Notification of Payment of Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus to NTDCL Employees

The NTDCL has issued Notification No. C.S/NTDCL/1855-82 dated 30th June 2014 in connection with Payment of Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus to NTDCL Employees.

The Board of Directors of NTDCL in its 82nd meeting held on 14-06-2014 against ex-agenda item No.1 has resolved and approved payment of one month running basic pay as Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus to all NTDCL Employees (BPS-01 to BPS-20) , including those engaged on daily wages, contract and special pay package (Who were on NTDCL pay roll as on 14th June 2014) with the following exceptions for grant of this bonus.

  • Those employees who are involved in serious acts of misconduct viz embezzlement, fraud and unethical acts/gross misconduct etc will not be allowed this Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus. However they will get the benefit if they are exonerated from the charges.
  • Those employees who are on extra ordinary leave or on deputation abroad or elsewhere are not eligible for this bonus.
  • The Advisors and Consultants engaged on Special Pay Packages are allowed maximum of their corresponding pay scales.


Eid Bonus NTDCL



See also  Notification Mutual Transfer and Transfer of Widows, Divorced and Disabled Teachers under Transfer Policy 2013 (Amendment)

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3 thoughts on “Notification of Payment of Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus to NTDCL Employees

  1. This ijs not fair that some deptts of govt gets Eid bonus too along with so many additional allowances as compared to other govt deptts. We request to govt of Pakistan to kindly follow and devise a universal and even policy so that all the govt employees both federal/provincial can be granted one bonus equal to their running basic to remove the dis-parity amongst all govt deptts. Furthermore, the committee set-up by previous govt of PPP to remove anomaly between govt deptts must also be revived and to ensure that a BS-16 officer and BS-1 Peon may get the same pay and allowances in all govt deptts, it is need of the hour.


  2. fateh mohammad malkani · Edit



    we are the employees of Sindh Government.

    Request for download the notification of upgradation of Emlpoyees of sindh government.



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