Notification of Upgradation of Assistant cum Accountant from BPS-11 to BPS-14

Government of the Punjab Directorate General, Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab has issued Notification No. LO(E)A-I/W.PNo.20118/2011 dated 17th June 2014 in connection with Upgradation of Assistant cum Accountant from BPS-11 to BPS-14.

In this Notification it is stated that Mr. Abdula Irshad Assistant cum Accountant (Shelter Home- Dar-ul-Aman) Okara filed a writ petition in the court for his Upgradation from BPS-11 to BPS-14 with effect from the date of his regularization.

In response to the decision of the court, the post of Mr. Abdula Irshad Assistant cum Accountant (Shelter Home- Dar-ul-Aman) Okara has been upgraded from BPS-11 to BPS-14 with effect from 14th January 2009.

Special Thanks to Mr. GHULAM MUSTAFA Ch.


Upgradation Assistant Accountant



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7 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Assistant cum Accountant from BPS-11 to BPS-14

  1. I appointed as an Assistant BS-11 but placed in Darul Aman where the post was Assistant Cum Accountant. However, my post was upgraded 11 – 14 and now 14 -1 6, however the post where from I am drawing my saalry is Assistant Cum Accountant. Please calify in this regard

    1. shahid bhai i m working as assistant cum accountant BS-11 in health dept. punjab govt. They have not upgraded the post. Can you send me the orders of your ugradation or any other relevant document which can help to defend my case ? it would be your honour for me..

  2. ghhulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.o.a thanks dear madam . i and we all heappy to day as well as before start/ to see this employees corner to provide good and positive knowledge and basic right of our all hounarable e mployees of i r public of pakistan .. so this decession is good and this is for so nice when the same sending via your end … please help in this regard .. plese the same will be given the all or partiuclar panjab employees.. be help the other federal or provisional be given the same scale in this stage .. thanks best wishes and regards..


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