Grant of Senior Scale (BPS-07) to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Government Vehicles

Government of the Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division has issued Office Memorandum No. 10/6/2008-R-I dated 17th June 2014 in connection with Grant of Senior Scale (BPS-07) to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Government Vehicles.

In pursuance of judgment of Supreme Court in Civil appeal No. 954 of 2011 dated 31-05-2012 and withdrawal of O.M No. 1(10)Imp/2001-84 dated 09-02-2004 abinitic  by the Finance Division  vide their O.M No. 1(23)R-I/2013-95 dated 08-04-2014 and with O.M No. 1(23)R-I/2013-145/2014 dated 12-05-2014 the administrative instructions regarding grant of senior scale to Dricers/Disatch Riders of Government Vehicles circulated vide Establishment Division O.M No. 10/7/87-D.5 dated 28-02-1988  as amended from time to time stands restored with effect from the date of its discontinuation i.e 01-12-2001.

Ministries/Divisions are requested to bring the above instructions/clarifications into the notice of Office/Departments under their administrative control for information and further appropriate actions at their end.

Special thanks to Mr. Amin Muhammad for providing the information.


Senior Scale Drivers



See also  Notification of Upgradation Drivers from BPS-05 to BPS-07 and Time Scale Promotion

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16 thoughts on “Grant of Senior Scale (BPS-07) to Drivers/Dispatch Riders of Government Vehicles

  1. Tahir Mahmood 03026020120 · Edit

    Asslam-u- Alaikum, I have a question regarding pay fixation of Driver/Dispatch Rider who granted SENIOR SCALE i.e. from BPS-4 to BPS-5 or BPS-5 to BPS-6 or BPS-6 to BPS-7. Whether their pay is fixed as the pay fixed the employee who promoted to higher scale. Meaning thereby, either their pay is fixed to higher scale by next above only or also allowed/admissible one premature increment in the next higher scale. Just as in the case of promotion or upgradation for Federal Govt. Employees.

  2. Assalam o Alaikum: madam would you give a bit help my question is that an employ how appointed as Labour BPS NO 1 in 1995 and then re appointed as MT Driver in 2002 BPS NO 4. By virtue of federal government he has granted 1 scale in 2007 now he is in BPS NO 5 . When he is able to get the next scale. (Grant of senior scale to MT DRIVER)

  3. Thanks for your reply. I again draw your kind attention towards visibility of O.M. which you have loaded on your website see that some words of line number five are highlighted with black marker.
    Please reload the said o.m. for conveince.

    best regards.

  4. Thanks for reply I once again request to please see the visibility of O.M. which you have loaded at and also to please ensure downloading of Establishment O.M. in future as these are not easily available on establishment /cabinet division website.

    with best regards..

  5. I have no words to appreciate your efforts for provision of information materials to Govt. employees. I request please reload the Establishment Division O.M. regarding grant of senior scale to driver/despatch rider, at presently is non readable.
    Hoping for favourable respone.


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