Finance Division Has Issued Notification of Increase in Pension 2014 & Minimum Pension

Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.4(1)-Reg.6/2014 dated 7th July 2014 in connection with Notification of Increase in Pension 2014 and No. F.15(1)-Reg.6/2014 dated 7th July 2014 in connection with Increase in Minimum Pension with effect from 1st July 2014.

Increase in Pension 2014

According to this Notification there is 10% increase on the net pension of the pensioners. This increase in pension will also be applicable to the employees who retired prior to 1st July 2014. The increase in pension during 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 will also be continued.


Increase Pension 2014



Increase in Minimum Pension 2014

The minimum pension for the pensioners has been increased from Rs. 5000/- per month to Rs. 6000/- per month with effect from 01-07-2014.


Increase in Minimum Family Pension 2014

In the same way the minimum family pension has also been increased from Rs. 3750/- per month to Rs. 4500/- per month wef 01-07-2014.

This post has been delivered by Mr. Atiq Ur Rehman Kaimkhani.


Minimum Pension 2014





See also  Promotion Benefit to the Employees of Selection Grade Post Holders to Next Higher Status in Same Pay Scale and Option of Fixation of Pay

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20 thoughts on “Finance Division Has Issued Notification of Increase in Pension 2014 & Minimum Pension

  1. Dear madam Shumail,

    My father had died on 10-09-2015 and my mother is already died. is KPT dpt. give the pension for the month of september 2015 ?if gives what the procedure?

  2. Dear ShumailaKamal,

    Kindly request you regarding increase in pension 2014 10%
    to all civil retd govt employees. It is request you i am Karachi Port Trust Pensioner
    like to know through from you whether Karachi Port Authority to increase 10% pension
    to the Retd KPT employees from wef ist july still awaited to from you.
    Thanking you,

    Shaukat Hussain

      1. Shumaila Kamal,

        Kindly asked by Karachi Port Trust authorty for payment
        of pension 10% to the Kpt retd pensioners from General manager(F) 99214316
        KPT. from our side we thanful to you .

        Shukat Hussain
        KPT pensioners

  3. Please upload the minimum pension notification of sindh government. This notification is applicable to pensioners of federal government.

  4. Dear Madam,
    Assalam o Alaikum !

    In the current increase of pay and pension, the medical allowance is also increased by 20%. whether the retired employees are also entitled for this increase. Thanks in Advance.

  5. Rana Muhammad Iqbal · Edit

    In the notification dated 07.7.2014 regarding increase in pension, in para 2 in last line the date should be required to be corrected as 01.7.2013 instead of 01.7.2014.

      1. Rana Muhammad Iqbal · Edit

        Dear Shumila I think there is no need to mention para 3 in the notification as it has already been cleared in para 1 of the notification

  6. Increase in pension is authorized at a uniform rate of 10%. This will result in increase of different amounts to the retired employees of same cadre and status. It may happen that one employee gets an increase equal to the total amount of pension an old pensioner is drawing. In the past, there were some categories / slots for the retired employees. If the newly retired lot gets an increase @10% then the old pensioners were being authorized for increase of 15% or even 20%. This procedure was very beneficial for the old pensioners. It is very much strange that the procedure got discontinued.

  7. Je mera sawal ye tha k jis retired person ki death ho gai hay aor uski pention uski bewa le rahi hay jo k hardly 4500 bunti hay kya wo b ab minimum 6000 wasool kregi kya ?

  8. Respected madam, if the minimum pension is 6000 then it will applicable for widows of the retired persons who r already on a shorter amount of pension

  9. ghulammustafabhatti · Edit

    a.oa dear madam thanks for sending the nice and same the good knowledge regarding the increase pay and allowance and pensiions family and increase the monthly pensions to all relevtive matter. madam thanks for this act and may kindly be send further notification and upgradition of all cader civil servants.. etc … if any other relevant orders. thanks.


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