Notification of Payment of Difference of Rental Ceiling on Upgradation

Government of Pakistan Ministry of Housing has issued Notification No.F.15(63)/2013-Policy dated 21st December 2012 in connection with Payment of Difference of Rental Ceiling on Upgradation.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Federal Government upgrades the posts in different Ministries/Divisions/Departments from time to time. Different departments approach this Ministry regarding payment of difference of rent of rental ceiling of hired accommodation to the employees working on the upgraded posts from back date. The matter has been examined in the M/O Housing and the following guidelines are hereby circulated to deal with the cases of enhancement of rent of hired accommodation of employees working against the up-graded posts.

  1. Enhancement of rent shall be made in those cases where the hiring is continuing till date.
  2. In those cases which are hired under Rule-8 of AAR-2002, enhancement be allowed up to the demand of the owners/the entitlement of the allottee provided that the covered area of hired house is equal to the entitlement of the official/officer or more than that provided that the house has not been dehired.
  3. The enhancement in self hired cases may be allowed upto the entitlement of the allottee w.e.f date of promotion/application provided the covered area of the house is equivalent to or more than entitlement of the FGS in new grade provided the house has not been dehired.
  4. No enhancement shall be allowed in the case where allottee had vacated the house or house was dehired prior to 01-7-2011.
See also  Notification of Ban on Appointments/Recruitments in Health Department KPK


House Rental Ceiling



Housing Rental Ceiling




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4 thoughts on “Notification of Payment of Difference of Rental Ceiling on Upgradation

  1. Jehanzeb khan yousafzai · Edit

    AOA, Honorable madam, I had been working as Charge Nurse (BPS-16) Since 2-2-2006 at JPMC Karachi, I applied through proper channel and was selected as Assistant Clinical Instructor (BPS-17) by FPSC,and I joined Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences on 17 September 2011,
    At JPMC Karachi I got the facility of private house hiring, i am dehired from Karachi on June 2014 and have I applied for Rehiring at Islamabad but the authorities has asked for rule for the rehiring to provide us the said facility on priority basis, SO it is humbly requested in your honor please help me by providing the concerned/ required supporting documents/copy of rules so that i could proceed for my family as my family(wife with three kids) has been suffering to live far away living in Karachi (
    Jehanzeb Khan Yousafzai

  2. Dear Admin, i hope you are fine.

    I need a notification federal Government of Pakistan containing Rule- 17-A.
    under which son of any medical retired employee of fedral govt can be appointed on job.
    Kindly Email me or publish this notification on website/facebook.
    Thanks in advance.


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