Promotion List of Lower Grade Employees of FGEI

FGEIs (C/G) Directorate Rawalpindi has issued Promotion List of Lower Grade Employees of FGEI. In this regard Notification No. 0409/P-IV/77-FGEI (NTS) dated 27th May 2014 has been issued.

In pursuance of Finance Division (Regulation Wing) Islamabad letter No. F.1(4).R-I/2009 dated 31-12-2012 regarding promotion of lower grade employees of FG and on recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committee the lower grade employees, who have rendered more than 20 years service, are hereby promoted with effect from 27th May 2014 in BPS as mentioned in the promotion list.

The following categories of Lower Grade Employees have been promoted:

  • Carpenter (01)
  • Conductor (04)
  • Daftri (02)
  • Cook (02)
  • Dish Washer (02)
  • Lab Attendant (62)
  • Naib Qasid (SG) (08)
  • Naib Qasid   (257)
  • Chowkidar (119)
  • Mali (62)
  • Sweeper (130)


These orders are subject to revision/modification/cancellation as and when considered necessary by the competent authority.

Special Thanks to Mr. Hamid Ali, Chaklala Rawalpindi.


Promotion Class 4


Promotion Class 4 (2)


Promotion Class 4 (3)


Promotion Class 4 (4)


Promotion Class 4 (5)


Promotion Class 4 (6)


Promotion Class 4 (7)


Promotion Class 4 (8)


Promotion Class 4 (9)


Promotion Class 4 (10)





See also  Clarification by Finance Department Punjab Regarding Payment Executive Allowance

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4 thoughts on “Promotion List of Lower Grade Employees of FGEI

  1. ghulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.o.a dear madam thanks for asking the question and reply of my comments… which were increases the lower grade employees those upgraded as per plicy of federal and provisional govt; notiication bps 01 to bps04.. Madadm……01. I am submitted the complete comments regardsing the benfits… 02…..madam other point is my end … all beifits increased from 01.07.2014 as per notification and its sprit please…. so now no question or quries…. form you end please…. but the during comments leave encashment pament worngly typed from me 375 days… not correct and secondl comments form my end .. the typed 365 dyas same leave enschsment….this is clearification madam p lease.. best wishes and more notification or actual benifits has been passed to day 21.07.2014.. by the N A and sanate already apporved the finnical bill 2014.2015… so tomaroww/ or late night will be update in this regard .. for example to more percantage pay increase bps 01 to 16 and bps17 to 22 please.. thanks .. regards

  2. ghhulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.o.a madam and all dears the leave enchasment typed 375 days .. and this is not correct and the leaveenchament 365 repeat 365 days those were 180 days.see the Finance Division site please.

  3. ghhulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.o.a thanks madam sending this nice notification regarding the promotion for next scale …bps 01 to bps 04…. good increase sallary and other mointery fund… pension and t.a da.. trfer da… and conveyance allowance and house rent and house requistaion othr allowance insentice pay and other pleas etc allowance… so the miner is not and to big this is change of annual incerments… please… total increases in five to seven/ hundered thoousand permonths… and increase the 01.07.2014… and long run the commutation and group insurance lum sum amount which were given the time of death and leave encashement … pay 375 days… please see the finance deptt’ web Finance Division and go / see the regulation.. folder… and see the federal employees b/f and g.i rate revised seventh sechedule 1969 and section 13, and sechedle iv … please .. if the mistake be forgave …..if any other good knowledge be share thanks please…. best wishes all and madam may requested be give the summaries …. / submitted the increase in excle sheet… in the light of notificvation salary / increase others … as well as you already give the good knowledge for us and other employees… those support the taken the court case a nd taken basic right those did not given form long time … plese be helph … thanks best wishes ….regards.


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