As you know the financial budget 2014-15 is just at a distance of few days. It is expected in the 1st week of June 2014. As this site is about the Govt Employees and the hot topic for the employees in this budget is the salaries and every employees is anxious about the Latest News about Salary Increase in Budget 2014-15.
Various newspapers are daily publishing the news about the salaries increase in the upcoming budget 2014-2015. The newspapers are publishing the news since the month of April 2014. The 1st big news was published in a daily newspaper that there will be no increase in the salaries this year. But just a day after this news was taken as false and a new statement was issued that the salaries will be increased keeping in view the dearness in the country and the financial situation in this country.
Increase in Salaries in the Budget 2014-15
The summary of this news is as under:
10% Increase in Salaries in Budget 2014-15
There was various news in the year that there will be only 5% to 10% increase in salaries in this budget for the employees. The employees cannot bear this news of only 10% as the Finance Minister during the last budget had given a statement that next year salaries may be increased up to 20%.
15% Increase in Salaries in Budget 2014-15
Now a days a news about 15% increase in salaries for the employees is the hot topic. Many newspapers disclosed that there will be 15% increase in salaries.
The Story of Revised Pay Scales
There is also a demand of the employees that the pay scales be revised this year but the news that published last day, also disappointed the employees. In this news it has been stated that this year pay scales will not increase as the pay scales were revised in the year 2011 and pay scale will be revised after 3 years i.e in the year 2015.
News on 25-05-2014 about salaries:
Salaries and the Employees Financial Problems
The Government must keep in view the financial problems while announcing the increase in salaries for the employees. Just see, a lower grade employee having the salary of 10,000 to 15,000 per month, how he will manage the daily needs of his life. Average electricity bill of this employee is about 1500 to 2000. Daily food expenses about 400/- thus total monthly expenses become 12,000/-. About 2000 to 3000 minimum are the monthly Medical expenses. Only these expenses are greater than his salary. There are also other expenses as transportation, clothing, schooling of his children etc that increase the expenses of the employee and the result of the same is that the employee is forced to do some extra work after his duty and this cause a no rest for the employee and some times the employee is forced to take a loan from the others or the banks to meet his needs. He has no rest in his life. When the month starts his all salary is finished as he has taken the same from others to meet his needs.
It is a pity condition that the employee cannot enjoy his salary. He cannot fulfill all the demands of his family and even some times he cannot get the medicine from the doctor for him or his family. Resultantly he only uses the option of the “ATAI DOCTOR’ for cheap treatment as he cannot bear the big fees of a general MBBS.
How Much Salary should be increased in the Budget 2014-15?
Keeping in view the above facts, there should be at least 25 to 30% increase in salaries. Although this will not satisfy the employee’s needs, however keeping in view the financial condition of the country, Govt must do the same. It is also better that the House Rent Allowance be fixed on the Basic Pay of the Pay Scales of 2011 instead of the year 2008.
Now it is your Turn:
I have shared some points that I felt to be expressed and now it is your turn to express your feeling/suggestion about the salaries increase in the budget 2014-15. Express your suggestions in the comments below but please in a polite way so that no one can feel it.
Govt. of the Punjab ko chaheay k clerical staff ke upgradation k mislay ko fori hal karian aur salary 35% to 50 % increase karian
Actually PML GOVT is GOVT of business man; They can not pinch the feeling of low salary GOVT employes.
an increase in pay @25% and house rent should be adjusted at current pay scals.
is punjab govert isssued any notification bout upgradation of their employee BPS-16 TO BPS-17. FROM REHAN
Dear Rehan still no updates in this regard.
Request to the Honorable Chief Minister Sindh Please upgrate the POst of Junior clerk Bps 07 to,11 to ensure all the liability of there Government servant to serving for better future in sindh.
I request to the Honorable Chief Minister Sindh Please upgrate the POst of Junior clerk Bps 07 11, to ensure all the liability of there Government servant to serving for better future in sindh.
I request to the Honorable Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Please upgrate the POst of Computer Operator 12 to 16 , to ensure all the liability of there Government servant to serving for better future in KPK .
