Finance Division has Issued Notification of Premature Increment to the Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-04

Government of Pakistan Finance Division, Regulation Wing, Islamabad has issued Notification of Premature Increment to the Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-04 with effect from 1st July 2014. In this regard Notification No. F.No.1(4) R-I/2009-278/2014 dated 8th July 2014 has been issued.

In pursuance of Cabinet’s decision No. 103/05/2014 dated 3rd June 2014, it has been decided to allow 1x premature increment to the employees in BPS-01 to 04 wef 01-07-2014.

This increment will not affect the normal Annual Increment that is due on 1st December 2014, if otherwise admissible under the rules.



Premature Increment Class

See also  Notification of Extension Summer Vacation 2018 KPK

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11 thoughts on “Finance Division has Issued Notification of Premature Increment to the Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-04

  1. Assalam alaikum mam main Telex operator BPS-8 Sindh information department main hn Sindh Govt main 22 years se mery promotion abhi tk nhi hwy applications di hain lekin department wale kehte hain aap ki technical post hy kia koi notification ya koi rasta hy promotion ka madam main graduate hn please reply thanks

  2. Mam i am a Computer Operator,
    please help me. kya Premature Increment Notification Contract Basis Employees pr bhi lagy ga ya nahi…. Hope you will be helpful for me.. thanks

  3. Karar Hussain Memon · Edit

    Dear Shumaila Kamal
    Assalam Alikum

    I hope u will be doing well. I have passed L.L.M Degree after L.L.B. I have heard that Punjab Government and perhaps Khyber Pukhtoonkowah or Balochistan has enhanced the amount of L.L.B Degree allowance up to Rs.5000/- per month. I want copy of that notification of Punjab Government and in this regard need ur help. Hope u will be helpful for me….

  4. Dear Shumaila, hope you would be alright. The above notification is issued by the Finance Division and is applicable to the employees of Federal Government. Has the Finance Dept of Sindh Govt issued such notification of premature increment? if so, than please share with us.


  5. AOA,
    Mam mein Local Government me computer Operator hoon, hamary Town ki Salary mein banata hoon mein es notification se clear nahe hoon ke BS-1 to BS-4 ko Pre-Mature increament laga ke us per 10 Adhoc dena hai ya Adhoc laga ke phir Pre-Mature increment deni hai

    Please Reply soon as soon possible


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