Decision of the Court Regarding Appointment under Rule 17-A on Regular Basis

The Lahore High Court, Multan Bench Multan has issued its judgment sheet on 04-06-2014 in connection with Appointment under Rule 17-A on Regular Basis. Some points of the decision are as under:

The grievances of the petitioner is that the petitioner  being son of a deceased employee namely Ghulam Fakar-ud-Din son of Nabi Bakhsh who died on 29-01-2010 while in service, applied for his appointment under Article 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rule 1974. The petitioner was appointed as Junior Clerk but on contract basis. The departmental representative has stated that Government has changed its policy and shifted from regular to contract mode of recruitment to achieve the goals of good governance. The attention of this court is drawn towards Notification No. SRO-III(S& GAD)2-10/2006 dated 26th January 2008. It is correct that this court could not sit as court of appeal over the policy decisions made by the Government unless the said policy is against the law.


For what has been discussed above, this writ petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent 1 to consider the case of the petitioner and decide the same in light of the observations made above. This exercise be completed by respondent No.1 within a period of three months from the date of receipt of this order.  This post has been delivered by APD Warble Fly Control DG Khan.


Rule 17-A









See also  Extension in Date of Filing of Withholding Statements for the Month of November 2018

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3 thoughts on “Decision of the Court Regarding Appointment under Rule 17-A on Regular Basis

  1. Sir kindly will u please guide me my father was a regular employee of punjab education deptt senior headmaster bps 18 he was murdered on duty on his seat in 2002 since then im applying for clerk its along time 14 years they take test on typewriter and do nothing 14 years waiting for my right can u help me plz guide me plz mail me or call 03004239623

  2. hi sir i have a problem discussing with you that plz provide me the court decision or departmental orders of the project employee converting to regular post of that department if there is any flexibility than plz do not hesitate to state to me on top priority basis plz. because i have in trouble because our project has been to completed and there is vacant post can i request to someone or through court to regularize me on that vacant post

    thanks with best regard

    Muhammad Arif


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