It is very difficult for a Govt Person retiring after 30 years and Govt not merging his Adhoc Reliefs which he qualified and received in his pays amounting more than his basic salary .I request the Govt to give relief to everyone in his Basic Salary not as Adhoc. A Govt person retiring specially must not be deprived of his hard earned money of his pay as he has nothing to do with politics.
A Govt person retiring after 30 years of service and getting adhoc reliefs more than his basic salary should be given benefit of Merger of adhoc reliefs in his basic pay contributing towards retirement dues and pension as he has already qualified and availed those pays.I hope the present Govt and Finance Minister takes into account the said drawback of the system in 2014 budget already announced .This will help every Govt employ in the longer run as everyone has to retire one day.
I am no more a Govt. Employee but my concerns are still there. The raise should be sufficient enough to bear the extra cost of schooling, medical, residence which has been imposed every year. I guess that 20 to 25% raise would be sufficient.
Let’s see what they do tomorrow….
Btw I am now a Tax Consultant and if any one feels problem or want help with filling of their tax returns for 2013-14, they can reach me at
Let’s hope that together we will make a better economy and better Pakistan.
govt should enhance the house rent allowance according to the house rent ceiling which will bring govt problems down and employees will get better house accommodations
As the pay of the employees of ministries has been raised 20% at the end of last government that increase should be given to all employees
pay scale should be revised
Should increase 30% minimum
please dont expect any thing from this government
pay should be revised if the pay does not revise medical allowance & HRA should be revised according to the rent of house in the current era and medical expenses.
Great working sir
Pay scales should be revised and other allowances should pay as per current basic pay. But we the Government servants are not expected by Nawaz Government.
what a justice ! a driver of the education, Health and other departments gets Rs, 10,000 to 15,000 per month, while the same Driver OF State Bank, High Court and Supreme Court gets Rs. 50,000 to 90,000 per month. Why it is unbalances, as the work is same.
All my friends have given very interesting and encouraging comments. But my question is that whether people who are in BS-16 or above are not humans and why not they be given equal increase, is it their crime that they get higher educations and worked hard to get these scales for which other could not succeed due to their own wrong doings or less hard work. Secondly the main anomaly is pay even in govt deptts is different from deptt to deptt as in PMO, AW, Prime Minister Secretariat, NLC, President Secretariat, Higher courts are getting more than double pays as compare to the same scale employees in other deptts, the previous govt was trying to remove this anomaly by introducing same scales for entire Pakistan under the chairmanship of Dr. Ishrat Hussain but do not why this good work has been stopped, there is a great need to do this as driver or an naib Qasid or a clerk or APS should get the same pay wherever he is serving irrespective of his place of duty and posting which most of them get through under arm deals or through political influence and that is the thing which is damaging our beautiful country a lot. Frankly speaking we do not deserve to get any pay increase at all as what we have done to our country and all its institutions, no body is willing to do any thing for the country every body want to slip away from his place of duty by 0900 lock to do some private business outside and how can we expect from govt to once again increase our pay by seeing the miserable condition of PIA, Railway, Steel Mill, WAPDA, Police and list goes on and on and on. We have to see towards our deeds first and then start asking for increases, I know my words are harsh but is is dam truth too sir
KPK mein Clerks ki Upgradation kar di gai hy, Dusrey subon aur Markaz ko bhi khyal krna chye.
The method of salary increase for the Govt. Servants should revised by the Govt. A lump sum increase may be given to the employees in B-1-15, whereas, an other slab may be made for the employees in B-16 & above.
Salary of employees in lower scales may be increased more as compare to higher one.
This action of Govt. will not affect the finance bill also.
Why only lower grades salary b increased more than upper level?
16 & above has also problems of surviving in the current circumstances. Insaf mangna ho to sab k lye mango, not only for poors. justice is for all..
Dear Khalid, I have just given an example for a lower grade employee. At this time the lower grade employee needs much care. I have also stated that the pay be increased 25 to 30%. It is not only for the lower grade employee but for all.
absolutely right MS shumaila
Dear Madam.
Today’s news of merging 50% adhoc relief allowances in the salaries of Govt. Servants seems charming. We do not expect from Nawaz govt. about increase in salaries, as per per past experience.
