Eid Bonus to FESCO Employees on the Eve of Eid-ul-Fitr

Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited, Human Resources & Admn Directorate has issued Notification No. 2044/HR/ dated 26th July 2014 in connection with Eid Bonus to FESCO Employees on the Eve of Eid-ul-Fitr.

In pursuance announcement made by Secretary, Ministry of Water & Power, Government of Pakistan Islamabad/ Chairperson PEPCO during the video conference on 22nd July 2014 & reiterated during video conference on 26th July 2014 for allowing bonus to FESCO employees on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, in commendation of their efforts hardworking over day & night during the Holy month of Ramzan, Board of Directors FESCO in its resolution No. 93 passed on 26-07-2014 has accorded the following approval:

  • Grant of Bonus equal to one month running basic pay to all FESCO employees including contract, Lump sum package and daily wages on the pay roll of FESCO as on 22-07-2014.
  • Grant of additional Incentive/Bonus equal to one month’s basic pay to all these FESCO Officers/officials who participated, associated and assisted in the video conference beyond the call of duty during the Holy Month of Ramzan.


  1. One month’s pay of daily wages employees will be calculated on the basis of working days of the previous month.
  2. 70% of the lump sum pay package to the contract employees.

Special Thanks to Mr. Mamoon Rashid for sending the copy of the Notification of Eid Bonus.


Eid Bonus FESCO




See also  Salary Increase Chart Sindh 2024-25 as Per Budget Speech

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4 thoughts on “Eid Bonus to FESCO Employees on the Eve of Eid-ul-Fitr

  1. Thank u madam for timely posting this notification.plz keep it up.
    And whats about upgrdation of clerical staff in federal govt depts. Notification regarding upgradation of superintendent is not issued uptill now despites its announcement in federal budget FY 14-15??
    Plz update if u have


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