional qualification at that time. I got re-appointed through PPSC in BPS:17 by applying through proper channel. I joined in the higher grade on 06 December,1993 but never got any pre-mature increment or else for being selected in higher grade with increased responsibilities in the same Department ( basic salary in lower grade was Rs.2459 and new grade started at Rs.2870 at that time). Kindly guide me whether any financial benefit is missing for please.

  15. dear madam
    me from 06.02.1997 to 15.09.2010 served in BS-12 and at that time my basic pay was Rs 8385/- then i applied through proper channel to other department for the post of BS-16 and i was appointed where my pay was fixed Rs.8410/- but not granted annual increment of BS-12 or BS-15 for the year 2010. Question is that whether i was eligible for annual increment of 2010 or not, please guide me

  16. I was appointed as LDC (BPS-7) in August 2009 and re-appointed as KPVO (BPS-9) in September 2010 and I could not received my annual increment of 2010. Can i admissible for annual increment 2010 and Premature increment. Plz help me with References.


  17. Dear Mam,
    Hamari appointment 2012 mein SESE ki post py hui thi 2014 mein SSE ki post py appointment hui ham ny proper Chanel apply kia, kiaya hamien sabqa increments ka benefit ho gai please send notification to [email protected]
    Thanx and Regards
    Asadullah khan

  18. kindly clarify me please the refixation of pay of an employee was applicable in 1987 or not

    if an employee working as LDC on30.9.87 in B- 5 and his pay was 750/-pm/
    he will appoint in B-7 on new post in the same department on 1.10.87.

    He was entitled for annual increment of B-5 on 1.12.87
    and premature increment of B-7 on.2.12.87 was applicable or not

    As per O.M of Finance Div. refixation of pay option O.M. No.14.10.75 is applicable in this case or not.

    waiting for reply please .

  19. Assalamoalikum
    jo log 98 may job se by force nikal dye ge thy…. pher abhi PPP ki govt ny un tmam ko re-appoint kia. aor un ko tmam pichly baqaya jat dye…..mujhy re-appointment hony aor pichly baqaya jat k notification chahye……..mera court may case chal rha hy. us k lye bohot zaroori chahyee….

  20. A chowkidar Bps-01 has been working in Education & literacy Department( Sindh).He was promoted to Bps 02 in 2007.His TEO granted him premature on 1-7-2007.District Accounts Officer Tando Allahyar canceled his premature increment with the remarks this is not for 1 to 4 Scale.please explain who is correct and why?

  21. Please solicit your guidance in my proposition that I was inducted in civil services of the Government of the Punjab in BPS-16 in March 1992. I earned two increments till 1st December 1993 and was entitled for two increments for additional qualification at that time as well. I got re-appointed in BPS-17 through Punjab Public Service Commission by applying for that post through proper channel. I joined in grade on 6th December, 1993 but never got any pre-mature increment or else for being selected in higher grade in same Department. Kindly guide me, whether is there any financial benefit is missing for me.

  22. AOA, Madam
    Aap sy phely bhi is subject per discusion hoti rehi hey. madam ess letter mey jo Financa division k letters ka refrence dya hey us ki copy kindly mujhey email kar dey meny re fixation k ley apply kia houa hey.Or FR 22 FR 30 ki copy send kar dey very thanks.
    30 Nov 2015 ko aap ko mail bhi ki thi

    Muhammad Farooq
    [email protected]

  23. AOA to all Admins,

    I have sent an email regarding pay fixation queries to the admin of this website on [email protected], but it seems that no one is interested to reply my email to solve my issue. I am writing again to request of answer on my emails as soon as possible, i am unable to get any other relevant and authentic source of govt orders online, except this useful website. It’s my humble request to the persons responsible for articles publication on this website to answer my emails, as i am looking for some readable govt orders available on this website with proper guidelines. Thanks!

  24. AoA

    we are an autonomous body having some sort of special pay scales. we have our own financial and recruitment rules which can be altered or modified by the Board of Governors (BoG). One of our officer of Grade 18 applied for a position of Grade 19 through proper channel and after having gone through test and interview selected to the position applied for. He assumed charged of new post in August 2014. The basic pay he was drawing in old post was Rs.60000/- (with annual increment of Rs.5000) and the initial basic pay of new post is 62000 (with annual increment of Rs.6200). Our rules are silent regarding pay fixation, kindly advise me in this regard how to fix his pay.

    Haider Abbas

    1. Dear Haider u can use the option to get the annual increment if it is useful for u. u can fix the pay 1st granting annual increment in the previous scale and then fix the pay in new scale on 2nd December.

  25. AOA Respected madam
    Madam mey as a Fireman BPS-5 mey 10.March 2004 sey WAPDA main service kar rah tha. Phir 23 SEptember 2006 mey through proper cahnnal as a Leading Fireman (BPS-10)mey Re-opinted ho geya tha. tab meri Basic pay 2640 thi. aur BPS 10 ki initial stage 2865/- thi jis par mujhay fix kia gia aur mujhay annual increament aur premature increment nahi mili kaya main ab apni pay re fix karwa sakta hon .

    Reply thanks

  26. B-15 20.2.2013 Rs, 14800/=pm ko agar Premature day tu 15500/=pm fix hoti hay

    ab agr is pay ko 21.2.2013 ko upgradation B-16 may fix karay tu dono 14800 & 15500(in

    both case)

    Rs.16400/= pm may fix hoti hay. kia es sorat may in ko koi benifit nahe hoga B/Pay may?

    pl guide.

  27. AOA Respected madam

    Madam mey as a Tracer BPS-5 mey 30 Oct 1993 sey service kar rah tha. Phir 03 july 2003 mey through proper cahnnal as a Junior Draftsman (BPS-7)mey Re-opinted ho geya tha. tab meri Basic pay 3100 thi.meri pay Fixation kesy ho gi kya 01 Dec 2002 sey pay fixtion option bhi ley jasakta hey?