Now we may pray for the betterment of Govt. servants
Please keep updated us about such news.
Govt Should equalize House Rent of all employees. 45% of basic pay for all govt employees either in big cities or in small cities because i give an example of it.
an employee posted in Swat get Rs. 2995/- as house rent being in BPS-17 While it is impossible to hire a home on rent less than Rs.5000/pm.
So it is injustice with the employee to get less House rent allowance less than 5000/pm.
It would be better to withdraw Housing Hiring facility and allow 45% House Rent Allowance on Basic Pay of 2011 instead of initial Pay of 2008.
Moreover, discrimination of Special Allowance be removed by adopting a fair policy.
Pay increase of 10 % or 15% whatever but it should be on basic pay plus all previously allowed adhoc increases (appearing in the payslip).
Yar abhi CNG k rates 15/kg barha rahy hy. agar salary may 20% ezafa b kardy to es ka kia fa’eda, ye increase to waha fare charges may adjust hojaegi.
Madam, kindly discuss the pity condition of old pensioners also.A pensioner who retired before revision of basic pay scale 2011 is getting about half pension to that who retired after the revision of basic pay scale 2011 in same grade (same rank )and same length of service. why is happening so.There are many examples that the pensioners who retired just few months before the revision of basic pay scales 2011 are getting about half pension to that who retired after the pay scale 2011 with same grade and same length of service.Govt should settle this issue also.
You are right dear M Awais, Govt should also consider the pensioners.
what is the news about 20% Special Allowance. Stay kb tk hai? ia tarikh hai hearing k2 months guzar geay lekin is website pe koe update nahi kr raha ki haqiqat mai case ka kya status hai. Thanks.
Salam shumaila I am teacher and i would to talk to you on phone is that possible can you gave me your cell phone number so that we can communitate. Can you please email me your phone number or you can drop your phone number of facebook please find the link below.
Regard Mamona Khalid
Pay shoud be increas 50 % and other allownces 100 % increas
Dear Muhammad Hussain Bhai
I agree with you please do not stop comments
in 2014 pay scales should be revised .govt employees are anxiously waiting for annual budget 2014-15.all adhoc allowances should be merged in basic pay.only 10 to15% increase as adhoc is not solution of prolems of govt employees.
as you know people of PAKISTAN are evading rs 1500 billion income tax annually and it is the govt servant and ministers who are facilitating them so with poor performance by govt servants in last one year they should except poor response for pay raise in next budget
AOA all govt. employees..
mujay aik baat batay yah par 30% ,40% likhney se pay bhar jaye gi…. nahi na..
main aap ko yeh b nahi kaho ga..k sarkoon pay aao aur ehtajaj karo ..
bas aik application aur aik banner print karwa k har department apne office aur Islamabad parliament house k samany thora door kar k banner laga day..
bas mere pass yahi idea hai aap k pass hai tu share kare ..
aur ha aik aur idea b hai..yeh sab minister tiwwter bara istmaal karte hai waha b message kar sakte hai..
lower grade employees salaries should increase 40% to 50% so that they can meet their requirements.
i requested the muhammad nawaz sahrif in this budged 2014 plz regularize the honrary teaching staff of fgei cantt garision
Hukmran, mega projects me busy hein isliey paays increase in only govt servants dreams
Dear Readers<
I am an officer of grade 17 having 7 years service….. I strongly second the points raised by madam regarding miseries of a govt employee…. Honestly, at this stage I can not manage my domestic requirements with my take home salary then how a person of scale 1 or even 7 can manage his requirements…… Salaries of lower grades are no doubt very less and need proper attention of the govt…. Increase should be at least 20 to 25%….. Additionally, HRA must be according to latest pay scales…. Conveyance allowance should also be reviewed as transportation is so expensive due to increase in fares…… Govt must think about it and look after his employees…..
there should be an increase in pay @25% and house rent should be adjusted at current pay scals.
Based on current financial position of country and keeping view of generosity of our government, if we manage to get 20% for 1-15 and 15% for 16-22 ARA. this will be much better
should increase 30% minimum, if HRA will be paid in 2011 pay scale this will more help govt employees
Should increase 30% minimum