Grant of Increase in Pension to the Pensioners Retired wef 01-07-2001 to 30-11-2001

Government of the Pakistan Finance Division Islamabad has issued Notification No. F.13 (11)-Reg.6/2011-280 dated 9th June 2014 in connection with Grant of Increase in Pension to the Pensioners Retired wef 01-07-2001 to 30-11-2001.

With reference to Finance Division O.M No. F.4(1)-Reg.6/2009 dated 13-07-2009 and F.13(11)-Reg.6/2011 dated 17-10-2012 and it is stated that the pensioners who retired from 01-07-2001 to 30-11-2001 and opted for pay scales-2001 (applicable wef 01-12-2001) are entitled to draw 15% increase in pension wef 01-07-2009, as they had enjoyed benefits of new pay scales of 2001 which was more beneficial to them at that time of their retirement.


 Download Notifdication ALong With Referred Letters


Grant Increase Pension

See also  Notification Winter Vacation 2022 Federal Directorate of Education Islamabad

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11 thoughts on “Grant of Increase in Pension to the Pensioners Retired wef 01-07-2001 to 30-11-2001

  1. My brother was working as ESP in B-17, in NTC (National Telecommunication), was promoted as Assistant Engineer w.e.f 15.4.2014 in same scale ( B-17), and retired on 5.8.2014. Department has refused increment for pension purpose as allowed by Finance Division(Regulation wing) O.M.F.3(20)/R-2/98 dated 8.9.1999, pleading that the period between last fixation of pay on promotion viz 15.4.2014 and date of retirement i.e. 5.8.2014 is less than six months. Necessary solicitation in the matter is requested.

  2. ghulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.o.a thanks dear madam . i and my friends also happy on your urgent reply for good increases of all rettired employees those opted same .. ..and may please be send new more notification for same type please with the gauide line for poor and help less peoples…. best wishes and regards….

  3. ghulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a,o.a madam thanks for sending the nice and good work / notification may allah pak give more help in this regard.. please i and we athank full to you if the other two noficiation such relating matter… please sen to won site. for clearfication and probable amy be taken form the web www. and regulation … tag…. so be sent please best wishes and regards…


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