Notification of Upgradation of the Post of Telephone Operators from BPS-07 to BPS-09

Government of the Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1 (24) R-I/2012-191/2014 dated 29th May 2014 in connection with Upgradation of the Post of Telephone Operators from BPS-07 to BPS-09.

The undersigned is directed to refer to subject cited above and to convey the approval of the Finance Division to the up-gradation of the post of Telephone Operators from BPS-07 to BPS-09 in all the Ministries/Divisions/Departments of Federal Government as per the recommendations of the Establishment Division’s made vide O.M No. 8/54/2007-R-I dated 14th May 2014, subject to the following conditions:

Enhancement in the prescribed educational qualification for the post from Matric to Intermediate with two years experience in the relevant field.

Amendment in the recruitment rules and filling up the upgraded posts in the manner prescribed in the Establishment Division’s O.M dated 13-12-2007.

The up-gradation of existing incumbents of the post of Telephone Operator. Presently working in Federal Ministries/Divisions/Departments of Federal Government are one time dispensation.


Upgradation Telephone Operator

See also  Revision of Rates of Conveyance Allowance Sindh BPS-20 to BPS-22

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3 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of the Post of Telephone Operators from BPS-07 to BPS-09

  1. |Salam,
    I am a federal employee, Ministry of Defence has forwarded a Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division Circular which was address to all federal secretaries/ addl secretaries/ incharges of all minisries/divisions. Establishment Division u.o. No. 1/13/96-R-6 dated 13 May 2014.

    my question is that we were upgraded on 23 december 2011 from Stenographer 15 to 16 grade. the letter mentioned “Subject to Recruitment Rules”. then it was also mentioned in the promotion letter “Initial requirement for the post is now Graduate instead of Intermediate”.

    i am graduate. but if i was not than does this policy or rule for 5 years’ period applied on me. Or if any ex-stenographer who are now APS but their qualification does not match with their criteria i.e. Graduation so will this upgradation doesn’t effect on them…. kindly do clear …
    thanks in advance.

  2. Salam,
    I am a federal employee, Ministry of Defence has forwarded a Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division Circular which was address to all federal secretaries/ addl secretaries/ incharges of all minisries/divisions. Establishment Division u.o. No. 1/13/96-R-6 dated 13 May 2014 , the matter of the subject letter vide it’s para 2 is reproduced as under|:

    “up-gradation of posts means abolition of previous post and creation of a new post in higher grade. Method of appointment to the upgraded post will have to be made in manner as prescribed in the recruitment rules. Further, if the incumbents working against the posts which are upgraded and do not possess the requisite qualifications/ experience as prescribed for higher posts in the recruitment rules of the up-graded post, they will continue to work in their present grade can be allowed to improve their qualifications within a period of 5 years, failing which their grade would be a dying cadre.”

    my question is that we were upgraded on 23 december 2011 from Stenographer 15 to 16 grade. the letter mentioned “Subject to Recruitment Rules”. then it was also mentioned in the promotion letter “Initial requirement for the post is now Graduate instead of Intermediate”.

    i am graduate. but if i was not than does this policy or rule for 5 years’ period applied on me. Or if any ex-stenographer who are now APS but their qualification does not match with their criteria i.e. Graduation so will this upgradation doesn’t effect on them…. kindly do clear …
    thanks in advance.


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