FGEI Directorate has also issued the Upgradation List of English Medium Male FG Teachers on 19-06-2014. As you seen the Upgradation lists of Urdu Medium Male of FG Teachers and now I am publishing the Upgradation List of English Medium FG Teachers. The detail of the same is as under:
Upgradation List of English Medium MTT Male BPS-09 tp BPS-14
Upgradation List of English Medium TUGT Male BPS-14 to BPS-16
Upgradation List of English Medium TGT Male BPS-16 to BPS-17 (A Complete list has already been published)
Special Thanks to Mr. Sabir Afridi for providing the lists of Upgradation.
Upgradation List of English Medium MTT Male
Up-gradation List of English Medium TUGT Male
tugt female list kab tak ae gi
Dear Amna as soon as i get the same list I ll share the same.
Dear madam, on 18 September nominated list issued and on 30 September up gradation list issued. do you have same list to share with us. Thanks
Dear Sadia, I ll try to get the same list.
madam new upgradation ki list net pe kb upload ho gi plz wo list upload kr den i want to see my name in the list my name is Humera Bashir MTT myl appointmnt date is 02-7-2012 From f.g girls public school Quetta Cantt ya phr ap mjhy bta den either my name is in the new list r not plzzz
Dear Huma. I have heard that this is not Notification but only a rough list. As soon as i get the Notification i ll share the same.
salam kindly send me the new upgradation list of fgei teachers?
Dear Muhammad Asif only list has been issued not the Notification of the said issued.
Aoa.plz upload up gradation list of MTT female ,if any
Dear Imran I just received the same list that I have uploaded as soon as I get the other lists I ll upload the same.
A.O,A mam
I heard that the new upgradation list of teachig staff of FGEI (C/G) has issued is that true information?
Dear Ihsan, it is true. I am trying to get the same.
any update regarding the upgradation case of MTT female urdu medium kindly let me share the said information
your response will be highly appreciated
Dear Ishaq, I have heard today that list has been out today.
what r the updates of time scale of fgei teachers case?
kindly tell me k fgei mai tgt sy SST banany may ab ktna time lgta hai round about kuch idea day dyn
salam fgei new appointed teachers ki upgradation list KB tk ay gi
Dear Muhammad Asif fully not confirm however next month is expected.
mai may 2014 mai fgei mai as MTT new appoint howa tha may ktni casual leaves avail kr skta hon
Dear Muhammad Asif, aap taqreeban 12 leaves availa ker saktay hain.
mai may 2014 may MTT appoint howa tha r July 2014 ko as tugt reappointed ho gya kiya mujhy koi extra increament milay ga ktna r konsa
Dear Muhammad Asif, aap ko premature increment nahin milay gi aour aap ki pay BPS-14 ki initial stage per fix hogi.
kindly tell me what is premature increament and what is it condition
Dear Muhammad Asif, Premature Increment is that increment which is granted as an extra increment on promotion, up-gradation etc. Its condition is that the difference of the pays of two pay scales (Previous and News Scale on promotion or up-gradation) must be equal or less than the annual increment of the higher pay scale.
Salam kiya Jo new appointees tugt bps.14 sy tgt bps. 16 upgrade howy hain kia WO bhe gazzatted hain ya nhi
Dear Muhammad Asif they are gazetted.
A.o.A Mam Kindly send me complete list of TGT male english medium list on my id. Thanks
Dear Allah Ditta the same list is available at this site.
dear madam fgei c/g ki new teachers ki list kab tak aigi
Dear FA Siddiqui no updates yet.
Dear Nazia email me all details I ll send u the list Thanks
Mam my name is Nazia
email id
mam please send me Urdu medium TGT up gradation list .
Assalam o Alaikum
Madam FGEI k PTI’s ki up gradation (BPS 15 se 16) 29-02-2012 ko howi thi abhi jo teaching staff ki up gradation howi hai 01-01-2011 se to is me PTI’s ki bhi ho gi? ager ap k pas koi information hai to plz kindly inform .
PTI Mianwali
Dear M Siddiqe just email me all detail I ll reply you. Thanks
Mam mtt ki list me new appointees k name ni hain,any idea.
Dear M Ahmad don’t worry aap bhi jald shamil ho jain gay.
Dear Shumaila up gradation ki jo TGT ki list aai hay us mai tu may 2014 ma join karnay walon tak k name shamil han lakin MTT & TUGT ki list ma nahi han is ki kia wajah ho sakti ha?
Dear FA Siddique left over names will also be included.
kya madam educator punjab kay regulized ka kuch pata ha
Dear Aamir mujhay confirm nahin hey.
madam jo new mtt apoint howee hain un po scale14 mill jay ga k nahi ? this time
Dear Abideeb In Sha Allah milay ga. Is list main bohat saari mistakes hain.
dear madam kia urdu medium tgt ki complete list out hogi ha……….plz tell as early as posible
Dear Hamza mujhay confirm nahin hay.
Aoa i am working as tugt wef2008 but my name is not included in the english medium list of tgt will u provide 2nd list when it will be published by directorate
Dear Muhammad Ansar just apply to ur higher authorities with documents through proper channel. Thanks
Thanks madam I have applied to my higher authorities.
Madam new induction howi jo 2014 mai un teachers k nam b hai kiya ? Yeh list mai nhi jo ap nai load kiya hai.
Dear Gulfam Khan fil hal kisi list main nahin hain. Lekan In Sha Allah Jald issue ho jain gay.
dear Shumaila what ab0ut the lists of TGT female english medium???
Dear Sara I ll publish the Female Lists too today.
thanx al0t 🙂
Ms shumaila can u upload list of TGT male eng Med remaining lists as the complete list was not uploaded by u last time
Dear Abid now it is complete list.