Fixation of Pay on Appointment to a Higher Post on Contract Basis

Pakistan Water and Development Authority, Finance Division (REC), WAPDA House, Lahore has already issued Office memorandum No. F.O (B&F) 10-142/Vol-18/2432-2582 dated 27-12-2004 in connection with clarification of Premature Increment on appointment to a higher post on contract basis.

According to this O.M, a question has been raised as to whether Wapda employees appointed to a higher post on contract basis are to be treated as promotees from the date of such appointment for the purpose of pay fixation or not?

It is clarified with the approval of the Member Finance that such employee may be treated at par with promotees for the purpose of pay fixation. These employees however lose the benefits in case of their reversion to their regular posts in low pay scales.


Preamature Increanent promotion




See also  Notification of Regularization Doctors BPS-17 & BPS-18 of Health Department Gilgit-Baltistan

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8 thoughts on “Fixation of Pay on Appointment to a Higher Post on Contract Basis

  1. A.o.a
    I was appointed in Sindh Govt. as H.
    C BPS-07 In 1995 and applied through proper channel in NHMP Islamabad BPS14 on 2001 on appointment my pay fixed @Rs.3100/- which was leisure than my previous service basic pay i.e. 3540/- . I had applied for service count/ refixation of pay in 2005 but no result; applied again in November 2019 still awaited. Please guide.

  2. I m a Federal Govt Servant employee. I was appointed as UDC (BPS-7) on 8-5-1995. I was drawing pay Rs 1804 on 2I-7-1997. I was re-appointed as Asstt (BPS-11) on 22-7-1987, my Basic Pay was fixed at Rs 1725 without giving pre-mature increment which was less then my pay in lower grade. Moreover, I was not given annual increment on 1-12-1997.
    Kindly apprise pre mature increment is applicable to me or not? Please reply with reference / authority letter.
    A LDC who was re-appointed as UDC in 2006 in my department has been given pre-mature increment who had rendered less service then me in lower grade

  3. Dear madam,
    AOA. IT Is requested that I am reguler employ of punjab govt in bps 14 est, later on i was appointed on contract as sse bps 16 through proper channel .my pay was fix as next above stage i,e 18600 on bps 14 and 19720 on bps 16. but not pre mature increment given to me. kea pre mature increment mughay milna thee . plz reply as early as possible.

  4. dear sir/madam,
    i have been working as est reguler post now i applied through proper chanel and appointed for sse on i recieved premature increment and personal allownce of previous post by protecting my pay in this regard. thanks

  5. A.o.A dear mam i had ask to via email. please check email in which i want to ask question about my pay fixation. please check mail.


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