    Reply thanks


  28. Dear Shumaila g

    A teacher namly Sadaqat Beegum working in B-9 @ Rs.8505 on 1.7.2007. Her
    Post upgraded on 1.10.2007 to B-15 and 22.2.2013 Promoted to B-16 as S/CT . Please fix her pay up to 1.12.2013.(case related to KPK) and oblige.

    1. Pay on 30-09-2007 8505/- BPS-9
      Pay on 01-12-2007 8695/- BPS-09 Annual Increment
      Pay on 02-12-2007 9250/- BPS-15 (Next Above+ Premature)
      Pay on 01-07-2008 11100/- Pay Scale Revised
      01-12-2008 11520/-
      01-12-2009 11940/-
      01-12-2010 12360/-
      01-07-2011 20400/-
      01-12-2011 21100/-
      01-12-2012 21800/-
      22-02-2013 22800/- BPS-16 (Next Above+ Premature)
      01-12-2013 23600/-

  29. a teaccher serving in B-7 on 1.12.2011 Rs. 11240/=pm on 1.7.2012 he has been upgraded to B-15. Please fix his pay up to 1.12.2013
    to guide me further and oblige.

    1. Dear Iftikhar the pay fixation is as under;
      1st Condition without using option:
      Pay on
      01-12-2011 11240/- BPS-07
      01-07-2012 12000/- BPS-15 (Next Above + Premature Increment)
      01-12-2013 12700/- BPS-15 Annual Increment

      2nd Condition by using option:
      Pay on
      01-12-2011 11240/- BPS-07
      01-12-2012 11560/- BPS-07 (Annual Increment)
      02-12-2012 12700/- BPS-15 (Next Above + Premature Increment)
      01-12-2013 13400/- BPS-15 Annual Increment

      The Second Option is best for you.

      1. If an LDC BS-09 is granted Time Scale Promotion in BS-11 on 12.07.2020. If we use re-fixation option, is the employee eligible to draw pay in BS-11 w.e.f 12.07.2020 to 30.11.2020.

        LDC BS-09 Pay on 11.07.2020 Rs. 17,610
        LDC pay fix in BS-11 with premature increment on 12.07.2020 Rs. 18,730/-
        He will draw pay in BS-11 up to 30.11.2020 with basic pay Rs. 18,730/-

        On 01.12.2020 by using re-fixation option
        Annual Increment in BS-09 Rs. 18,340/- (17,610+730)
        Pay re-fix in BS-11 with premature increment Rs. 19,610/-

        The employee has availed the pay of higher scale w.e.f 12.07.2020 to 30.11.2020 and also get his pay refixed as per option.

        Is it all correct? explain, please.

  30. G.Evening Kashmala sba:
    a teacher seving in B-9 and her pay is Rs.6275/=pm on. 1.7.2007
    she has been awarded B-15(passing BA) on 1.10.2007 and B-16 on 21.2.2013(upgradation) please fixed her pay upto 1.12.2013 and oblige.

    1. Dear Iftikhar the pay detail is as under:
      pay in B-15 1.12.2012 = Rs,21800/-
      post up graded to B-16 on 21.2.2013= 22800/- (Next Above+ Premature Increment)
      Pay on 1.12.2013= 23600/- Annual Increment
      (Note: Punjab Govt has not yet issued the Notification of Premature Increment on Upgradation.)

  31. pay on 1.12.011 Rs.18500 pm in B-12

    up gradation to B-15 on 1.7.2012/ please guide me in detail about its fixation as needed option for annual increment on 1.12.2012 and then upgradation to B-15(pl detail fixation may be recorded)

    1. Dear Iftikhar, your pay will be fixed as under:
      Pay on 30-11-2012 = 18500/- BPS-12
      Pay on 01-12-2012 = 19000/- BPS-12 Annual Increment
      Pay on 02-12-2012 = 20400/- BPS-15 (Next Above + Premature Increment)

      1. Dear Shumaila sba Azadi day Mubarak.

        a teacher has been up graded from B-10 to B-12 on 1.7.2012(Before notification of Pre mature on upgradation) and then up graded to B-15 on 18.5.2013 please a detail fixation may be made to clear my mind set especially optioanl step if required. thanks

        Her Pay in B-10 Rs 17740/- on 30.6.2012

        1. Dear Iftikhar, Detail is as under:
          Pay on 30-11-2012 17740/- BPS-10
          Pay on 01-12-2012 18160/- BPS-10 (Annual Increment)
          Pay on 02-12-2012 19000/- BPS-12 (Next Above + Premature Increment)
          Pay on 18-05-2013 20400/- BPS-15 (Next Above + Premature Increment)

          Just read the Notification, if they allowed the annual increment on 01-12-2012 after fixing the pay on 01-07-2012?

  32. Dear Sister

    Many thanks for exploring new venues for betterment and welfare of all govt servants. This is one new example of that kind. I wish to have your expert opinion that my pay was as under when I was LDC (BS-5) in 1992;

    Pay as LDC (BS-5) Rs. 1280/ month, I then promoted as UDC (BS-7) on 03-8-1993 and my pay was fixed as 1395/-. Is there any chance for me to have any financial benefit after introduction of your this notification.

    Looking forward for your kind advice.

    My regards.

  33. AA

    Thanks. Respected Madam, main as a skilled (BS-5) main service kara raha tha. Bad main meri as a Chargeman (BS-12) main selection ho gai thee September 2010 main. mujhay 2010 main annual increment nahe dia gia tha. kia mujhay annual increment mil sakta hay?

    please is ka jawab day. bohat shukria.


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